Sup Veeky Forums

Sup Veeky Forums.

>On holiday
>Gf trying to stop me from going to the hotel gym.

Wat do?

PS. She's reading this thread and hates meme arrows

Tell her to fuck off.

> Having a gf
> Going on Veeky Forums
> Asking Veeky Forums for advice
Something is fishy here, op

Some of us autists are high functioning fyi.


>Implying anyone gives a fugg what ur flat booty no tit showing gf wants or likes


Enjoy yourself since you're on holiday....or you can go early morning late night when she's passed out


We've been out traveling since 8am.

Gym shuts early unfortunately. Shit sux, but I feel like I need it.

Seriously, call her a gains goblin every time she tries to intercept your journey to gainshalla

>Taking your girlfriend
>Not just macking strange at a local bar
>Not enjoying your holiday
>Dating a gains goblin

shoo shoo

Tell her gym to you is like makeup is to her; you can go without it, but it just doesn't feel right.

Unfortunately she doesn't use make-up. But I'll try and explain.

You're on holiday, why can't you just go to the gym then hang out til it gets late?
You don't have anything pressing in the morning.
Best thing to do OP is to find a time where you're not glued at the hip.

Maybe invite her to come with you? Maybe she isn't letting you go because she wants to spend more time with you.


CHANCES are SHE'S. basic like most women and sees working out as 1) work, which is a no no on holiday and 2) time he'd rather spend away from her, working out (in womanese: working)

Insecure gains goblin

Damn fine without desu.

It's difficult when men in the street won't stop staring.

>OP definitely didn't write that with her lingering over his shoulder.
my n-word you are pussywhipped

Why would I be dating her if I didn't think she was damn fine, dipshit.

>gf trying to stop me from...

are you a bitch?

who cares what that cunt wants you to do, are you a man or not?

>hamplanet gains goblin writing OP's replies for him
Good god its worse than I thought

this. Don't be pussywhipped, do what the fuck you want

Here's your (you).

Obviously op should just go to a bar and lift tiny little Japanese men and have them worship you like some kind of muscled God.

Op here. We came to an agreement. I cancelled the gym and postponed until tomorrow morning so we can go together and I can form spot on her lifts.

>she's a bitch
>you can fuck off, too faggot
>fuck you both
>so what you gonna do? pussy
>more arrows fuck your shit

Nothing enjoy your holiday. When she's busy, with sleeping, doing make up taking a bath whatever go to the gym.

In a serious relationship your partner comes always first. You can always get your muscles back (which don't shrink even after 3 weeks without workout) but you can never regain love that is lost. You can only fail to try to fill the void it leaves.

If you love her & she loves you thoughts about the gym shouldn't come up at all.