Veeky Forums diet at a gas station

Hard mode: No Fruits/Veggies or frozen selection

I'd also like to avoid the protein/nutrition bars, the others are off limits simply because they're not at the gas station that is in the most convenient proximity to my work snacking needs.

I usually end up getting pringles/chips, and some little debbie brownie/cake variety option.

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If only there was some other option... Like not being a fat retard and bringing your lunch from home.

>convenient proximity to my work snacking needs
Ask me how I know you're a fat fuck.


what the fuck is wrong with american football?

I went with a nutty bar, and peanut butter filled pretzels, how'd I do?

PS, going to start bringing lunches monday. Gettin' baggies and more household stuff this weekend, I usually just get fast food every day and don't keep much at home.

>how do I eat healthy at a gas station if I want to avoid the few things at a gas station that are okay for me to eat?

nigga, i said they don't sell fruit at the one I go to.

>I went with a nutty bar, and peanut butter filled pretzels, how'd I do?
How do you think you did? Are you trolling?

Honestly that was a stupid choice. If you don't want protein bars for whatever reason, pick based on calories and only that. Get something low calorie, and then bring your own shit as soon as possible. It'll. Even cheaper than going to the gas station for food that way anyway

Beef jerky and pork rinds. Full keto.

I know peanut butter has a lot of protein, so I figured I'd double dip and get two products that have it in them.

I feel like for gas station pre-packaged goods and avoiding the over expensive 6 dollar protein bar section, I did a'okay.

>I went with a nutty bar, and peanut butter filled pretzels, how'd I do?
>nutty bar
Idk what the fuck a nutty bar is, but ok
200 calories
>peanut butter pretzels
140 calories per 9
Idk how many are in a package, probably around 30 or so so
Roughly 500
>700 calorie "snack"
>your snack is literally more calories than my entire dinner
>and has no protein
How fucking dense are you

Peanut butters a garbage source of protein m8. It's mostly fat, doubling down just means doubling down on calories

OP here, actually the Nutty Bar is 470 calories, and 6 grams of protein, and the peanut butter pretzels are 450 calories and 5 grams of protein, so it's a 920 calorie snack, which counts as my lunch, and picks up slack from a 500-ish calorie breakfast which consisted of soda and a bag of chips.

Enjoy being fat and eating shit food.

>Nutty bar
>Butter pretzels
>bag of chips

pls kill me

Alright I'm done. Enjoy being fat. Have a nice, diabetes filled life.

Yeah you also said you want to avoid protein and nutrition bars, which are a good bet. You could also have gotten a bottle of milk, or a protein shake if they carry them. You had options you just chose to go with shit.

Beef jerky

That's about it homie. The rest of it will be sugars in various forms, either soda, chips, or candy. Avoid those generally.

milk + nuts, I can dig that.

I've always been shamed about drinking milk, 'cause all my friends thought it was weird to drink it. What do you guys do to counter the bad breath it leaves after you drink it? Provided you don't run off to brush your teeth after every glass.

I sometimes drink a gallon a day dude, idk why you think it's weird lmao. It's got great protein, fat, and carbs. I've never had bad breath from it I don't know what you even mean by that.

milk breath, bruh. unless you drinking that watered down skim shit. Milk leaves your breath stank AF after a few

Idk never noticed. Maybe swish your mouth with water afterwards.

Yup, I was going to say pork rinds for sure. Over 30g protoss per bag

Grab a turkey & cheese sandwich on wheat. They usually have them & they're around 300-400 calories with good protein & carbs.

Turkey Jerky is also a good option.

Power bars are just under three dollars and better than anything you've probably eaten in the last week.

If they don't have Power Bars there are plenty of much better options than chips and fucking pretzels. I used to be you. Then I realized a fucking power bar will fill me up if I drink half a protein shake with it.

Stop being cheap because being cheap only makes you spend more money in the end. You can get more stuff but eat shit or get one thing and eat as best you can from a gas station.

I would get beef jerky or just starve until I got home from work
