Wow OP you sure know how to make a shit thread.
trappa ranks
Trappa saurus rex
It's he himself, trying to boost his shitty channel.
Fuck off, asian faggot.
Couldn't you atleast post the Blaha w/ guns pic?
That wouldn't make people interested in englin and search him on youtube.
Trapvenador lamborghini
i really wish he'd stop that shit. too cringey, stopped being funny ages ago.
I still kek at the Vince G welfare jokes.
The amount of spaced out bumps for this shiII garbage is fucking stupid.
>Bumping then deIeting posts
IiteraIIy a fucking faggot.
what's the context behind that
was it another one of Jason's autistics?
He's some DC lawyer who was suspected of being a pedophile but got off, most likely due to his connections in the legal system.
He has a YouTube channel he uses to mock fitness channels and deletes all mentions of his sick past in the comment section.
lolwut? where did you get that info from? never knew he was a potential pedo
stop shilling for this unfunny faggot
What past? Looked him up once but only found his law BS
El TRAPador
I fucking hate this guy so much, how do fuck does he think that his shit is funny or entertaining?
God, what a punchable human being
this dude is so boring familia
He has the same body students in high school have when they only lift for about a year
If you are going to promote Elgin post a less cringey ass thread