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I'm starting nuckols 3x int med bench routine today to hopefully overcome my plateau. I was thinking of adding weighted chins 5x5 on day 1 and some DB bench and tricep ext on day 3. Is this a good idea?

after fucking around for a while i've decided to just eat at a surplus and do either SS or SL

here are my 5RMs

>deadlift 100kg
>squat 90kg
>bench 50kg
>press 35kg

should i do SS or SL? do the two extra sets actually help?


I'd just stick to 3x5 for the chinups if they're weighted. If you're just doing bodyweight, 5x5 is fine, but I prefer 3xAMRAP.
You won't need both DB bench and triceps ext. Just pick one for now.

Trappy, about the "customised SS - phase 3 for powerlifting" in the sticky:

1. Where did you get it from?
2. Why DB rear raise?
3. If I wanted to use a percentage of BP and DL for Incline BP and Romanian DL, what would it be?
4. In the Light Squat, it's 70-80% of what? 1 or 5 RM?

1: I put it together myself. It's just an idea, you can customise it yourself.

2: Trains both lateral and rear delts. As you're not doing OHP, it's useful. Regular lateral raises would work just as well for this purpose.

3: That's hard to say, really. For the incline bench it's usually 15-20% less than the flat bench, but this varies a lot from person to person. For the RDL, it's pretty impossible to tell. You're better off just testing the weights with the bar speed method and progressing from that.

4: 1RM

Yo, I've been doing SS on this monster cut - progress with mass is going great, but progress on the bar is coming to a halt.

Been thinking about dropping Squats/Bench Press/Press to 3x3 from 3x5 and upping DL's to 3x3 from 1x5. The problem I'm running into is I don't have gas in the tank to hit anymore than 3-4 reps at a time - no mas glycogen.

Any problems with this? Or should I work out another routine?

How was your Veeky Forums free weekend? >;D

pushups pullups situps squats lunges 2x a week

No, that's completely fine. It's what Rip recommends for the TM, but it should work fine for SS as well.

3x3 on the DL might be too much though. I'd stick to 1-2x3

You can keep doing SS if you can manage to max out on every workout. If that starts being too much, you can switch to a weekly program fitsticky.com/intermediate-programs

Remember to take a good rest between the sets. 4-6min at least.

It was busy. Technically I can't spend much time here today either, have another test tomorrow.

Sounds good. I'll try the 3x3 DL's and see how they fly - I've been itching for more back-breaking volume on that lift.

>have another test tomorrow

smesh it, lad




>those shoes
How the hell woman think those look good?



Dios Mio..

Is it possible to change your gslp so that it's 4 or 5 times a week instead of 3? How would you recommend going about doing that?

she has a long ass torso






Squat- 3X6


Abs - 3x12

Leg Press -3x8

Shrugs 3x6

Bench- 3X6

Dumbbell Rows- 3X6

Military press- 1x6

Seated lateral pulls- 1x6

Tricep extensions- 3x10

Seated DB curls- 2x10

Leg Press- 5x6

Hamstring Curl- 3x12

Calf Raises- 3x15

Abs- 4x10

Shrugs 4x8

Bench press- 4x8

Dips- 4x6

Dumbbell Row- 4x8

Chin ups-3x5

Military Press- 3x10

Face Pulls- 3x10

Chest flies- 4x10

Seated back rows-4x10

Advice please


You can make a split and use the "GSLP method".
There are examples of splits on fitsticky.com/intermediate-programs
Just use one of those as template and change to maxing out 2x5+1xAMRAP every workout instead of alternating between volume and intensity.

Try it out and see how it goes for you.


I like shoes with an open front (pic), but that one in particular looks pretty ugly, and doesn't even fit her feet properly.

Goddamnit I should get some implants.






This is /routine general/, not /hightest/.
Go be off topic somewhere else








>Take of picture of self
>Don't make bed, clean mirror or tidy room











that's a pretty decent rep, considering its a pleblifter

How do you progress with this? Add weight on every workout to both days?

Why not focus on the main lifts on thursday instead of only doing accessories?

Also, 29 sets on friday is too much. Make the training more concise, focused. Take the redundant stuff out.

Disregard . Don't add any other heavy compound movements other than what is prescribed until you've done at least one cycle. And It's ok to do both DB Bench and tricep extensions. Read the PDF Nuckols made.

