"Oh you're doing low bar squats with 405lbs or as us weightlifters call it, Good Mornings with 180kg...

>"Oh you're doing low bar squats with 405lbs or as us weightlifters call it, Good Mornings with 180kg?" My high bar squat with 60kg is much more impressive as I actually go through the full ROM as was intended. And in no way am I dyel, I just have honor. Something these fat powerlifters will never understand.

If you're going to fedorapost, at least think of something original. And no, I do not lowbar squat.

I don't even know the difference, or care to look it up.

High bar you rest the bar in front of you on your neck, low bar you rest it on the middle of your back and lean far forward


There is almost no difference.


Are you two trolling or have you two never lifted before?

If there is more than a 15lb difference between your highbar and lowbar squat then you are a fuckboy pussy.

High bar = Veeky Forums (badass)
Low bar = reddit (dyel)
Front squat = 9gag/ratemypoo.com (straight shit)

Because you do one (or both of them incorrectly)
It's almost like a completely different movement



lowbar is literal shit

highbar masterrace for life

>high bar

>low bar


High bar is on the top of your head, Low bar is at your waist, front bar is straight in front, back squat straight in back

Wtf is up with that bottom picture for power lifters :s

all these high bar vs low bar arguments, and I'm just over here doing front squats