Before/after motivation stories or pictures pls

Before/after motivation stories or pictures pls

imagine fucking those fat curtains.

>Such a pretty face
>Such a wasted face

>I'm meeeeeeeeltiiiiing
>heeeeeeelp meeee

Jinkies how much did she weigh before?

My arms are terrible, but she managed to be worse. I feel bad for her. Loose skin on the upper arms is difficult to deal with because you can't hide it as well. Shirts don't always fit and people sometimes stare at you if you wear short sleeves.

Damn, that's sad. Good for her though, that's some serious weight loss at a serious speed


Did you start of with a bulk or a cut?

Pls be shopped

she's the girl who used to wash her fat folds with a rag on a stick, and it stuck into her like like 3 feet, if you know the gif

How much does loose-skin removal surgery cost?

Cut. I was at like 27% lol


Oh, yeah the my 600 lb life thing.

It depends on where you live. Over in the US, it would probably cost something around $55,000 for her because women need the upper arms, breasts, stomach and inner thighs done and she's a severe case.
Insurance might cover the cost of the stomach, though.

If you live in a country like Germany, I've heard you can get it done for free.

Height/when did you start? Great job btw

5'9 ~180 lbs at start, 25+% bf
5'11, ~180 is the second, maybe 10-11.5% bf.
2 years and a few months btw

Congrats, was it a boy or girl? JK, you did awesome breh.Totally mirin.

She looks a little like the Android from blade runner. Pretty qt but her eyes are like 2 inches apart vertically

Shame about the flab

i want to cuddle her face.
Wonder what that flap feels like.
I looks like pizza dough, but i know it won't feel like that.

Its only Ästhetik so the insurance will not pay for it in Germany.

Actually, it kind of does feel like pizza dough. It also reminds me of a waterbed, but warm. It would probably be pretty comfortable to use as a pillow.

A sweaty, lumpy pillow with pores on it
No thanks

It's not very lumpy feeling. People like resting on breasts and stomachs even though they have pores. It's not too different really.

Nice job bro. Milestone goal right thar


Ambet is still working out and losing weight and is definitely going to find someone to sponsor her surgeries so I have no doubt she'll come out of this as a qt

what a beautiful face ;_;

bless her heart :(

Nobody got any stories/pics of going from skinny to stronk?

pls more of this Amber

Here you go
Now that someone mentioned the resemblance to sean young I definitely see it

On mobile so don't have the pic on me but I went from Auschwitz level 130lbs to 170lbs in about 3 years. I'm about 5'10, estimated 10%bf.

People tell me I'm getting big but I still feel and look DYEL to me.

wow, thanks, what a beauty, just the type of face I like, shame about fat wings tho

Nice legs bro, miring your work

She'll donate them to some burn victims soon enough

How long did you cut for?

A few times. Maube a year total?

Omfg is this possible that would be a great way to get free surgery

>kids toys
You didn't make it bro.

I LMAO'd when her scrubber disappeared into her fat rolls.

>tfw kids toys on the floor
either already tied to somebody, or a single dad.
fuck my life ;-;

Her arms look like rich piana's


Pretty sure that isn't actually doable.The skin is way too damaged and screwed up to be used for burn victims. You really think there would be so many people out there desperate and left with loose skin if something like donating to burn victims was possible?

How long did this take you? Got any pics from 1 year?


>those eyebrows
>that nose
>those lips
she's so fucking cute brehs. shame about those flying squirrel arms

It is possible though
They can even take skin from dead people, loose skin is perfectly fine to use

Always have mired this "lil" nigga

I don't think they pay for your surgery tho

Everything impressive except for the shitty ab genetics

is recovering fatty okay too?
I'm planning on getting to under 200 before I start to get Veeky Forums

same shirt? nice progress

Just how fucking gigantly tall are you? Cause that don't look like 300 pounds at all

I used to be you in pic 1 then in 2. As some advice as a guy that used to be in the same position, don't cut too fast, learn proper form, and start lifting as soon as you can. Don't be afraid to gain weight; shit took 18 years for you to get that fat - you aren't going to gain it back in a day.

more chest buddy


I want to sniff and lick your body. Pls let's see face.

I bet you can fuck hard.

2XL on left, L on right


Why the fuck are you waiting to get under 200 at that height

Lotus is natty

hoped so, thought so. im gonna fuck him next time im down south.

Isn't he Canadian

yes, i know which city he lives in
i live there too :^)

Good luck
Don't forget the lube

Trappy plz

You are my rock. Same issue. looked the same at almost 300. At 270 now but my diet IS SHIT. Planning on taking the summer off and just hitting the gym so ham.

>take pictures throughout cut to see progress
>barely noticeable differences despite losing more than 40 pounds

They can take skin from dead people because it isn't stretched and damaged beyond repair yet.
Show me some proof at all it's possible. Every time I've looked it up, it was shot down and nothing became of it.


Skin being stretched changes absolutely nothing when it comes to transplants
It is still perfectly healthy living tissue

By the way you seem to be so skeptical because you're under the impression the loose skin people get the surgery done for free in order to donate it. That's really not the case, they still have to cover their own surgery, which is why there are so many people with loose skin still

step up your shoe game son

I stand corrected.

That's a shame there's no kind of help at all.
I'll at least keep the skin donation in mind if I can ever afford surgery at all.

This reminded me of my mom

>be me
>severe depression, adhd, and scoliosis from middle school to college
>combination of meds add weight on fast
>cold turkey on meds cause i finally realized how fucked its making my body
>within 6 months have a gf
>start working out to support my back for less pain
>highest weight was 275
>down to 215 with much lower bf%
>no longer depressed and can use my adhd to actually focus on work instead of random things
>CS degree now just out of college in a new city.
were all gonna make it.

Good on you, man.

>use my adhd to actually focus on work instead of random things

I don't think that's how it works

Face like a sad angel
Body like a sad grampa's ballsack

Oh god I'm so sorry for her. Hope she gets that fixed looking at her face only she's a qt.

Cool socks bruh

Because ADHD is a bullshit condition used to excuse shitty behaviour in school and sell meds
>10% of US children are diagnosed with ADHD
>2 to 2.5% of most European children are
It's like Autism ,the spectrum is so wide that a child that just doesn't give a fuck about school and want to play outside can be diagnosed and put on medication

went from 250lb to 175lb
5ft 11"
XXL to - M
40" jeans to 30"

parkrun is latest photo

Oh so you don't have adhd is what you're saying

Fantastic job saving yourself from the dad bod road. You look great.

good job mate

cheers lads

mh... now you look like you have aids or cancer.
I'm happy for you that you lost weight, however now you got that marathon runner body.

im in a maintenance period now and my lifts are going up. far off a marathon runner body

LMAO Was thinking the same thing