Cringe general

Ok i might be a beginner and have been at it for a couple of months tops, but

>that scrawny guy who does lat pulldowns behind his head

>those flamingo legs who squat heavy with their hips over their feet and their knees going forward

>that guy who's deadlifting heavy while hinging his hips at 10 degrees tops and curling his entire spine for the entire movement

>that gril who takes up a bench to do a dumbbells set and text for some 5 mins

>that middle ages man who's on the phone for 40 minutes

Are they even trying?

Also cringe general i guess

>that scrawny guy who does lat pulldowns behind his head
Thanks, dude. I wasn't sure about it but I've always done them before my head. There are find if people that are doing it behind.

>that guy in a t-shirt and basketball shorts who does OHP in the squat rack.

>>those flamingo legs who squat heavy with their hips over their feet and their knees going forward

whats wrong with that

>the guys with hairy legs

I bet you still do half of movements wrong, yet you've got the audacity to brag about others. Cancer.

worst thing i've sen was a guy doing sets of pullups. After each set he would fill up his shaker, put two scoops of protein powder, and fucking chug the whole thing. I had to leave the room, I could not bring my self to watch it any more after the 4th set...

>>that scrawny guy who does lat pulldowns behind his head

that guy reporting in if this thread was made a few years ago.

FUcking didn't know shit about what to do in the gym and the barbells were too intimidating.

where else would you heavy ohp though
and whats wrong with wearing that

It's a shoulder and back exercise, targets different parts other than just lats. Not really anything wrong with doing pulldowns like that.

It puts extra stress on the rotator cuff, increasing the risk for injury

that me- ____-

> tfw this is me

you white boys will never know the feel of needing to trim your leg hair in summer

Did you even google why it might be dangerous and ineffective or did you just randomly, by your goddamn non-degree-in-physical-therapy having ass decide on your own "oh, nothing wrong here".

You made the (wrong) decision, so at least tell us what information you used in your life to come to this conclusion?

White boys can have hairy legs too. What the fuck are you talking about?

Or you can perform them carefully and correctly, in which case, they can do a very good job of building stabilization throughout your back and shoulders during Olympic movements.

A lot of the Olympic lifters at my uni are very skinny, and do a lot of strict behind-the-neck pressing and pulling so they don't snap their shit during a snatch or jerk.

Learn shit you useless fearmonger.
Yeah, certain exercises have certain risks. It's why you evaluate those risks and take care to perform them correctly.

Yeah, this. The hairiest race is whites from eastern europe.

And this

>those flamingo legs who squat heavy with their hips over their feet and their knees going forward

Which is how literally every weightlifter (I.e oly lifter) squats, because it permits maximum depth and thus prepares them for catching and lifting heavy weights from the bottom of the clean.

Next you'll be slamming on people for front-squatting or calling power cleans and snatches "crossfit-tier meme lifts".

Yeah I fucking mad.

>haha look mom i posted it again XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>Knees going forward during squat
epic 2008 meme there

I'm pretty sure he's talking about the all-knee-flexion, no-hip-opening half squats most people do

Yeah, because drinking a little bit of radiation everyday is healthy, right? It'll catch up to you faggot. This isn't opinion - these are biological facts.

>anecdotal evidence you gathered from a short term observation

Bruh. Eat my boogers. Fuck off with that crap.

The only thing cringe worthy in this thread is OPs one rep maxes.

This guy gets it.

>comparing a pulling down exercise to a jerk.
Just shut the fuck up

So how do you actaully squat?
I feel like ive been doing it wrong my whole life

user is retarded

Whites are the hairiest race on Earth you fucking cuck fetishist