So for the past 4-5 months i've been training almost every day at the gym for at least an hour...

So for the past 4-5 months i've been training almost every day at the gym for at least an hour, but i'm not really seeing any results.
I think it's my diet, i consume enough protein, but may be lacking elsewhere, can any of you Veeky Forums bros tell me what the best thing to add to my diet would be, or the easiest way to change my diet or add something to it to make my workouts more effective.

My diet consists of;
-Banana & shake for breakfast (with creatine)
-6-9 BCAA tablets (taken throughout the day)
-Shake with creatine post workout
-1 usually carb packed meal at some point in the day
-Multivitamins & Omega 3

Pic related, tis me.

bumpin my own satan post

whut r ur lifts

If you wanna put on mass you gotta be eating 7-10 meals a day, small but plenty..
Here is my diet plan:
TOTALS: 3,731 calories, 359 g protein, 380 g carbs, 86 g fat

BEFORE BREAKFAST1 scoop whey protein (mix in water)1 medium banana

BREAKFAST2 cups cooked oatmeal

MORNING SNACK6 whole-wheat crackers + 1 Tbsp. peanut butter

LUNCH8 oz. turkey deli meat4 slices whole-wheat bread (make sandwiches; feel free to add low-fat mayo and/or mustard)2 cups green salad + 2 Tbsp. low-fat balsamic vinaigrette

PREWORKOUT SNACK1 scoop whey protein (mix in water)1 large apple

POSTWORKOUT SNACK2 scoops whey protein +1 scoop casein protein (mix in water)1 medium plain bagel + 2 Tbsp. jelly

DINNER8 oz. top sirloin1 large sweet potato1 cup chopped broccoli2 cups green salad +2 Tbsp. salad dressing (olive oil and vinegar)

NIGHTTIME SNACK1 oz. English walnuts2 scoops casein protein (mix in water)

If not that then i'll prep my food for the week, 3 main meals a day, chicken, rice and veg
Steak pieces, sweet potatoes, veg
Steak, rice, veg

>Pic related, dinner last night

Do you eat veggies on a regular basis, or are you only getting vitamins (and fish oil for that matter) from supplements?

Not OP, but out of interest: How often do you poop a day with that many meals and calories?

Plus I also take my multivitamins 3 times a day, whey protein 2-3 shakes a day, casein protein at night time, BCAA's and L-Glutamine and fish oils

I just do a body part a day eg
-legs(not doing this atm cause cardio wrecks them)

But obviously i bench (incline/decline/flat) as well as do cables for chest and dumbell work, shoulder press is basically just bare shoulder presses but with some raises added in for pin-pointing muscle areas.

I've heard doing more than 1 muscle group, ie chest and triceps, can be effective, but i dont have the time and i really like being able to work my muscles until theres nothing left

2-3 times a day.. Gotta do what you gotta do

pretty much man, i mean in a week ill have maybe 3 or 4 meals which contain vegetables or vitamin rich foods, is it bad just to be full of supps?

You should follow the diet i just gave you or try to make it suit you, just make sure youre getting the good stuff in..
90% of gains are made in the kitchen, not the gym

Nice man, but as a student preparing for exams, i'm not sure if i've got time to do all this let alone be able to afford the fresh ingredients (eg, meat) day in day out. I know my diets way off but i don't think i'll get to this level of preparation

Basically before 12am I struggle to eat anything substantial, i mean i can and i have, but it can give me awful stomach aches and make me feel hella tired

Multivits 3 times a day?
Is this cause you're big or your multi vits just aren't strong?

Im a student too bro, i got all those ingredients (without the meat) for about £20, for 2 1/2 lbs of steak pieces plus 5 chicken fillets it cost me £16, so really £36 isn't that bad when youre prepping for the week, you know?

>pic related, my cupboard

>Complete noob
>Training "almost every day
>Measures workouts in hours instead of shit done

Jesus Christ, I think I know your problem. You are a a complete ignoramus. Read the sticky, read SS (pirate it if you need to), and do SS. A scrub like you needs to be on a linear progress program, and a scrub like you needs to understand the importance of rest days, especially on a program where you lift relatively heavy weights three times a week, like any decent LP will have you doing after the first couple of weeks.

Fucking NYR scrubs

We all gotta start start somewhere, dont be so hard on him lol

Also eat more. There's no way you're going to build muscle eating a meal and a half a day.

How do you keep your quads from looking like this? It's so lumpy.

