>You bulk because you don't have the discipline to cut
let it out, brehs
>You bulk because you don't have the discipline to cut
let it out, brehs
Other urls found in this thread:
>Bulking and cutting are pointless if you're natty
W H O ?
Didn't read thread, tell me who she is
>Unless they blast 100% of the time, most roiders suffer from ED, but they'll never admit to it. There's a reason every roid supply website sells viagra.
>I potentially have low testosterone
>I'll never actually make it
Okay to lift with a cold?
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Who is this male reproductive organ Gorgon?
Who is this shaft shaft?
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Who is this scrotum totem?
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Who is this semen sommelier?
Who is this urethra barista?
I can't outlift my mental illness
>using nutrition to accomplish your fitness goals only works if you're natty.
DYEL detected.
You can't out-lift time either.
>you aren't actually going to make it
>If you could get women through being funny or interesting or successful OR anything besides liftying, you wouldnt lift
skywhy12 is her Snapchat. She isn't as hot as she is in OP's pic Imo, and she is pretty much the stereotypical annoying white girl but you're welcome.
>you refuse to bulk because you can't stand the thought of being fat again
You're disillusioned and not eating enough
So does every guy
You are also potentially being a bitch
Not if you want to get better
Mental illnesses are unfortunate chemical imbalances. There's a whole community willing to help you if you really want to get serious about being it. Medication is only part of the solution. Lifting and making serious life changes will give you a world of results. You can do this.
Women don't go for the funny guy, but they damn sure stay for them. Fuck girls, YOU need to be the person that everyone wants to date. Stop waiting for your perfect someone, and be someone else's perfect someone.
Thanks for the reminder user. I'll just get my credit card out.
>it's okay to eat pizza sometimes when cutting
You are the worst kind of person. Willingly and knowingly spreading sickness to your fellow gym goers like a fucking hack cause you're too worried about not "making it."
Fucking kill yourself
Damn, this guy is a cool guy.
Don't EVER fucking reply to me again.
>Stop waiting for your perfect someone, and be someone else's perfect someone.
> I talk about judo on here a lot because i feel y'all would enjoy it
I just want y'all to be happy
>I'm sick and need advice from an Internet forum as to what I should do.
Hey there faggot. It's me again, just sending you a reply. Fucking kill yourself.
>wanting to be perfect for some stranger
>wanting to be perfect
pick one
a-any good looking grills to follow on snapchat?
THATS IT "pulls out katana"
No one on Veeky Forums actually knows what they're talking about
Where do you think HE got sick from? He has no obligation to sacrifice himself for some grubby strangers with no immune systems.
The rest of my life is shit
I just want to live at the gym
Lol bro. Btw did I mention you should KILL YOURSELF
Sacrifice himself? What the fuck are you even talking about; as if going to the gym when sick was good for yourself. Wew lad
>You are also potentially being a bitch
Why? I have wide hips. I have very low levels of serotonin and dopamine. I have small joints. I've been lifting for a year and a half, and I've been tracking my macros for 313 days straight, yet made shit progress. Because of my frame and potentially low test, I can't make the same aesthetic gains as the next guy who lifted for only a year.
But hey, you know, maybe I am being a bitch. I can only do the best with what I got.
But what I got is shit. It doesn't make me happy or desirable. All it makes me is a sad, weak, fucking mess.
oh okay, why I don't just shit right in your mouth
Nobody notices
Wood berry
Anymore pics?
Kek you're fucking retarded
>you bulk and cut because you don't have the discipline to recomposition
>bulk: eat a lot
>cut: don't eat too much
>recomp: weigh everything, count calories, measure bodyfat regularly
Who is this ejaculate magistrate?
Bulking seems 50X harder than cutting because if I bulk, I'll need to actually eat clean
No matter how hard you try, at the end of the day you'll realise it's all virtually pointless.
Who is this decision prison.
This board is fking retarded with all its dumb ass memes instead of giving actual advice to dyel plebs.
Or my son
>I'm American
>I've got a cold
>Better lock myself indoors
>Can't go curtailing the freedoms of my fellow Americans by making them sick!
Don't talk to me or my wife's son again.
Umm wtf?
Ive been on gear for years and never suffered ED and I don't know any of my mates that have either.
I find it strange that its always some Dyel natty kids telling roiders about the side effects
fap once a week (or when you're very VERY horny)
eat healthy fats
spend time in the sun
Your lying to yourself.
if you have been lifting for 313 days with perfect diet and haven't seen results, than your diet is shit and your routine is shit.
Its not your body shape or test levels.
Trust me I was just like you and i fucked around going nowhere for 6 months thinking my diet and training was spot on till some one told me otherwise.
