I wish my shoulders were wider. I'm just starting fit and it sucks because bitches love wide shoulders small hips. Fuck I wish my dad didn't raise me on junk food. Fucking idiot I wish he was dead. Hope he dies of a heart attack.
I hate that my shoulders aren't wide
First of all, your shoulders are the least of your worries. As you lose weight your shoulders will start to look more proportional.
Secondly, don't try and blame others for your disgusting fat body, if you don't take responsibility for yourself you're never going to make it.
Good luck, fatty.
your gut takes up 70% of your whole body
dude your shoulders are wide af. so is your enitre body. cuz youre fat. the great thing is when you lose weight the rest of your body will shrink but your shoudlers will remain. pic related, notice how the same set of shoudlers look before and after losing a buncha belly fat.
>Fuck I wish my dad didn't raise me on junk food. Fucking idiot I wish he was dead. Hope he dies of a heart attack.
Beware of that edge, faggot.
i) Stop blaming someone else.
ii) As (checked) pointed out, your shoulders are the least of your worries
iii) As pointed out, your gut = 70% you
9/11 you got me reply
Don't worry dude, you are just one letter away from fit!
Next time you take a picture zip up your fucking pants you degenerate.
>wahh waah it's all my dads fault imma gud boi dindu nuffin
It's not that your shoulders aren't wide. In fact, they're wider than your waste. Your problem is your awful, giant gut being bigger than anything else.
Other than that youll make it OP
I don't see how they're wide desu. I mean like I'm a 5'10 Manlet who lived in a house where soda was more available than water. I lived in that shit 18 years of my life it Is my dads fault. He said high testosterone is bad. Fucking faggot deserves to burn in hell for what he did to me. He also praisesy brother who is a stupid little bastard who can't speak clearly but he kisses up to the fat fuck. I don't. I never will for what he did to me. I'll never get a girlfriend because of how fucking fucked I am.
Dude, seek help. I mean, mental help.
You can't deny he's a stupid fucking louse who needs to be purged. He ruined my development. I would've been a sports guy probably had he not fucked my development. Then I can't even get an escort cuz the county im in cracks down hard on that shit. I'm screwed. I wanna kill myself
Man, is this the quality of bait people are using these days?
Fucking sad.
Its not bait. Its the truth. U want proof ask for something i'll give it to u.
health is more of a reason to lose the weight, so eat healthier and be active - take it slow (no running until you've lost the weight) and stick with it.
hahahaha why are you sissy's such fags. Stay home and eat your frozen lasagna and drink your liters of Dr Pepper. The real world doesn't need you. And for gods sake, never breed!
The funny thing is he was physically fit as a young dude then he decided hey imma become a fat ass and I'm gonna ruin my sons life. All the kids are gonna pick on him cuz he's fat and no girls gonna want him but heh beauties on the inside right?!? Fucking Pentecostal christian dumbass socialist flip flopper who worships Tesla and compares my brother to him like what the fuck man like Jesus Christ.
your shoulders are at least average you dumb moron, lose that huge gut and you'll realise that
>Fuck I wish my dad didn't raise me on junk food. Fucking idiot I wish he was dead.
you don't look like a 8 year old boy, faggot.
you are 20+ it's your life. you could've been the chad you want to be.
not your father.
>tfw would gladly put on 100lbs to get my father back
Do u mean at least as in like they are more than average?
I'm 17 currently and like I shit u not my dad like bought mainly soda throughout my life. Like it pisses me off because it fucked me over so bad. I honestly wanna slit his throat while he sleeps.
you're old enough and smart enough to take control of your life now mate. from this point on its nobodies fault but yours, change if you want to, or keep wallowing in self pity, up to you.
you moment you realized you are a fat fuck. why didn't you change? you grew up with the internet. it's basically easy mode in terms of getting information to get fit.
you are 17, there is plenty of time of getting fit. if you don't have a sixpack by the age of 20, it is your own fucking fault. start now and fuck bitches in 3 years.
faggot. and if you don't want that father, i'll take him. for fucks sake I hope you die you fucking spoiled fat brat
>I'm 17
Another one
I still don't see how they're average shoulders? Because like they're not like super wide and it pisses me off for fucks sake
. not ? My bad
dude, are you literally retarded? do you visit a school for mentally challenged kids?
you don't have any muscle and have a fucking huge gut. of course they look small.
you never did ANY sport in your life. why should your frame be that of a athletic person.
