Has lifting ever helped you attract men?
Has lifting ever helped you attract men?
lel i didnt even help atract women
Yea I get a lot of attention from both sexes. I haven't fucked anyone in over a year, I just can't seem to find someone in a similar place in life and I'm done with one night stands for now.
>I'm a server
>try to get fit for women
>lose a shitload of weight
>get that squat ass
>tips from men raise
>specifically from gay men
>no less than $10 per person
>get regulars
>they'd come in once or twice a week and request my seating area
>making $2-$300/wk from these guys
>they hit on me
>made me uncomfortable at first
>but that dosh
>start playing it up
>act a little more flamboyant
>buy tighter pants
>buy tighter shirt
>get haircut
>they start telling their friends
>get more and more gay customers
>making more money than pretty much anyone
>even started putting on a little bit of a lisp
>making about $450/wk in tips right now working three dinner shifts a week
I don't regret anything.
I don't attract anybody.
stop shitting up our board bitches
>I don't regret anything.
And you shouldn't
Good man.
I've never gotten this picture, why not use icepacks or a bathtub or something? And then what, does he hold him for 8 fucking hours?
girl here. It actually made me feel more bisexual, and less into guys in general. must be the testosterone.
Yeah it fucked up my writing class. I traded numbers with the dude next to me so I had someone to hit up for notes if I missed a class, which is my goto move for any class. The dude wound up hitting on me the whole semester.
hey you're using your resources. no shame in that.
>be me
>get some girl back to my place with cheesy pick up line
>she brings her gay friend
>I'm drunk as fuck
>girl and I start to fug
>she's on top
>I nod off mid-bang
>wake up and her gay friend is standing by my door
>she's passed out
>shame intensifies
>Him: "You know, I could do things she NEVER could.."
>Me (drunk and delirious, thinking he's going to rape me): "Whoa, uh..N..No thanks"
>he gets her and they leave
Should I have done it bros? He never specified what he meant...
u know what he meant
This guy gets it.
>be hetero
>don't feel attracted to guys
>still want to suck a cock and make it cum
What do?
>Used to be hambeast
>Big ol' sweaty thing
>Start lifting
>2 years later I'm way better
>I mean WAY better
>Still not the best, but I can turn heads
>Great legs, nice shoulders, good overall silhouette
>I was more successful back when I was just easy fetish fuel
It's a good thing I'm not lifting to get laid or I'd have quit a long time ago.
Ask yourself user
If you had a girlfriend, would you be comfortable with her doing this if she was a server? Dressing more skimpy and what not for tips, tight revealing clothes etc
Not telling you to regret it, but just something to ponder
unfortunately yes
for every women that mire me
its 3x that for men
>tfw a gay guy likes you
Learn to autofellation
You're gay m8
This is a pretty gay thread senpai. I know some part of Veeky Forums is gay but not all..l.
If she was doing it for lesbians, it would be the greatest shit in the world.
>try to get fit for women
Suck mine bby.
I get admired in my gym a fair bit, and out.
I notice when I meet guys for a first time e.g. through a friend, they look me up and down.
yes, have a friend that has said he's bi in the past
>at work
>getting changed
>he walks in and watches
>can feel his eyes raping me
>always hinting at gay shit, pretty sure it's 50/50 bants and pure homo
>some other guy
>begs for my sc
>don't have one
>begs for my kik
>don't have it either
>calls me hot
>ok buddy
>first year of uni
>some guy in my sociology class believes I'm gay
>say I'm not, but he's got it stuck in his head
>always tries to make it seem like I have it tough because I'm "gay"
>get drunk and leave with his girlfriend after he sees me making out with her
>stops talking to me after that and is mad for some reason
What is up with people now a days, like being gay is still pretty "rare" not every guy is gay
i am a man
im attracted to fit girl
my girl was 120kg
now she's 58kg
im not even mad when she squats
sfw you fucking moron
you just destroyed many NoFap streaks now
boss just walked in and gave me a promotion, thanks
You making it user
Difference there would be that she'd have committed herself to one person. user's a free man.
Blue fucking board
>>>get some girl back to my place with cheesy pick up line
>>she brings her gay friend
"I guess this doesn't mean she wants a threesome" - user
I'm gay and beefy and only get mires from girls.
I just want to be some bigger studmuffin's cupcake.
>tfw twink face, disproportionately huge torso
>get told by dudes that I'm too cute to lift
>Unger adopted Schoep, named after the famous Wisconsin ice cream, when he was just a puppy, and the two have been together ever since. Now, at 19 years old, Schoep has arthritis and has trouble sleeping, the Pioneer Press reports. Unger found that water is therapeutic for his pained buddy, so he takes Schoep into Lake Superior and lulls him to sleep.
>Photographer Hannah Stonehouse Hudson, owner of Stonehouse Photography and a friend of Unger’s, decided to capture the relationship between the man and his dog down by the water.
