>born very attractive >people were too intimidated by my looks to interact with me >have no social circle or even anything beyond a casual friend >all my conversations are awkward as fuck >girls dont even hold eye contact with me because they probably get shy
I cant even lift because it would just make people even more intimidated by my looks and make my situation even worse. It's not fucking fair.
Caleb Baker
>my mom says im handsome
Tyler Jackson
>dad cums in my boipucci again
Jace Miller
This makes more sense if you replace attractive with ugly
Jose Gray
What do you stupid fucking idiots know?
Nolan Davis
Exceptionally attractive and exceptionally ugly men tend to have similar experiences. I always thought I was average at best cause no girls ever approached me let alone had a lengthy conversation that wasn't awkward until my best friend told me that he had lost count of how many girls went to him asking if I was single or if I thought they were cute. Men are intimidated by you, and women are too nervous to talk to you casually. For those that are ugly, guys think you'll bring down their attractiveness if you are seen with them and girls find you repulsive. Either way the result is the same.
Josiah Russell
Tfw 6/10 :)
Jeremiah Watson
you are NOT as attractive as you think you are
>all my conversations are awkward as fuck
what? If you're attractive you have an absolute ridiculous amount of confidence. There is no "i-i dont know if im attractive", if you have to ask you're not attractive. With confidence you should be able to easily lead a conversation in the direction you want
>girls dont even hold eye contact with me because they probably get shy
senpai, girls will use any excuse to make direct and hard eye contact with you if you're attractive. When you see a hot girl, do you avoid her eye contact, or use as many excuses as you can to keep it?
Not even trying to insult you, just keeping it real. Girls WILL make clear moves to you if you're attractive. You will know it and notice it
Nicholas Morgan
post pic
Jason Hall
hes right
It's so ridiculously easy to get laid if you have HEIGHT, FACE, FRAME
Hudson Russell
There is no way that intimidation can be the role reason a 'very attractive' person has zero social circles
Decent bait, I took it.
Carter Stewart
>get fat as a child >get bullied >lose self esteem >find Veeky Forums >become autismo >lose weight >people talk to me/want to hang out with me/girls are interested >too autismo to do anything
Benjamin Allen
Bump, Op post a picture of you
Thomas Davis
Have you considered getting over yourself?
No, I'm serious. I don't even mean this in an insulting way. Just relax and stop caring about what other people think of you. Figure out what you want to do, then do it. If you want to have friends or a girlfriend, find people with similar interests. Don't have any normie interests? Find one, just try everything, I guarantee there's something out there.
You aren't a special snowflake who's suffering is unique in the world. Other people have gone through the same stuff as you and come out on top. You can do it too.
Jaxson Turner
>I'm autistic because I'm good looking is this what ugly beta mommas boys believe now?
Jeremiah Nguyen
this is total bullshit. attractive and charismatic people control the room. guys and girls are drawn to them. you aren't autistic because you are good looking. you are autistic because you are autistic.
Chase Hill
I don't think you understood the post at all but okay. Not once did I claim that I was socially retarded because I'm good looking, I just said that OP's experience is not too far fetched.
Jason Edwards
>born very ugly >people were too intimidated by my looks to interact with me >have no social circle or even anything beyond a casual friend >all my conversations are awkward as fuck >girls don't even hold eye contact with me because they probably get disgusted
Bentley Brown
yeah, but some ugly fucks like me get triggered by this. Man, i wish i wasn't fucking deformed lmao
Dominic Gomez
Hey man, I've got a friend who is a 6/10 chubby motherfucker on good dau but is so god damn charismatic that he regularly pulls 9/10 beauties. Average and outgoing will always beat attractive and socially autistic.
Xavier Roberts
>born very attractive
Eli Ortiz
but it is
being attractive creates an entire new mindset, there is no such thing as social awkwardness when you are attractive
Also, how are women nervous when they literally smile uncontrollably just by looking at your face in passing? I don't really understand this, the more attractive you are = the more women will approach you/make it clear they are interested in you. You seem to think all girls are 2/10s who blush and look down at hot dudes.
