Day 1 of power cleans

>day 1 of power cleans

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Unless you want to be an oly lifter there is no point in doing power cleans.

>posting frogs
>doing power cleans

lmao friendly reminder to leave Veeky Forums asap because its full of disgusting dyel faggots.

I'd like to do some oly lifts, but I feel like it's probably difficult without access to a coach

They look fun and I hate doing rows.

i am laffin

Lets hope you never wanna participate in some kind of sport, fight or all round wellbeing.
Power cleans gets your heart pumping, glutes hams, back and arguably the best exerciser for traps.

Can confirm the trap but it's only if you catch the bar with your shoulders.

op here. that went fucking terribly.

nice bait fagtron

Do they work everything that rows do? Because I fucking hate rows

When done correctly it is a lower body dominant exercise, you use your traps to some extent but because it is a power clean and not a full clean, you use less weight = less need for upperbody strength

Starting to do those types of lifts is hard because there is so much involved in the movement that isn't very obvious from just watching.

it's definitely not a substitute for rows.

read SS for the form advice

I absolutely fucked my lower back doing power cleans. Thought my form was fine, but apparently not. Haven't been able to DL or Squat for weeks as a consequence.

>swapping power cleans with pendlay row

can i

>Rippletit's back exercise in his routine is actually another lower body exercise

>SS won't make you T Rex

Yes. But then you're basically doing stronglifts.

Well olympic lifters compete with snatch and clean&jerk, which are both lower body dominant exercises. And the most important accessory exercises are squats and pulls, which are also lower body dominant movements. But i don't think that many would say that oly lifters look like a t-rex

SS has actually lots of upperbody stuff for a strength trainee desu compared to other sports

thanks bro

How bad is it, if my heels start to come off the floor before the bar makes contact?

I didn't know chinups were a lowerbody exercise.

Inefficient for power generation and bar path.
Work on your tempo and technique.

They're fun as fuck. Power cleans + chinups is a million times better than just rows.

I must have long arms, if I start my jump at mid-thigh I just hop backwards.
I just tried exploding just above knees and it works a lot better. I worry that it's dangerous for my back though.
I watched Rip's and Thrall's demos and neither worked right until i jumped lower.

rows suck anyway m8
chinups/pullups and power cleans is gud

Widen your grip a bit.
And give a watch to

You got one for power snatches?

Not yet, but you can watch

It's for the full snatch, but the fundamentals are the same.

Thanks lad, seems like this could even teach a /plg/ tard like myself how to use the body.