Haha this is your dad here son, I'm so happy to see you so absolutely ass-blasted over being such a pathetic, fat loser lol. How does it feel to be such a repulsive fucking slug that no one on this goddamn planet would want to ever be near you lol. Your bitch shoulders are narrow than your bitch hips because you're a fag who's trying to get fucked in the ass, you fucking homosexual degenerate. Your brother is 100 times the man you are just based on the fact that one, he actually has wide shoulders, and two, he isn't a gay little ass cock fuck succboi you little fag, go blow a dog's fat cock you despicable, disgusting fucking slug. I wish you were never born.
You are already old enough to be independent. You just need to fight for your independence and failing to do so is only your fault. Your dad wanted you to have a good life and he has your interests at heart. If you aren't retarded you will improve.
What he said
You didn't have a sink? Fuck outta here with that soda bullshit. You liked the taste of it, stop blaming others, faggot. Sink juice all dey urryday
Like I don't mean to sound like an ungrateful prick (in before u quote me I do have issues) I just feel fucked over cuz if I was brought up healthy I'd be 6'1 or so and most likely would have some wide ass (in terms of bone structure) shoulders. I don't understand how u all wouldn't be frustrated in my position. Im not saying I'm not taking my life back I'm gonna try I just don't really see how my shoulders are average or better because they look small as hell (and yes I am a fat ass I'm going to fix that)
That's not a v-shape, you tard
The body's like this:
Thats not a V
My parents are those people who are anti tap water. They didn't want me drinking from the sink. They would've rather force fed me soda. I shit u not that's how it would've been
top kek i love you man
quit whining and start throwing out your soda and junk food
You are 1:1 my situation (except I am no retard to get banned since I turned 18 when I made this post)
I was too spoiled by my grandma, but at one point you will have to be independent. She did overdo herself on me, but I managed to control myself and talk things over with her and now my shoulders managed to pop and I lost almost all my excess fat. You just need to take control of your life. And don't bite the hand that feeds you, because without your dad your life would be miserable.
Jesus christ OP you sound so fucking mentally unstable. Do you get paranoid hallucinations? You sound like you're on meth, there aren't any weapons in your house, are there?
Your dad can't force you to eat. You are the one that decided to drink soda instead of tap water. You decided to overeat, etc
I dont hate him for providing me shelter food etc. I just wish he wasn't so dumb. He's not dumb socially he just doesn't understand a lot of the stuff about health and biology. Hell even the universe even tho he worships Tesla (not literally)
OP. Visit custom meal planner dot com and look up Scooby on YouTube. He has great advice on how to change your lifestyle.
If you want to start counting calories (you should, otherwise it's easy to lose track of what you're really eating) use the App Lifesum. It's real easy.
You won't like your new diet at first but after around two weeks you'll stop craving sugar and unhealthy food.
Dont starve yourself, aim for a healthy weight loss. This means eating enough to prevent your body going into starvation mode.
Youre 17, you should do this now, I'm 22 and wish I'd have started earlier.
If you're unsure how many calories your cardio really burns get Google Fit. It integrates with lifesum and makes it easy to see how much you can still eat today.
Read the sticky. If you want to push weights do Starting Strength. There's a great summary on bodybuilding.com (forum)
Read the sticky, it'll help you educate yourself on proper nutrition. Don't waste your calories on junk food or you'll be hungry and fail. Oats, vegetables, chicken. If you have proper nutrition y u can eat a fuckton and still lose weight. Just make sure you write everything down or you will fail.
You have no idea how many people would wish they had a father like yours (or in my case even a father at all). He knows enough for health and probably knows that a rich diet is healthy for a growing child. You want to look better? Then become better and stop blaming others for your pity and refusal to improve.
He made the pillars of your life. Now it's up to you.
I'm honestly sorry for being a prick. I just have been feeling hopeless for a while felt like I was gonna be a virgin forever cuz like I can't get a girlfriend an escort hell even a fleshlight. Like for real I felt hopeless I still feel hesitant but I'm gonna try to fix all of this.
guess what faggot? you're probably gonna be a fat fuck your whole life. you're gonna move out, get your own place, be completely independent of your dad, and still won't get in shape
know why? because you're weak. you blame everything on genetics, on your parents, on fucking soda.
be a fucking man. take responsibility. eat a goddamn salad. and stop crying about your problems on a himalayan midget tossing forum.