I don't even know how to pronounce her name.
Fuck I'm old.
100% Correct. Clean bulk is the only thing that makes sense. Cutting cycles are way too catabolic for natty lifters. Even if they're done carefully. Look at Zyzz, how much size he lost while cutting - despite using steroids to build up all that mass.
I lost 7 kg in 6 weeks during my cut and did not lose any muscle, I even progressed on some exercises
I've never laughed so much at a Veeky Forums post and I don't even know why
that's because everyone on here is a dyel pleb who has no idea what they're doing to begin with
semen sommelieur got me. kekkin hard
She looks a bit fridge mode, and better coming than going. Couldn't fuck her from behind but her face isn't great... 6/10 maybe 7 in good lighting so I guess she's worthy of a few nights but I don't think I'd call her back after a few weeks.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
I find it weird how these doctors who have never had cancer think they can treat cancer patients.
ITT: you post a fallacy to justify your incompetence
They are Doctors they spend their 20's studying instead of fucking sluts at bars and having fun.
How can you compare a natty to a man who dedicates 6-10 years of his life studying
>fap once a week (or when you're very VERY horny)
you dumb fuck
like your friends would just tell you they have ED
you are one disillusioned SOB
>studying instead of fucking sluts at bars and having fun
you don't know much doctors I see
what cycle?
alpha lel
Same here, although it was closer to 8 weeks and I didn't see huge gains.
It's possible to cut efficiently while natty but it's definitely harder and requires more patience/macro jiggling
I would osoto gari you so hard I'd knock you out m8
stop it. i dont like this
>You'll never build proper muscle because you are afraid that if you bulk, you will get fat.
My brother.
I desperately want to "ejaculate into her vagina", if you catch my drift.
I do not agree with this pic. I don't think you realise how many spergy and autistic women are out there.
This. Once you realize most girls are just good looking sperg lords you stop giving them any power for their looks and banging them becomes easier than deload week.
Any advice for hitting on good looking sperg lords?
I would sashimi you so hard you would toshiba the shit outta here
Med students can get away with that but not residents. The residents I've talked to while shadowing worked ~80 hours a week and spent the rest of their time off studying.
Bulking also takes discipline unless you're eating a ton of junk
Probably because you have no idea if you'll reply to his post again
That's why I think it's funny, anyway
>Fuck girls, YOU need to be the person that everyone wants to date.
>Stop waiting for your perfect someone, and be someone else's perfect someone.
worth re-posting^
- genetics are more important than most people want to admit
- money goes a long way in making someone look good
>Real food is better than a shitty shake
Well, you might be right user...
I moved around a lot. So I would spend 2-3 months in the gym running a strength routine, then move somewhere where I couldn't afford a gym just yet. So I had to resort to bodyweight and weighted bodyweight workouts.
The past 5 months I think was the longest I was consistent with gym and diet. But unfortunately in 3 days I ship off to Navy boot and I will most likely lose all of my gains.
I guess I just expect too much out of myself. I got this intense desire to be the best I can possibily be, and when I don't live up to my standard I fall into this dark, shit pit of self pity and numb feels.
Thanks user. I gotta be more real with myself
I'll try the spending more time in the sun thing. Thanks user
>tfw washington state cuck, so not a lot of sun
They are not residents for 10 fucking years dude.
You hit the GYM HARD, while Chad eats pizza
Girls look at your gymcel body and think "ewww what a try hard" while they look at the chad and think "i love him, he just does what he wants, not even concerned about the whole bodybuilding thing".
Chad STILL looks INFINITELY better than you because of his GENETICALLY DETERMINED HEIGHT, FRAME and FACE.
Women are getting more and more choice and validation and its either CHAD or NOTHING
Why haven't you gymcels learnt yet?
no, I "bulk" because I'm fucking anorexic breh
baka desu
And yet uglier guys get more pussy than you left and right.
Opinion discarded
>you can gain muscle without eating at a caloric surplus
dyel hamplanet detected
>youtube comment
>calories in, calories out is not the whole equation
>there are people who will be dyel all their life and people who fight being a fatty all their life
>eggs aren't unhealthy at any amount
>bench press is completely overrated
>so are crunches
>if you improve solely for somebody else, you'll fail
>no fluid druid
kys desu senpai baka shitty list
Right in the fuckin feels
Guys I'm going to a club tonight but i don't know what to wear. I have a handful of basic polos and a ton of khaki chinos and loafers. I was thinking of wearing loafers. Chinos and a v neck white t shirt. Advice?
Lifting won't get you laid.
How the fuck did we go from this to THIS????
more importantly, is there a way to add subscription/paid snapchat hoes without sending them a god damn $25 amazon gift card?