>no mention of calories
>no mention of routine
>no mention of how "results" are even measured. lifts going up? bulking? cutting?
>the Veeky Forums experts instantly go to meme shit like vitamins, fish oil, vegetables, asking how often he shits, giving out some ridicolously exact diet plan

I gave him MY meal plan; he needs to see what a plan actually looks like as opposed to his meal and a half a day kek

thanks dude

It might be my frustration building over EVERY FUCKING NEWFAG asking the same questions and starting the same stupid thread because none of them read the sticky.

I'm 99% sure Veeky Forums whined at me over the same shit years ago, and I had actually read the sticky. It's the Cycle of Lift. Now he can go one of two paths. He can take my advice and actually lift, or be drawn away from the One True Path by the tyranny of broscience.

>no help to this thread whatsoever
>if i posted my workout routine, results, weight changes, calorie intake, youd be a stupid TL;DR nigger so GTFO this thread

I didnt ask HIM how much he shits, I asked this guy
can U not?

I was like you at one point too OP, stuggled to start seeing some gains, i'm not the biggest because i only started bulking a week ago with this diet, but remember, drink plenty of water to expand your stomach if you struggle to eat the meals, but its a must.

I came here for advice from people after giving my obviously shitty meal plan, i don't wanna spend half my day reading a fucking sticky

>inb4 read the sticky
>i read the sticky it didn't really answer my question

Or take my advice and look a bit more into the kitchen lol, everyone thinks you can gain muscle and not eat. Idk why

>So for the past 4-5 months i've been training almost every day at the gym for at least an hour
In other words, you're having a severe case of the fuck-around-itis. I recommend you get on a proven program instead. It makes a big difference.
Have you read the sticky?

Water intake is another biggie for me, i try to drink as much as i can but my bladder is currently smaller than my arms so pissing all the time is annoying AF

Your routine is why you're not making any progress. Read the sticky.

I do appreciate your input man, i'm gonna focus more on the diet aspect of things. But £36 a week on food, i can't afford that bro

>beginners pulling statistics out of their asses
300+g protein is beyond excessive even if you're 250lbs and on gear. You're getting over 100 grams of protein from just supplements, lmao have fun wasting all your cash, shill.

Have read the sticky.

Want help from more than this source.

Let me rephrase it then. FOLLOW the sticky. You're a beginner doing a bodybuilding split designed for people on roids. You're hitting everything once a week and you're wondering why you're not making progress.

What do you mean when you say
>bodybuilding split designed for people on roids
remember im a newfag
I'm doing a similar routine to almost all the people i know, how has 'chest day' become a thing if you can't do these isolated workouts?

90% was not an accurate number, i'm just trying to make the point that its mostly about the diet.. And what makes you think im a beginner..?

You can do them, but they work far better with steroids than without.

Why are they popular? Because basically every fitness icon and big guy since the fifties has been juiced to the gills.

Get a load of rice and a load of meat, cook them, mix them together, lunchbox them, aim for 2-3 a day, its not ideal but it has to be done, and remember to have these between breakfast, lunch, dinner. Try to have one right after a workout. And remember snacks too OP, rice cakes, crackers, nuts and peanut butter.

"Just remember to always put diet, training and rest before supplementation."
" As a result, taking a multivitamin supplement that gives you a flat 100% RDA dose is not necessarily the best way to go, but it is a reasonable and conservative way to cover any deficiencies in your diet."

Straight outta the sticky mayne, multivitamins shouldn't be your main source of vitamins

A split is a workout routine in which you separate body parts on a day by day basis. They were popularized by bodybuilders and have stuck around. Bodybuilders are on steroids. They also workout more than 1 hour on each bodypart. They can tear their muscles to shreds once a week and actually benefit from it. You don't, and you can't.

A proper split for someone who isn't on steroids involves training more than one body part on any specific day, ideally two, or at most three. This way, you can train every (or most) muscles twice a week.

Read the sticky.

Read the sticky.

Read the sticky.

Read the sticky.

Read the sticky.

Read the sticky.

Nice assumption. Here's mine: you're a faggot who lifts pussy weight but has already invested in whey and creatine with 0 knowledge of proper diet, thinking they'd bulk your DYEL body up. So when muh whey n creatine dont work, you come here confidently whining how you make no progress but having no balls as to actually let people look at what your sorry ass has been doing wasting his life for the past 5 months.

tl;dr go fuck yourself and enjoy your mom bod.