Squats 3x5
OHP 3x5
Calf Raises 3x5
Lateral Raises 3x10

Deadlifts 3x5
one handed rows 3x10 (forgot the name of this shit)
Shrugs 3x10

Bench Press 3x5
Closed Grip BP 3x10
Chin Ups 3xF
Curls 3x10


Cutting. Focused in losing weight slowly to minimize muscle loss.

What do you guys think. Should I change/add any exercises? Is 6 times a week too much?

>I bench 95lbs for 3x10 but the man with the world record in bench press has DECENT form in the sport designed for competitive lifting with good form

Squats 3x5
OHP 3x5
Calf Raises 3x20
Lateral Raises 3x15

Deadlifts 1x5
Barbell Row 5x5
Shrugs 3x12

Bench Press 3x5
Close Grip BP 3x10
Chin Ups 3xF
Curls 3x10

its okay

What exercise should I do if my quads are weak?
Leg extensions, leg press, and hack squat machine feel sketchy on my knees and I can't do front squats because my left clavicle protrudes further out than my right one.

breh you got major issues if you can't leg press without knee pain, have you played with width and foot angle etc?

and squat more

Goblet squats, breh. If you've got access to a hex-bar you could do those pseudo-deadlifts. If you have a dip-belt, stand on two boxes to give the pl8s some room to dangle, and do squats. As the weights not on your back, you can't use your back to power the weight up - it's all quads and glutes.

But isn't it a bit lacking on back volume? Also DB bench counts as a heavy compound, right?

I know right, my knees got fucky when I used accutane to get rid of my acne (it even came back after I got off so it was all for naught).
Squats feel fine in my knees but I can only do so many of them before I'm completely fucked from the sheer workload.
I've played a bit with foot angles and positions but it never feels quite right and I'd rather do some other exercise if I can find one that doesn't fuck my knees at all.
Feels like it would be hard to really overload quads with goblet squats. I mean I can squat damn near 500 lbs but I'd have quite a bit of problems holding a 200 lb dumbbell in front of me.
I'll try it though, could try the belt squat thing as well, don't have a trap bar.

It is lacking in back volume, but I suggest doing lighter weight and higher rep ranges instead of doing heavy sets of 5 so the intensity doesn't affect your recovery. If you do back work or DB bench or tricep extensions, then do something like 3x8 or 3x12. Add a set every week and on the 4th week go back down to 2 sets. Then add weight the next cycle. That's how it's outlined in the advanced program.

is this ok for le natty lifter going for aesthetics

chest and back
bench 3x5
diddlys 1x5
other shit i decide to do that day for higher reps

whatever i make up, supersetting bis and tris

leg and shoulder
sqat 5x3
le press 5x3
whatever other shit i decide to do for higher reps

Holly Molly mang, if you're moving 500 lbs goblet squats ain't going to do much for you.

Go with the belt squats. If you're at a power-lifting gym they may even have the machine that's built for it. Otherwise you just need a dip-belt, a load of plates, and a couple benches/boxes to get the necessary height.


give me butt routines.

Body part splits are the worst thing a natural lifter can do.



Here's a better vid of the belt-squat. Straight-forward stuff.

Yup. They were made by guys on so much steroids that protein synthesis is elevated for much longer meaning they can get away with training a body part once a week.

Okay, thanks. Today I just added 3x5 chins at +15 lbs and it was pretty easy, but I have trouble doing multiple sets of 12 even for unweighted chins/pullups. I guess I'll just do some rows/lat pulldowns in the 8-12 rep range then around rpe 8-9.

>i half read the sticky one time and have no real world experience in the gym

Incline bench 3x6
Weighted Chin-ups 3x6
Lateral raises 2x12-15
Row machine 2x12-15

OHP 3x6
Bulgarian squats 3x8
Single leg deadlifts 3x8
Abs(usually a circuit of 4 exercises)


How does it look?

Yes i know that its really low volume routine, and im doing single leg exercises, but im currently dancing (inb4 faget) three to five hours a day, and cant really do more without getting sick/injured...