You really think those instagram models who have literally millions of people jacking off to them are nervous of attractive men??
attractiveness = confidence = less nervous
Chase Diaz
>>find Veeky Forums >>become autismo
Maybe it's coincidental but that happened to me. After I discovered this place, I'm much more shy and awkward. Or maybe I just notice it more now.
Jeremiah Cruz
I did understand and I was saying "you" to apply to all people considering that notion as an explanation for their own situation
Jose Nguyen
kek. not here man. I tried so hard and got... nowhere actually ayy lmao Also i think that's one of the best pics i got ever, im uglier irl No thanks, who need a gf anyways :^(
Oliver Mitchell
You ever meet those incredibly beautiful women who do not actually seem to be aware of how attractive they are and have the self esteem of a clam? Just because someone is good looking doesn't mean they acknowledge it or are even aware of it. You seem to think that being hot is like a magic switch that makes you an outgoing social butterfly when the reality is so far from the truth. Why are you putting them on a pedestal? Attractive or not, people have a wide variety of personalities and not every good looking man is a football star Chad.
Hunter Sanders
>work in a drive-thru liquor store in the ghetto >black guys tell me I look like I could be in Magic Mike since I'm tall and big(6'3" 195 lbs) >I'm also asked if I play college sports >black girls get weird around me, especially if I make eye contact with them >girls occasionally flash me their tits >get numbers occasionally
I'm an autist, though. Whenever I try talking to girls at parties they get weird around me. Maybe I give off a weird boy language or can't read them, but I've always had a hard time hooking up with girls and making friends with other guys. Whatever, at least I can enjoy myself on Veeky Forums.
Cameron Cox
pls just rate me man, i think im 4/10 at least 2/10
Isaiah Sanders
This. There are many 7/10's+ that are GUESS WHAT!? human and all vary in personalities. Some shy, some outgoing, some sluts, some conservative.
Tyler Morris
you're not white and you're not a good variation of brownie sooooo not starting off strong in general if you are going for white girls. other than that, yeah you aren't v attractive and I'm guessing you have bad teeth by how your mouth is shaped/lack of showing teeth. don't let it get you down though man. not everyone can be a beautiful person. you do what you can to make it work for you. it's like being a manlet. tons of manlets pull really nice ass despite the memes. you just gotta make it work. it requires a personality. develop one. but spoiler alert a self depreciating one isn't attractive
Joseph Bennett
Who knows you will never pull attractive white girls as mentioned above. You can get cutish girls of your race if you get your shit together.
Landon Barnes
piss off manlet
Luke Young
>anime pro
William Myers
>or even aware of it
NOT true. Maybe we have different definitions of attractive? Maybe you think 6/10, or girls that are just not ugly, are attractive? I'm not putting anybody on a pedestal, I'm speaking from my own perspective, I came from this same shithole as you
Obviously personalities are different, but you're plain deluded if you actually believe every 7/10 girl is being "nervous" due to your godly aesthetics. Get a grip, these are creatures literally worshipped. It's much more likely that you're just not attractive as you think you are
Yeah, I don't speak for the majority of females, but I'm not picking a very small minority as my main argument, like you are. Occam's razor supports the notion that attractive people are confident, and that's the majority
Jose Ortiz
im in mexico tho, no i don't go for white girls i get complimented on my teeths because everybody has shitty teeths on here. I always get the mire of please just stop talking to me already, i don't even hit on girls anymore if i approach ever is in a friendly way but w/e, Stopped trying a long time ago. But anyways thanks user
Oliver Harris
image made me kek maybe it's a personality thing? if girls are telling you to stop talking to them maybe it's something you're doing and not what you look like. might be a culture difference but I've never met a girl that was that rude unless she was annoyed.
Lincoln Ortiz
Where did this meme come from.
When is it going to go away.
Eli Nguyen
Isaac Phillips
>>people were too intimidated by my looks to interact with me
>tfw I had my mom tell me this
And that's when I realized I as ugly.
Jaxson Wright
So wrong and delusional. As an actually attractive person I get approached for sex regularly by women. If women aren't hitting on you you're not attractive period.