>as a student preparing for exams, i'm not sure if i've got time
Not gonna make it.

See it like this. your hitting every muscle once a week. Thres 4 weeeks in a month, so that means in 4 months you worked out every mucle group 4*4=16 times.
If you would ahve done a full body workout every other day, that means you've worked out evey muscle group 3,5*4*4= 56 times in 4 months. So now, what do you think gives the best results, working out each muscle group 16 times, or 56 times?
And if you're dedicating each body part for a full hour every day that means you're going too light, i could probably fit in 15 arm exercises in an hour, but that would mean i was going too light.
Read the sticky, get on a beginner program, SS or similar. Do the compound exercises and maybe 1-2 hypertrophy exercises on top of that for triceps, arms, back etc.

The fact that you're consuming over 100 grams of protein from supplements alone makes you either
1. Ignorant
2. A Beginner
3. Both

If you're any of those, you shouldn't be giving advice.

Anyone under a year of training/fitness education is still a beginner.

lit the best answer itt

hit the nail on the head my friend
you must be some sort of personal trainer god with all the fitness knowledge in the world.

Not everyone can be as smart and confident as you im so sorry.

I see, interesting.

So, am i working one group too hard? Cause i don't like leaving the gym knowing i could do more work on that muscle group, but i can't go flat out on 1 muscle group and flat out on another in the samee day ill fry myself

Also posted my diet, you can take from that how much proteinim getting from my food.

Looks like the threads about to die OP and I just finished breakfast, good luck in the future bud.

4-5 days a week is the optimum
don't overtrain bro, it kills gains
not memeing at all here

Im back! Sorry i had stuff to do, gonna get at replying now

Im never really get DOMs or anything any i go alomost every day. I know that just shouts out that im not training hard enough but i just dont have the energy most of the time to go any harder than i do - and now obviously my diet is the major implication of my energy but what i really want to know is...

Am i fucking myself over doing what im doing or will i eventually grow? I'm not massively displeased with progress but my routine really suits me at the moment and i fear changing it may give me less motivation to go to workout

don't listen to this guy, he's an idiot

>Cause i don't like leaving the gym knowing i could do more work on that muscle group, but i can't go flat out on 1 muscle group and flat out on another in the samee day ill fry myself
This is the definition of a terrible way to train. Training is not about making yourself tired. It's about progress. Keep improving your performance from session to session and you will see gains.
You could perform 100 sets of deadlifts following by a marathon and a roundhouse kick to the face. I think you'd feel pretty fried, but does it really sound like a productive workout? Of course not.

"Chase performance, not fatigue"

>no stats
>no macros
>no routine
Great thread

Thanks man, i'll try and not train as hard but spread my workouts to different areas of the body more.

Any suggestions on good combinations if my current routine is just

and by routine i obviously just mean what areas of the body i hit when i go gym

im a newfag to this shit you fuckin moron, i don't even know what macros are.

Do you know what would be helpful, tryna explain it to me rather than just pointing out the obvious

nice dubs, but this is literally not even that much food. when I did smolov i was eating 6000+ calories a day and eating out multiple times a week. you need real food and consistency. OP you're not going to make any gains at all from eating solid food once a day. you need to be eating solid food at least 3-4 times a day in order to see gains.

>shit routine
>shit diet

Read the sticky, learn about food, pick a proper beginner routine dumbass

do push pull legs / upper lower / full body

Okay thank you, is there any limit to how small and often i can eat? As less and more often may be easier for me than 3-4 larger portions per day

It's my opinion that one of the worst mistakes a beginner (and even more experienced people) can do is to try to come up with their own routine. I've been training for 6 years and have read many entire books on the subject, and I'm still learning. What I can tell you is that what most people come up with themselves is fucking stupid - sure, you may get some results but it'll be far from optimal.

It makes no sense to try to cook up your own shit when there are proven programs available for free that have been tried and testet succesfully for years, and have been created by coaches with decades of experience.

Also on a side note, do not ever try to copy anything from professional bodybuilders.


