This is the body women want

This is the body women want.

10/10 post friend, how do i give gold?

This is the body women want.

>implying women don't love the bbc

and this is the potty women want.

> the body

Keking hard boys. It's all about the face. Pic related, went from a 3/10 to an 8/10 after some weight loss

This is the body women want.

This is the face and body women want... He is literally SLAYING bitches


pls be bait

I'd slay so much pussy if I wore a mask everywhere. I can do that right? It's not illegal or anything? I wanna go full bane mode.

LeReddit newfag pls go

This one drives women absolutely crazy.

Im pretty sure it is illegal, disgusing/concealinf your face... Anyway you would look like a serial autist so save it for the apocalypse or like jason "thick thunder down under" voorhees you can wait to go "camping"

Just the chin so I can hide my no jaw. I could wear those meme oxygen masks, they look pretty cool and I can just tell people I'm training for a marathon or something.

Buy an altitude mask and wear it everywhere, at work, at the club, in the shower...

You could probably bypass that by wearing a hospital mask. They come in all different shapes/colors nowadays

New Veeky Forums attire is medical masks

I'm tempted to do it. Surgical masks actually look pretty fashionable, dem japs know what's up.

stop posting your face on this board, i see it all the time.
you are not an 8/10, you are ugly, have no smile, ugly as hell eyebrows and shit hair. fucking die.


Lol I don't get this JoJo meme

fuckin ghreaaat good shit lol


I think you looked better before
>eye brows didn't look as thick as bigger cock I'm sure your sitting on for the picture
>used to have enough face your hair could fit well and even, Now just looks a poor cancer patient who glued a bunch of old rat hair with his step fathers pubes and put the resulting "wig" on lop sided like a child dressing themself
>your face looked young, I think your new face literally had the frown lines of a depressed Middle Aged woman

P. S.
Please quit posting on a site Intended for humans

Also you didn't lose any weight we can clearly see you hid all the excess fat in your nose

this place gets worse by the day


that poor guy, forever immortalized as a meme