Deadlift 5/3/1
Front Squat 4x8
Calf Raises 3x15-20
Hanging Leg Raises 3xF

Push Press 5/3/1
Weighted Chinups 3x5
Dumbbell Rows 4x8
Dips 4xF

Squat 5/3/1
Snatch Grip DL 4x8
Calf Raises 3x15-20
Hanging Leg Raises 3xF

Pendlay Row 5/3/1
Weighted Dips 3x5
Military Press 4x8
Pullups 4xF

I didn't read the sticky. It's just pretty common knowledge that splits are the most retarded thing a natural lifter can do. Prove me wrong. Show me a single study showing that splits work better.

Seated lat pulldowns 4*12
Tricep extensions 4*10
Bicep curls 4*10
Face pulls 5*10
Barbell rows 5*5
Leg press 5*12
Squats 5*5
Lunges 5*7
Deadlifts 5*5
Crunches 4*10

All this done 2-3 times a week.

Very new, so advice would be great. I was thinking of including a plank routine too, most like at the end, before streching. At the moment, I'm working my entire body (since I haven't done any physical activity since ages), but later I plan on focusing on legs, personal preference.

>inb4 "the biggest guy in my gym does a split"

Day 1
Squat. 3x8 - 305
3 Count pause bench. 5x3 - 220, 230, 235, 240, 240
RDL. 3x10 - 200
Day 2
Comp Bench. 6x3 - 280
Incline Bench. 4x8 - 180
Close Grip Bench. 3x15 - 155
Bent over barbell row. 3x12
Day 3
Sumo Deadlift. 3x8 - 380
Front Squat. 3x8 - 195
Day 4
Tempo Squat. 6x3 - 280 Tempo is 40X0. Ie 4 seconds down.
Bench touch and go. 6x3 - 285
Dumbbell Bench. 4x5 - @7RPE 2x20 - 50
Hip belt squat. 3x10 - 45
Grip circuit
Day 5
Bench Press
1x1 - 320
2x2 - 300
3x8 - 225
Conventional Deadlift. 3x5
Cable Row. 3x12

>changing db rows for bb rows
>adding 2 reps/set on shrugs
wow you saved the routine you programming mastermind

What difference would it make, what should I do Instead

Thanks m8, I'll try them out next time nobody's watching so I don't embarrass myself lol

I guess I'll post my routine too, pls r8
OHP 5/3/1
OHP 3 sets of whatever reps the 5/3/1 was with ~10% less weight
Deadlift 3 sets of whatever reps the 5/3/1 was with ~10% less weight
Lat pulldowns 5x10
[Insert quad dominant movement here]
Weighted situps 3x15
Face pulls 3x12

Squat 5/3/1
Squat 3 sets of whatever reps the 5/3/1 was with ~10% less weight
Bench 3 sets of whatever reps the 5/3/1 was with ~10% less weight
Chest supported rows 5x10
Leg curls 3x10
Weighted situps 3x15
Preacher curls 3x10

Deadlift 5/3/1
Deadlift 3 sets of whatever reps the 5/3/1 was with ~10% less weight
OHP 3 sets of whatever reps the 5/3/1 was with ~10% less weight
Lat pulldowns 5x10
[Insert quad dominant movement here]
Weighted situps 3x15
Face pulls 3x12

Bench 5/3/1
Bench 3 sets of whatever reps the 5/3/1 was with ~10% less weight
Squat 3 sets of whatever reps the 5/3/1 was with ~10% less weight
Chest supported rows 5x10
Leg curls 3x10
Weighted situps 3x15
Preacher curls 3x10


Training maxes:
OHP: 85 kg
Squat: 205 kg (training beltless atm)
Bench: 130 kg
Deadlift: 225 kg (also beltless)

Weight: 77 kg
Height: 174 cm (>tfw manlet)

Are you brand new to lifting? What are your lifts?


2x3 deadlifts
3x5 front squats
3x5 push press
3xF V-ups

W & F

3x3-5 bench
3x3-5 back squats
3xF chinups
3xF V-ups

230 kg dead
125 bench
160 back squat

push press was 75 kg working weights last time, but I've only started very recently on it so I'm expecting it to go higher. Same with front squat, I'm only starting to get my form together so it's currently 90 kg working weights but rises every workout. The other won't I'm doing a slow cut at the moment.

and changed calf and lateral raises
and deadlift sets
not to mention 5x5 barbell is much different that 3x10 dumbbell

if he wants a different program then he should do an established program

oh my bad

didn't realise you made more things worse

please tell me what you'd do instead boris
3x5 calf raises is a good idea?
3x5 deadlifts twice a week?
Shrugs must exclusively be done with 10 reps?