Thanks dude, it's nice to get some solid advice in this thread. Im gonna post my routines, just so everyone knows how im fucking up and hopefully maybe some small changes may also be effective;

-Preacher curls, 5 (8-10)
-Tricep pull downs on cables, 5 (8-10)
-hammer curls, 5 (8-10)
-close grip bench, 4 (8-10)
-cable curls- 4 (8-10)
-tricep dips/any tricep workout- 4 (8-10)
-dumbell curls superset x 2

-Shoulder press, 6 (8-10)
-Front raises 4 (10)
-Side raises 4 (10)
-Back raises 4 (10)
-Shrugs, 4 (10)
- Overhead barbell press, 4 (10)

-Incline, Decline & flat barbell bench (all 5 sets 10 reps)
-Cable flys (9 sets, 3 from bottom, middle, top)
-dumbell press 3 (8-10)
-More flys if i can

Back is just deadlifts and lat pull downs etc can't really be bothered to do the rest.

But now you know kinda how i do things, how fucked is my routine?

reps in brackets

>Train body parts twice per week
>Make sure the weight is increasing on the bar, if it is not you are not seeing significant muscle growth. Hit new PR's every week, track them.
>Compound movements first, supplement with isolations
>Drop the BCAA's they are a waste of money (youtube this if you want more information)
>Weigh yourself at least twice a week to track your weight progress. If scale is going down, you are not eating enough. If scale is remaining the same increase calories, if scale is moving up you are making progress.

The biggest factor in your lack of progress is probably the way you lift. Split routines are for steroid users and advanced lifters. If the weight is not increasing you are not going to gain much if any extra muscle. You have to be tracking and hitting new PR's every week (increasing all your lifts) or no significant progress will be made.

Cut the bicep curls, cut the machines. Do Pull Ups (assisted if you have to) Bench, Squat, Deadlift, OHP. If you want to hit curls, supplement them at the end of your workout. Try doing Upper and Lower days or something like that, but all muscle groups need to be hit twice a week and you HAVE to be eating enough to gain weight.

If you still dont see progress, you are doing it wrong. Also it's hard to say about your curren tlack of progress due to the lack of a before picture. You might be making progress that is suitable for 4-5 months depending on where you started from. We all have warped views about the human body here due to steroid users.

>it's nice to get some solid advice
Well then listen to said advice instead of ignoring it and just keep asking the same question over and over again. Go back and re-read the post you replied to until you know what to do.

stop this today

tomorrow is monday

go to the gym tomorrow and go to the squat rack. load the bar up with a weight that is challenging for you and put it on your back above the spine of the scapula. squat all the way down 5 times. rest a few minutes and repeat this two more times.

next you are going to take the weight off the bar and press it overhead, gripping the bar just outside your shoulders. once again, add a weight thats challenging to do for 5 reps. do three sets of this.

next, take a bar and put it on the floor with a 45 on each side. take a narrow stance with the bar cutting your whole foot in half. bend over with straight legs, and then bend your knees just enough so that they touch the bar. squeeze your chest up and set your lower back and then dig your feet into the ground and drag the bar up your legs. do this 5 times with a very heavy weight and then youre done with your workout.

come back on wednesday and do the exact same thing except instead of pressing the bar overhead for your second exercise, sit down on a bench and press it off of your chest. and instead of lifting the bar from the floor your can do some chin ups.

come back on friday and do the same thing you did on monday. next week do the same thing you did this wednesday on monday. add 5 lbs to every lift every time you go to the gym. eat at least 4000 calories a day. thank me in 6 months

I really appreciate you help man, i'm about to go to the gym now so i'm gonna mix it up and see how i feel.

I'm 6ft 3 and beforehand weighed something close to 11 and a half stone. I was pretty skinny and my BMI was terrible hence why i started exercising. Ill see if i can find a before picture, and also will check if the threads still here when im back from the gym, but for now thanks!

It's pretty fucked

Focus on reps between 5-8 (go as low as 3 and even 1 to prevent PR plateus) add 2.5lbs to each lift (sometimes more) per week, track PR's. If you are not getting stronger, you are not going to cause the muscle to adapt enough to grow. Movements should be for upper body; Bench Press (or DB Chest Press) Incline Press (rotate it in every so often) Dips (weighted when able) Barbell OHP, Lateral raises (to supplement if possible) Pull ups (weighted when able) and for lower body it should basically be revolved around Squats with a heavy focus on hitting PR's and rotating maybe some deadlifts in a couple times a month.

All that other shit is a waste of time until you are past the first year to two years of lifting or on cycle.


this this this. Do this OP

Guys hows
8x3 bench
8x3 skull crushers
8x3 curls/hammer curls

8x3 squat
8x3 shoulder ress
8x3 rows / other back machines
12x3 calves

Pls I need some opinions everytime I post this routine no one responds
Strength and mass goal


it sucks dick

Is this 8 sets or 8 reps?

