Why are young niggas always looking so lean??

Why are young niggas always looking so lean??

Naturally higher test, plus they age better than whites, generally speaking.

They're like the Saiyans of humanity.

Why do body builders paint themselves black?

they do a lot of cardio running from the cops

Because they don't eat and play basketball all day. Then they go home and do crunches

They have a lot of free-time to do sports since they are busy avoiding school teachers, cops or penitentiary staff

So it's easier to see their definition.

Be Poor x Shot my cops

KFC diet

this hahaha

Chicken is like 100 cals per 100g and plenty of protein and watermelon is 30 cals per 100g. Get on dat nigga diet

came here to say this

darkness brings out their definition and they naturally eat less and live more active lifestyles than white people.

White kids: grab snacks and watch movies/play video games

Black kids: ride bikes (maybe stolen) to the park for some basketball and share a blunt afterwards.

its simple man, i live in so cal and it's clear as day.

Because nigger moms feed them bread and skim milk, while they hog all the food to themselves.

Most nigger kids only get one meal a day, and spend all day playing basketball.

Cause they have additional cardio due to running away from police

I've rarely ever seen well aging black people outside of Hollywood. Then again, of you start ugly it's not as big of a deal.

they eat chicken for breakfast with cornflakes.

Slave genetics

Must be in a Southern shithole then. Not surprising considering everyone there is trash


niggers love basketball and football simple as that

Less subcutaneous body fat and more visceral body fat.

when you think about it we bread slaves to be stronger, we fucking made blacks the perfect athletes

Because black kids go out and play outside

white kids sit inside playing world of warcraft and eating unhealthy foods because if the sun touches their skin they will die

>bread slaves

I want middle schoolers to get the fuck off my board

That's what they did though, toil on the grain fields to make our bread from wheat

Diet and exercise simple as that

I grew up eating a lot of protein and going outside every single day. Some of the white kids in our neighborhood stayed inside and played RS all summer

They also bred them to be 85 mean IQ dumbfucks, grats I guess.

>IQ goes down if you work a labor job and get treated like shit your entire life
Damn coal miners must have ended up with retarded kids.


Because dark skin increases apparent definition.

More of inbreeding, and the naturally lower IQ, EQ and social functionality of sub-saharan africans.

>They're like the Saiyans of humanity.

>He fell for the niggers are stronger meme


can confirm, am in West Virginia

They value leanness over size as a rule. I know all the memesters on Veeky Forums post pictures of massive black dudes to suggest they're superior to whites, but blacks I've seen tend to be smaller than whites.

Is there an explanation?

Poverty mostly

Because humans bred them to be athletic and strong, to make them more effective work animals.

outside of a few in prison, niggers usually don't squat or deadlift unless they play football, and they are puzzled and vexed by reading so they never caught the size meme

Last time I checked Saiyans weren't 1 standard deviation below the rest of the population in terms of intelligence.

This is a myth perpetrated by cucks. Thing is, blacks tend to focus on athletic careers in their early years as a way to escape poverty (and as they are less intelligent on average it's harder to do so through academia). Black genetics = Myth (High prevalence of roiding blacks in sports though, natural athletes are pretty much the same size as white ones though). Research indicates similar test levels as whites, but higher estrogen levels leading to them being more aggressive.

African people have less subcutaneous fat because of the hot climates.

superior genetics

I'm pretty sure OP was talking aboit their ape form

Sorry, it was not OP, it was this guy

You'll make a great sociologist someday.

I always assumed it was because they couldn't afford food.

Sex with white women burns calories.

I can't recall any black person I've known being in shape
Not even meming



>tfw was white kid who did these black things

b-but ima permabulk user

Imagine if you did parkour every day, but the slowest person got shot by the cops.

They don't have jobs or school they can afford to just work out all the time. The world is just a larger version of the prison they will inevitably be sent to.

my dick jiggles

But Arnie had relatively high bf% for a pro BBer, even in his time/gym.

but no one was gonna try to jiggle arnold, and those that did didnt live to tell the tale

there was a white vs black intelligence thread like 3 weeks ago and it devolved into /pol/ users posting meme images to try and discredit actual scientific studies