i do this split 6 days aweek

many splits are not just once a week

>doing sets of 20, ever
>doing sets of 15, basically ever
>sets of 12 is somehow a fix from sets of 10 for shrugs
>doing bb rows instead of db is somehow a fix
>6 days a week, let alone while cutting

you don't have to be that smart to realise shit programming


Bench 5x5
OHP 3x8-12
Incline Press 3x8-12
Rope Pushdowns 3x8-12
Dips 3x8-12
Lat raises 3x15-20
Standing Tricep Extensions 3x8-12

DL 5x5
Cable Rows 3x8-12
Pullups or Chin ups 3x8-12
Face pulls 3x15-20
Cable Rope Curls 3x8-12
Hammer Curls 3x8-12
Preacher Curls 3x8-12


Squats 5x5
RDL 3x8-12
Calf Raises 3x8-12
Leg Press 3x8-12
Laying Leg Curls 3x8-12
Seated Leg Curls 3x8-12


Been doing this for 2 months and already like it way more than bro splits

>doing sets of 20, ever
yeah especially on a muscle group composed of the most type II muscle fibers than anything else
>doing sets of 15, basically ever
refer above, like theres anything wrong with 15 anyways
>sets of 12 is somehow a fix from sets of 10 for shrugs
it is slightly lighter
>doing bb rows instead of db is somehow a fix
it's a big improvement
>6 days a week, let alone while cutting
6 days a week is super reasonable while bulking, and he said he wanted 6 days a week. if i changed it that much I'd just recommend a different program.
Though I do recommend all beginners canditos linear programs

>muscle group composed of the most type II muscle fibres
>implying those fibres aren't already constantly trained and we need to 'target them'
>implying targetting type II muscle fibres would result in any degree of significant hypertrophy
>implying sets of 20 elicit any beneficial adaptation

>like theres anything wrong with 15 anyways
it makes the already light set of 10 lat raises even lighter and reduces the mechanical work/fatigue to a less useful level.

>it is slightly lighter
yeah cause sets of 10 shrugs is way too much weight, lets add 2 reps to make it light - cause thats a good idea. you 'fixed' it

>its a big improvement
>implying posterior chain work is lacking and we need to target it more
>programming genius to the rescue

>6 days a week is super reasonable
you know how I know you're small and weak?

>Don't add any other heavy compound movements

user, please. Chinups will not interfere with benching, you're using the opposite musculature, and Nuckol's programs were made so that you customise them and put them together with the other ones.
You're not supposed to do nothing but benching.
Also, he includes chinups himself on the program. user just wants higher frequency with those, which is completely fine.

Do your chinups, they will not interfere with benching. The muscles used on each lift are different (chinups use your chest but to a very small degree).

Read the "routine tips" section on fitsticky.com/novice-programs

Back squats are limited by your quads, so if your back squats go up, your quad strength is going up.
If you need accessories, you can try hack squats (with the barbell, not the machine) or deficit deadlifts (to the knees only if you're worried about fatiguing your hip extensors)

Read the "routine tips" section on fitsticky.com/novice-programs

That's fine for your purpose, but I'd suggest adding at least the split squats to A. If you're dancing, you'd want a stronger lowerbody.

ya gonna post anything helpful or just complain some more?

and your stats are?

oh, so you being wrong is somehow helpful? and me telling you when and why you're wrong isn't helpful? curious

evidently you're a child and don't like being contradicted


>you're working out wrong
not possible
>and me telling you when and why you're wrong isn't helpful?
it isn't actually, the program is never fixed nor is an alternative suggested

and your stats are?


Bench 4x8
OHP 4x8
Incline DB press 4x8
Dips 3xFailure
EZ skullcrushers 4x8
Squats 3x5

Rows 4x8
Pull-ups 4x8-10
Kroc rows 4x8
EZ bicep curls 4x8
Hammer curls 4x8
Deadlift 1x5


Do you think this is a good routine while on a cut? Would you change or add anything?

>you can't have a bad/inferior programme
i beg to differ m80

and being told something is wrong is learning, but you (being a child) think being helpful must mean being spoon fed first a correction and then a better alternative forward. hows about graduating 5th grade and being independent there, champ?

and your stats are? haha owned you