8 reps 3 sets

I don’t have a recipe for this shit but I make a stew and divide it in to 14 portions, eat 2 a day with Greek yoghurt for breakfast and desert

Then I do 20 minuets cardio every day and Coolcicada's PPL

Is it the "optimal routine" probably not but I have been making sold noticeable gains

Think the best thing is to just find and meal plan and a work out and stick to it for 6 months

Dude you need to be eating a shit ton of protein every single day. Literally where is your protein in this diet? It's clear you're not familiar with IIFYM. Google the shit out of that and eat at the absolute minimum .5g of protein per lb of bodyweight (lean body or otherwise just eat more protein).

>-legs(not doing this atm cause cardio wrecks them)


>how fucked is my routine?


very very fucked

I can tell by the number of exercises and the rep range that you are weak as fuck. This is the type of routine you'd give to an 80 year old woman. You'd have her do it with 5 pound weights.

The main exercises you need to center around are barbell compounds. Do them first in your routine. Lift heavy, 5x5, 4x(6-8), that kind of thing. After you do 2-3 heavy compounds, move on to accessories. Do these isolation moves at more like the 4x8, 5x10 range. You'll find that EVERY program, upper/lower split, full-body, PPL, they're all structured basically like that.

You have no idea what you're doing. You would make much quicker progress if you read the fucking sticky and got on a basic novice program.

But you're not gonna do that, are you, you special fucking weak little skinny snowflake, you delicate little periwinkle. You're going to keep doing your Cable Fly 9 sets before your goddamn Dumbbell Press, and your FUCKING PREACHER CURLS before your CLOSE GRIP BENCH


Why the fuck do you need that much protein.

I am eating under 150g protein a day, and im 15kg of a 6plate DL.

>Guys hows


>8x3 bench
>8x3 skull crushers
>8x3 curls/hammer curls

>8x3 squat
>8x3 shoulder ress
>8x3 rows / other back machines
>12x3 calves

too fucked to unfuck, abort this monstrosity and get on literally any other established beginner's program

>almost every day at the gym for at least an hour,
oh gee for a WHOLE HOUR? How can you stand it? You must be Superman or something.

youre literally not eating enough.

Been working out 3 months and i look okay, might just be genetics fampai
Pic Related




Working out one muscle group a day doesn't work when you are really new and weak. This is because you aren't strong enough to put enough stress into the muscle to require an entire week to adapt (ESPECIALLY if you're doing stupid isolation lifts or lots of low weight reps like I think you are). You stress "chest" on Monday, it has adapted by Wednesday, then is spends the rest of the week detraining until you repeat the useless cycle on Monday.

Pirate SS and Practical Programming. They will have MUCH more detailed explanations of why you are a retard than what I'm going to tell you.

>i don't even know what macros are.

Oh yeah, but you totally read the sticky.

Macros = Macro-nutrients = Fat, Carbs, Protein

It makes little difference as long as it adds up to a substantial amount of calories. If anything, constantly eating will give you a more even level of energy throughout the day.

Also note that whole milk is a cheap and easy option to throw calories and protein at yourself and if you aren't drinking it you're either lactose intolerant or retarded.

Dude, seriously, stop fucking posting, read the sticky REALLY close like, then read SS, then do SS.

A complete scrub like him shouldn't start with challenging weights. He needs to READ THE STARTING STRENGTH BOOK to get a good idea of how to do the barbell lifts he's probably never done before, then do a few practice sets with the empty bar on each lift to get the hang of it, THEN add weight until the bar speed begins to slow ever so slightly. That will be the working weight for the first session of that lift.

It won't be terribly heavy or difficult, but he's a particularly stupid novice, he needs to start light. Adding 5-10 pounds every time to do a lift will make the weight heavy and difficult in real short order anyway, and starting light will reduce soreness and give him some extra time to practice the form at a submaximal, less-likely-to-hurt-his-dumb-ass weight.

>I had an underweight BMI
>So I started exercising

BMI is shit and you don't understand how exercising works.

All these scrubs falling for this..

just out of curiosity, is there a way to figure out about how much water weight you gain when you begin supping creatine? i didn't take accurate bf% measurements before. would you say one or two pounds, three to five??

Op you simply don't eat enough. Count your calories, be sure to hit your daily goals


just use one of the established beginner routines