Why aren't you eating more beans Veeky Forums?

Why aren't you eating more beans Veeky Forums?

>Tastes awesome if you cook them correctly
>Tons of protein
>Tons of fiber
>Low fats

I ate two cans of black beans yesterday with a cup of brownrice and 500grams of broccoli. All in all it was around 71 something grams of protein. Straight fire senpai

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i've been eating 1-2 tins of kidney beans for months now

~GOAT list
skyr yogurt
cottage cheese
protein powder

the above list is 90% of my diet

Skyr isn't yogurt, dipship.


i do. i love beans. theyre just a bitch to prepare dried and canned aren't exactly worth the money

tesco 30p value kindey beans

i live in fatland. cheapest beans are like 88cents a can and even that is pretty expensive considering id eat the whole can

Just because a modern yogurt company markets something as yogurt doesn't make it so.

Not all cultured dairy products are yogurt.

Beans are awesome and I eat them literally everyday. But keep in mind that they are not a complete protein and their amino acid profile ain't exactly great.

what the fook is it then

smells like yogurt
tastes like yogurt
looks like yogurt
is in the fookin yogurt section
has fucking yogurt on the label

god damn it its yogurt

I eat beans everyday, usually for lunch and then meat or fish for dinner.

>modern yogurt company

what does this mean in practical terms? if I have a soy protein shake everyday does that mean my amino acid profile is filled and I can get the protein from the beans?

im a retard btw

yh bro-science us up bitch

It's a Scandinavian cultured dairy product roughly analogous to yogurt in many ways, but with entirely independent origins, produced through different means with different results.

Calling it yogurt in recent years has been is the result of two things: to make it more appealing and familiar to modern palates,and to get around legal restrictions on using the word 'skyr' in certain countries (kind of like how certain products will be called 'dairy dessert' or 'ice confection' if the cream content is too low to legally label it as ice cream).

so yogurt then.

The Danes don't count.

your right its not yogurt id super fookin gainz soup

Refried beans arr good too

Do you know what a complete protein is because the name is misleading.

It means having a high enough value of particular amino acids not all amino acids.

To combat this just eat more of the protein and eat protein from multiple sources...just like OP did rice & broccoli.

Not promoting a vegan diet and I'm not vegan but don't just spew recycled garbage you've heard else where.

>Tons of protein
where does this meme come from?

Beans have nearly 2:1 carb:protein ratio. And their protein is all around shit.

I do not understand it.

yh but depends on the bean

high fiber 90% of my fiber comes from beans

>implying I'm not Mexican
>implying I haven't been eating pinto beans atleast 4 times a week, every single day of my life

Feels great

It's Icelandic

T. Scandifag

>tastes awesome if you cook them correctly
>canned beans

>theyre just a bitch to prepare dried

the sofrito is the only thing actually have you do besides stir the pot every once in awhile. just make huge batches and put some in the freezer.

I prefer to get my fiber from many different sources by eating a lot of low calorie vegetables and fruits.

Eating 1 or 2 large sources always gives me the trots.

Le Sueur Peas are my fucking jam though.

muh nigga, I eat three tins a day with my turkey chili. Pooping is an otherworldly experience.

You forgot
>tons of antinutrients
>tons of lechtins
>difficult to digest

You forgot
>canned sardijes

Because I prefer lentils.

2 servings of pic related + 1 cup of Pinto beans

585 cals
27 protons
27g fiber

bulking brahs best friend

>tons of antinutrients
>tons of lechtins
>difficult to digest


turns out this thing called fire takes care of all of your arguements

>tons of antinutrients
>tons of lechtins
>difficult to digest
Do you eat beans raw?
>canned sardijes
1. can't find it without olive oil
2. Full of fat + gives me acne

>not estrogen capsules

They're little pills of estrogen. Avoid at all costs


I don't want to break toilets because my body can't process beans that well.

>Le Sueur Peas

This man has taste.

People here shitting on beans cause they look at them like some sort of primary protein source.

You're supposed to eat them with your meat retard. You'll get less constipated and have extra protein when you would've just had rice or something instead.

But I get too much farts and a leaky anus from holding the farts.

If you're talking about soy beans exclusively, you're not totally wrong. High soy consumption has been linked with increased estrogen.Other healthy beans may contain trace amounts of phytoestrogens (chemicals that may mimic the properties of estrogen in the body) but the amounts are tiny, especially compared to soy beans.
Black turtle beans and kidney beans are probably the best two choices.

>Not eating wheat germs daily
>making it
pick one.
100 grams
13% fiber
25% protein
360 calories
rich in iron and manganese
Can add it onto oatmeal without changing taste. Replace breadcrumbs in recipes, make pie dough etc.

>fats are better than carbs meme
the only reason I don't eat many beans is because fats > carbs for a male

Add some flax meal into that.


Bruhs isn't just plain bean protein incomplete? don't you need to eat it with meat or something? same thing for other legumes like lentils

I eat a lot of beans. beans comprise the majority of my protein.

i never used to fart a lot but it's starting to get a lot worse. they're never especially foul smelling, though they never smell good, nor do they result is anal leakage, though it often feels like it, but they're loud. i mean really fucking loud and really frequent.

fuck off

damn are we lucky or what, Veeky Forums?! The arbiter of yogurt has paid us a visit! Yippee!!

>gainz soup

I'm never not calling yogurt gainz soup from now on

>Straight fire senpai

yeah, straight out your asshole
beans cause way too much gas

>look it came out of a cow and it's white and tastes like milk


Skyr is yogurt. It has the taste, texture and is made of milk. Calling it something else is reserved for people into semantics.