If you don't have pic related. Nothing else matters

Go see a shrink you fucking basket case


yo if I saw that girl at a party I wouldn't talk to her

Jealous that we meet all of these attraction attributes?

Pic related, me enjoying a cocktail in first class.

Like hell you wouldn't.

we already got a thread dumbufkcs

I don't see money anywhere in that pic senpai

Because you have autism and you couldn't talk to ANY girl

>dick nose
>weak chin
>reflective pale skin

literally nobody here would

Your point? You're on Veeky Forums we already assume you wouldn't talk to any girl.

I wouldn't because I'm turbo beta

>Emilia Clarke
>Emilia Clarke
>Emilia Clarke
>Emilia Clarke
>Emilia Clarke

cool study bro

Oh shit, please don't kill me

ah yes, the "emilia clarke is ugly" meem. one of my favourites!

Dropping some experience for anyone who gets caught up on any single one thing.
I had/have bells pallsy. One day my face just up anc fucking quit on me. I used to post on /soc/ and both genders would say I'm an 8. So yay, confidence boost, why not?
Ok so now half my face is fucked, you can let that shit get you down or you can own it. "Master of your flesh" or whatever. You want to be attractive? Are you mid 20's skinnyfat thinking one day greatness will manifest in you and you'll just "make it"? You can't convince anyone to believe in you unless you believe in you.you're a human being, that's a pretty fucking rad thing to be in this day and age. Treat it like a gift and show some appreciation for it, simply don't be a loser who comes up with reasons for why something will fail before you give it a shot. Put forth an effort; not one fourth an effort.

straight eyebrows are shit-tier

arched eyebrows masterrace

>Thinking the Mother of Burgers and Breaker of Belts is attractive

Looking like a generic white guy will totally get you all the pussy

>emilia clarke
>jennifer lawrence

Jesus, what mongoloids took part in this poll?


Well, fuck.

BREAHSs It's high test. She's past puberty now. hmmm