Jaw thread general

>how to make face gains

For somebody with a recessed chin like pic related, would acromegaly (a "negative" side-effect of HGH use) grow the jawline to normal levels?

Other urls found in this thread:


ugly ass caucasian jaw line


pls show me one nigger/spic/poo in loo/chink with a better jawline than channing tatum, matt bomer, chris hemsworth, etc.

protip: you cant

Literally the only positive thing about having shitskin Native American genes is the fucking jaw line.

Eat shit white boi.

Curious about this two. I have chubby cheeks and want more of my cheek bones to stick out. Is it possible to do this somehow?

Yes but could you skip the need for surgery?

A recessed chin is the result of a weak jawline. Acromegaly makes your jawline "too" strong. So could a jawlet abuse HGH to get a normal-looking chin?

post your jaw then , why does it matter for you if every white person got strong jaw and you don't ?

Why don't you look up pictures of acromegaly to see if it changed your mind. Also, it will cause abnormal growth of hand, feet bones and soft tissue. We're not talking lengthening, more like growth of bone spurs.

you can get cheek lipo, but it will look horrendous when you get older

Grow beard

I have a wide jaw and my jaw sticks out. The problem is I have a fat deposit there that makes me look like I have a little bit of a double chin.

Is getting rid of it as "easy" as cutting fat? Is there any other ways to deal with it on my bulk?

I'm the same way, breh. You can reduce it by dieting, but you often have to get into the single digits for it to make a difference. Honestly I've been looking into Kybella recently


pic related, your cheeks are defined by the red area. The further that red bone is pushed "forwards" the better your cheek definition, the better your jaw, the better your chin.

This is also for you OP, your entire jaw, chin + cheeks and even the nose is determined by this bone.

If you have a shitty jaw, shitty cheeks and no chin, it means that bone rather lays farther back in your face, instead of forward.

Most people, like 80% this bone placed "shitty" in their face because of weak jaw muscles and shitty posture.

I had shitty posture my entire life, everyone in my family has a good nose + good jaw, and im the only one with a shitty jaw and chin + crooked nose.

>okay, but thats a fucking bone, i cant do anything about that faggot!

Well you can. Its hard to believe that, but that bone can be pushed forward with

>mouth close
>teeth together
>tongue on the roof on your mouth + FORCE APPLIED
>perfect posture
>strong jaw muscles


lol, I have a jaw like Dolph Lundgren's, cry harder

in the end, the white man always wins


REKT thread

This, I never shave my chin just for that.

half white

Yes, but black after all.

>this voodoo shit again
Go home man and take your witchcraft with you.

Nope, white genes make him look better.

lmao black people with white people jaws


I hope ur not black cause you guys have the weakest chins

As openly racist as I am, I still like to stick to basic realism. (translated to congoloid English: keep thangs reaaaal)

Jaw lines vary a lot INTRA-racially.

If Whites were allowed be the world Elites to have our own country we would breed up our Race via a soft Eugenics program, into anything we wanted.

Soft Eugenics is where certain couples are subsidized to have larger amounts of children, so that eventually they saturate the entire gene pool. Including paid sperm donation etc...

Hard Eugenics is where the unfit are sterilized by force. That's unethical.

Anyhow, you can select for any particular trait that already varies Intra-racially. If we need to be taller, we work on getting that. If we need bigger jaws, dicks, or thumbs that can be done too.

We don't need any multi-racial mass-immigration and forced integration scheme to save us from small Jawlines.

Fucking race Traitor cuck logic.

>post a nigger
>posts mulattos

sure they're both non-whites but he asked for niggers, not mixed race. it's obvious it's the white blood that gave them good jawlines.

try again.

if you've got questions about staggeringly complex phenomena like the human endocrine system, you've come to the right place for answers

So the straighter the jaw the more attractive, or is it the definition and how pronounced it is from the neck?
Are guys like Bale and Gosling considered to have good jaws with the more oval shape?


First guy isn't mulatto dumb fucker.

Oh god that video again. I watched in years ago.

>800 minute lecture
first minute: This really only works if you work at it in your adolescence.

>>mouth close
>>teeth together
>>tongue on the roof on your mouth + FORCE APPLIED
>>perfect posture
>>strong jaw muscles

When I apply better head posture, closed mouth, tongue pressed firmly to the roof of the mouth, I suddenly made impressive face-gainz. From a 5/10 face to an 8/10 imho, thanks to my impeccable hair.

The problem is that it takes tremendous awareness to do this constantly. It's pretty tiring.


of course he is