>“Shep falls asleep every night when he is carried into the lake. The buoyancy of the water soothes his arthritic bones. Lake Superior is very warm right now, so the temp of the water is perfect. I was so happy I got to capture this moment for John. By the way, John rescued Shep as an 8 month old puppy, and he’s been by his side through many adventures,” she continued.
>John Lundy of the Duluth News Tribune interviewed John Unger, who described how Schoep saved his life. After breaking up with his former fiancee, Unger had been having suicidal thoughts. “To be honest with you, I don’t think I’d be here if I didn’t have Schoep with me (that night),” Unger told Lundy. “He just snapped me out of it. I don’t know how to explain it. He just snapped me out of it. … I just want to do whatever I can for this dog because he basically saved my ass.”
Yes. It got me a brofriend.
Masc are supposed to be with qt fembois, or AT WORST, with a qt muscular twink
>muscular twink
Us being together means there is two more qt femboys for you.
>being this wrong
>tfw skinnyfat guy at my gym with Justin's face, beard and haircut
the guy on the left looks like the guy that says you're a failure if you can't 2pl8 bench. meanwhile he weighs 225
not gonna lie, thats not that distusting desu. i get disgusted when i see feminine men though
Numerous times.
I can't even begin to count on one hand how many "daddie" perverts I have rejected.
The only person who is Daddy is Lord Emperor Trump. I am a Trump-a-sexual.
Though its also allowed me to slay massive amounts of twinks who just have an addiction to my arms.
There's arguably nothing better to have some fem bitch squeezing my triceps as I'm strangling them or forcing them into the bed as I rail them.
>Though its also allowed me to slay massive amounts of twinks who just have an addiction to my arms.
>There's arguably nothing better to have some fem bitch squeezing my triceps as I'm strangling them or forcing them into the bed as I rail them.
Fucking Veeky Forums is making me bisexual
>Though its also allowed me to slay massive amounts of twinks who just have an addiction to my arms.
>There's arguably nothing better to have some fem bitch squeezing my triceps as I'm strangling them or forcing them into the bed as I rail them.
Post pic of arms for scientific purposes
But I am a qt femboy ;_;
Good point. Go have manlet sexings you two.
Just imagine 16in arms with veins popin' out.
They're pretty generic lifting arms.
Though my new thing is trying to get twinks to lick my veins since I'm really getting off on my new found vascularity from my cut.
Post ass, bby
Yes, since i lost weight and got fit only gays hit me, and milfs, i wish i was gay
>tfw no baratiddies bf boobs to fuck
Guess we're king of the manlet's at 6'2 and 6'0.
We're just finish bulking. Yes I know I'm chunky.
Oh I'm sorry.
>fems totally ignored by masc beefcakes
>lashing out for their lack of masc cock
Which one of you is the bottom then?
>you can't be masc and ride cock
If she's doing what user is doing in the literal sense but mirrored to the opposite sex it's fine. I dated a dancer and a camwhore once, it's a job.
For the sake of my low self-esteem I've tested three dating apps. One of them was a gay dating app. On the straight apps I've gotten 8 and around 15 matches with girls. On the gay app there were around 30 messages from different guys in the first 24hrs. So yeah apparently I could become a gay slutif I'd like but mehh.
Bf's favorite position is from behind with my arm around his neck.
grindr is full of bots hunty
I am not a very imaginative person, I can only be aroused when I actually see things
Yes. About to hook up with a guy. Very nervous.
Just let him know it's you're first time.
Everyone's first time is nervous and awkward.
When I first started lifting when I was sixteen or seventeen, I asked a guy to help me get a barbell of the squat rack. Some retard had left it there fully loaded and I had no chance of even budging it. The guy I asked helped me get it off, then helped me spot for the whole session. When I said thanks he clapped me on the ass and said something like "anything for a cute butt like yours" or "can't say no to a cute butt like you" or something along those lines.
I never went to that gym again. I should have, since he could've helped me and I could've used a gymbro. I'm not sure if he was gay or if he was just playing, but I changed gyms either way.
OK I did let him know!
>losing bf potentials like that
autism pls
I'm not gay and he was at least 20 years old.
It's still legal.
I value my butt too much to let some juicer have it.
Naw. You probably could have just had him suck your dick.
Work out buddy and free blow jobs, you missed out.
Roiders are always a good fuck tho, they're horny almost 24/7.
Anyone that talks shit about you for doing this is dumb and probably poverty as fuck anyways. Good shit user.
Not even sure he meant it. I don't think he did.
Pls be in SCOTLAND
Dammit. I just wanna remain 5'4" barely 100 lbs but have a beefy masc bf
>5'4" barely 100 lbs
Homos don't like trannies, so blame your fate for being a born a femboi.
i-i'm not even a femboi, i'm just small ;_;