Meanwhile on Bizarro Veeky Forums

Meanwhile on Bizarro Veeky Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

i am attracted to women

High-carb is literally the healthiest way of eating!

It's perfectly acceptable to be a man of insufficient height.

Just bought a pack of Marlboros and some McDonalds this new diet is so liberating!

Keto gains!
It just werks!

Doing this very high volume, low weight program totally does not affect my sense of self-worth!

White people are smart!

I had sex yesterday.

I'm worried about getting a heart attack from my diet and training style.

I'm making serious natty gains. All vegan, motherfuckers.
>Eating meat

seeing great results from SS guys

Today I met a morbidly obese guy, he was pretty cool!

Guys I've been try to gain a lot of fat in a short period of time for summer. Does anyone have any advice on how to do this? Can I accomplish something noticeable by july?

Yesterday I was a bit alpha

Hello! It's very strongly recommended that you ignore the sticky and instead rely on anecdotal advice from your friends. Good luck!

Black people are weak!

I'm happy.

milk is bad dudes, be a vegan genius like me and drink this soy water instead

I've never been vaccinated for anything.

I lift

hey CHAD, what's your PROBLEM? While you are at the GYM, LIFTING, TODD is at HOME eating ICECREAM and watching ANIME. he doesn't EVEN thinking about COUNTING CALORIES

>tfw user is LIFTING while you're TORTURING YOURSELF eating PIZZA
I swear guys, it's all about INSECURITY, LOW TEST and AUTISM

Top bur

>wanting bread lines
>making gains

Burning sandals is the most alpha and Veeky Forums choice this year. His physique is aesthetic as funk and I saw a video of him diddly lifting 850lbs. All the other candidates are beta cucks.


I wish that was bizzaro fir

Mexicans are hardworking!

Anime is real!

I lift for girls like a normal hetero guy and not because of my insecurities

Scooby is natty.

meanwhile on blizzaro Veeky Forums:
Squats are the best lift


because steroids are extremely effective at what they do, you can get steroids on every corner and a daily cost of a typical testosterone cycle/cruise is less than a cheap fast food meal I find it obvious that basically every physique that stands out isn't natural


>Planet Fitness master race reporting in

Who else here Team Jeff?

/pol/ pls stay

Whites are still dominant!

How do you guys keep your gf from finding out about your side girls?

You don't have to chose between bulking or cutting. Just eat enough protein and less calories and you can lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. It works.

wow how new to lifting are you exactly ? 1st month?

Read the sticky.

on bizarro Veeky Forums noobs tell me to read the sticky?
but that's normal Veeky Forums

Starting Strenght is not a meme

I just don't keep any side girls, and neither should you. Be fateful to your woman or just leave her, in my book those are the only two options.

I'm bizarro barbell

you have to eat bread op, it's literally the jesus of gainz

Girls don't give a shit if you were born with a nice face or broad shoulders, they only give a fuck if you can improve yourself! Chad is a loser fuck who thinks his tall height, his perfect skin and his aesthetic face will carry him in life when in reality nobody cares about things you were just handed, but everybody is impressed by the ugly guy who worked hard in the gym to get shredded! Keep lifting guys!

so this girl looked at me today but I didn't care because I knew it meant literally nothing. you don't look at people only when you want to fuck them or something.

Dude, there's more to life than fuckingThis guys gets it

Low test

I'm a black manlet and all I do is eat pizza and bone 6' blue eyed nazi women

>so this opportunity occurred today but I didn't take it cause I knew it meant literally nothing.

lol at this, not even denying that there's a cut off for "sufficient" height, just that it's not a crime to miss it

Guys, I've been saving up for so long to get a Tsunami bar, I know all of you have one and say you can't make any gains without it, but now my rent's due, and I have to decide, which one do I pay?

omg wtf is that terrible or great for joints and stability


>Meanwhile on a basketball board
> >that guy who plays basketball in weightlifting shoes

saw a qt, flexed at her, we banged
business as ususal

I met Chad today, my old friend from highschool.
I asked him if he wanna go get some pizza but he replied he can't because he counts his macros, lol wtf are macros anyway.
We ended up just chatting for a bit until he went to the gym. His gf was there too and I added her on fb so it's just a matter of time until I bang her.
Was a good day as always.

Is all that matters guys

I'm a happy, well adjusted individual


>grandma(65) exclaims "FRAME" and feels my shoulders for 10-20 seconds
>asks if I've been jelqing
>gets boner "you tell me"
>"oh my god"
>holds my WEIGHT as we walk along the street with her nemises later that day
>touches my FACE at dinner

This is now a high est thread

SIR NYR comics are shit tier!!

Just look at dem curves on her chest

All the hard work I've put into developing my quads has really paid off. I was getting a coffee and this really cute girl came up to me and complimented me on my legs - one thing leads to another - and I'm taking her out for sushi tomorrow. Then netflix and chill, of course.

Glad I didn't focus on my biceps.

Stop fat shaming you pig and go back to Veeky Forums

>All lines are beautiful

>tfw gf

I like skinny women.


I've done lots of sit ups to spot reduce fat on my hips

>that guy who lifts in basketball shorts

yeah bro it sounds like you just want to tone up right? just do like 15 minutes of low weight high rep dumbbells, then do one of those 10 minute ab workouts, and walk for like 30 minutes on the treadmill.
See the thing is that when you don't use a body part the fat goes there, so if you work your abs a whole lot the fat has to go somewhere else
make sure to reward yourself afterwards! you shouldnt have to punish yourself

>that guy doing OHP in the squat rack
where else can you do it after all?

>that dude doing squats in the OHP rack
like what are you doing with your life

>mfw no even in bizarro /fit I would have gf

>look those faggots not doing barbell flies
it's like you dont want to make it

I"m 6'4" but I wish I was more like 5'9", it's a lot easier to look aesthetic then. Plus I would still be taller than the average woman. 5'9" guys have it so easy and they don't even realize it.

it's all about SOUL, BRAINS and KINDNESS.

while you're at home eating PIZZA, DYEL Dillan in LIFTING HEAVY.

While you're at some shitty concert, Dillan in JERKING OFF on his DAKIMAKURA

Never gonna make it!

>not doing weighted dips

overrated Post

barbell flies are a legit exercise

Lifting cured my autism.

I love jeff.
He is so goddamn natty and not a faggot at all.

I will vote for Trump!

Jews are good people!