
Thermogenic adaptation has long been known to exist.

Just increase lbm or decrease caloric intake, or eat at maintenance for a while to reverse the process.

Shit ain't rocket science.

>tfw was born a fatfuck baby, fat all childhood, obese adulthood

Been lean and stayed lean for over a year now.

No sympathy for the fatfucks or their "genetics"

>body senses weight loss
>uses dwindling fat reserves to open a wormhole and allow infinite calories out of nowhere so that weight loss has absolutely nothing to do with how much food you eat

Even if this were true, it would just make me feel even more superior to fat people.

>you burns less calories when slimmer
no shit. It his harder to move 280 pounds than to move 170 pounds

>one small study on rapid fat loss with an extremely small sample size proves something that's been debunked
It's like FA doesn't know anything about badic reseaech methodology.

Explains why I always end up back at 20% 190lbs no matter how hard I try.

I've down doe to 165 10% BF and I always end up back at 190 within a few months.

Fucking sick of it. I don't get how 35 fucking pounds comes on so quickly.

fucking hate those quantum calories, man

eat less lift more

Shut the fuck up.

I've cut from 190 to 165 like 6 times in the last 4 years and I always eventually naturally end up back at 190 due to my appetite.

I don't even force feed I cut down to 165 and I am hungry very ofte, which leads to me rapidly going back up to 190.

I'll spend 5-6 months cutting 35 lbs and the it all fucking comes back within 4-5 months and then my weight settles again.

It's so god damn frustrating.

Obviously you are bulking to hard.

Try keeping the diet on for a year after you reach your target weight. You can't just get to a point and then let appetite regulate what you eat and expect to stay there.

NO I don't bro. Everytime I've hit 165 I always try to maintain it, I never start buying again. It's just that me trying to fucking maintain 165 sucks so badly that I end up naturally eating my way back to 190 without even mother fucking trying to do it.

It's like as if those 35lbs I lose don't even need 3500 calories a pound to gain back, it's almost as if 1k calories is enough to give me a pound of fat back.

I know that sounds stupid and impossible but it sure fucking feels like that's what happens.

I never ducking intend on bulking the 35lbs just comes back on so fucking easily its retarded.

honestly, i went from a fat fuck to a 900 cal a day eating disorder fag to now eating 2330 calories a day to cut.

you aren't counting calories good enough

That's exactly what I've tried doing every time man, it just creeps back on so fucking fast though. You would think you'd need to be stuffing your face all day to gain 35lbs back in a few months time but I am seriously not, it's like after reach 165 my body goes into this fucked up mode where it just soaks up calories for fat storage like its life depends on it.

Stop reposting this.

Yes, but this is not all there is to it. The basal metabolic rate of someone depends on their age, gender, and lean body mass. Heavier people tend to have more muscle, so their metabolism requires more energy even if they decide to sit on their ass all day long. And then you add the fact that everything they do requires more energy.

But if you compare 2 individuals with the same LBM, but one of them also has a surplus of 50lb of fat, both their metabolisms will require the same energy (assuming same age etc).

Big weight loss means big lean mass loss which lowers your tdee.

Meh, since I went vegan I eat tons of food (2k calories a day) and I still lose weight/keep my metabolism running fast, so... you don't have to sh!t up your metabolism to lose weight :)

You joke and you kid, but there are plenty of people (women) who believe this kind of shit (lots of fat women do, to be precise). They do say shit like that, and mean it.

take advantage of the easy gains and lift heavy, make sure you're carrying an extra 5lb of pure muscle every time you go up to 190lb. Within 7 cycles you'll be 190lb and 10% bf.

So keep weighing yourself. Notice when you're over 170 or 175 rather than waiting until you get to 190.

>naturally end up back at 190 due to my appetite.
>due to my appetite
I hate you people so much

Going vegan is the shit, m8

I don't even count calories anymore

The grass aint greener mate.

I wish I could just forever stay at 165lbs lean and never have to worry.

Just stop eating so much, fuck

Ok i will.

The problem for me is that I eat my protein, and then i feel like other food, its a vicious cycle.

I think im just gona stop forcing protein down and eat when im hungry only.

Inb4 lose all gains

Its pretty well known that you have to struggle, for about a year to set a new set point. But once you do, you are set for life. The first few months are the most difficult though. The difficulty decreases then afterwards with each month.

I'd say it takes longer than a year desu. Probably closer to 2+ years.