ITT We pretend we're /r/fitness

ITT We pretend we're /r/fitness

I'll start:

>I'm 140lbs 6ft and my lifts are stalling even though I'm tracking calories at 1800 a day.
>would it be a good idea to switch to 5/3/1 with smolov for squats to overcome this plateau?
>lifts are 185lb squat, 110lb bench, and 245lb deadlift btw.

Other urls found in this thread:

as if the dumb shit posted here is any different than the dumb shit posted there


Progress pic guys, first is me 6 months ago before my cut (total fatass) 3rd is me now.


exactly nothing changed
kek nice progress mate

Form check please.

>140lbs 6ft
Tfw this is exactly my weight and height


bulk to 200 and lift hard. don't become a skinny leddit drone

I started at roughly that weight. Weighed 135 ish at 6ft. Now 18 months later I'm 180.

>that's the joke you fucking faggot

I'm 5'11 169 lbs and my bench has been stalled at 205 paused for a long time.. Eating 3200 cals/day now hoping to break my plateau.

Wow you're dumb

> pretend

Many changes m8.. He looks worse in 3rd pic


all triggered redditcucks

Buttblasted Redditors detected

You faggots are the reason this board went to shit

>that guy who eats a loaf of bread between sets

I'm so glad the mods banned Brosciencelife!

His videos were misogonystic and problematic!

lel. I got tons of hate recently for saying women who post before and after pics should be prepared for creepy comments and it's one of the risks of posting pics of yourself online.

Instantly caused a shitstorm of redditors calling me a creep, and one guy even claimed what I said was as bad as someone saying girls dressed slutty on the street are "asking for it".

If you could see the people behind those comments you wouldn't care what they thought

That's why I don't take Veeky Forums seriously.

haha, I remember one of them had a username tag saying they did yoga.

Yeah that guys a beta liberal fag

>ITT We pretend we're /r/fitness
We don't need to, there's enough of these fuckers around already.