Lifting for famiglia
Please rate and suggest area's for improvement?
Thanks Senpai
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Too skinny
Height and weight
looking ripped mate
What's your height/age/weight
You kind o have a similar frame to zyzz
70 kg and around 1.8m
I do, Asian metabolism just fucks me up
See above comment
Haha wow you're skinny af
here is a good weight gainer shake you can drink as much as you want
>1 whole banana
>half a cup of oatmeal steel cut
>handful of blueberries
>scoop and a half of whey
>full glass of milk
>tablespoon of peanut butter
blend that up and it's great to put on weight
also idk how much you're eating but I'd recommend eating 7-8 times a day and to hit over 4500 calories a day with your physique.
How many scoops of whey
Ah sweet, cheers bro
I don't whey atm
Eat more
82kg, 177cm, 20 years old
4 weeks in after 1 year of not lifting
Good stuff lad. When are you looking to cut? Can imagine how hot you'd
Started bulking like 3 months ago. Had a shitty couple of weeks during exams where I forgot to eat enough. But I've gained like 15lbs. Don't have a before pic though. Will I make it? What should I work on?
5'6" manlet :(
Get a fucking haircut and lose the glasses.
You make other asianbrahs look bad.
Also eat more in general.
don't ever fucking cut. u look perfect bb, take the bulk slow, you won't look as good when you lean out, rn u are literally a god
The hair is cut, are you blind?
Cos I am, hence the glasses asshole.
>eat more and continue lifting mode
>making it
pick one
keep going but don't get too crazy with the bulk. good shoulder:waist ratio
Just because its short doesnt mean it looks good.
Grow it out and put some product in it. You look like the kid who shot up Virginia Tech. You havent potential, just take my advice and go.
Your glasses are dope af don't listen to that other faggot
lift for three months
this shit is easy
really 3 months?
I legit just got it cut so I can control it as it grows out, here's a photo when it's how I like it
you and your fucking brothers need to stop circling the one guy lifting turning a space for 1 into a space for 5.
t. otherasianguy
Rate /10
Thanks boys
Implying you aren't
ayyyy lmao
"I'm your prom date you ugly sack of shit."
you look visibly poor honestly. Try income gains, and double back to workout later.
>still fat after 4 years
What happened??
136 lbs 5'11
Legs are shit due to slipped disc, okay fine everything is shit.
Okay not bad.
You have the back of a hot, butch lesbian.
>see pic
>read this
I have a back kind of like this - the top half is lovely and there's just nothign in the bottom half. What can we do about that?
Th-Thank you.
Spinal erectors.. Can't really work em
Wrong how?
God i hate it when latinos back in the homeland fucking dress like utter trash
Snap back, gold chain and a fucking ugly watch. Oh and don't forget the tattoo, better show the sluts how much money i make jejejje
Fuck sakes. Just dress normal and stop trying so hard
I've got nothing in the top half but the bottom is great. I dunno what I'm doing right but my spinal erectors are yuuge.
>butch lesbian
get contacts. game changer brah
used to wear glasses in high school, then when I got contacts went from 7/10 to 10/10.
Also change your fuckin hair cut you goku lookin ass bitch
deadlift works it. And variants of classic dealift
erector spinae
stats and routine?
no way thats 3 months
I said I have a slipped disc, meaning I can't do deadlifts thus I can't really work em, so not wrong.
God i love the atmosphere of that movie, Whoever was incharge of sound/music did an amazing job.
Quiet enough to feel like a real battle but enough music to keep it from being too intense
sry bro im a little tipsy. missed that part.
Nah, I should have specified myself in particular cant work them, or atleast effectively.
Proof men don't like real lesbians
10 months of lifting
3 months of lifting but I've always played sports
Here's my tricep
trying to cut.
Re rolling
Up to 185 since the last pic was taken. Advice on avoiding the plateau that follows beginners gains appreciated
>Advice on avoiding the plateau
Keep on lifting.
You can't expect a constant rate of gains forever.
gain weight man, you look nice with no shirt. But you should be like 165-170lb at your height right?
What mode am I?
435x5 Squat
315x5 Bench
515x5 Sumo Dead
225x1.5 OHP, got it halfway up on second rep :(
Are you serious? You posted literally 1/4th of your body... as is I'm saying 2/10 for lack of effort.
Jesus, you're lucky to look the way you do at that low weight/height. You're only a couple miles away from auschwitz, keep going. Great foundation.
This is my limit
Nah bro those legs could use some work
I look fkn 5 with contact bruv
6'1", 190 burgers
just hit 305 deadlift on tuesday!
pls rate/give suggestions
>foreamrs need lots of work
>triceps and biceps cold be bigger
>solid chest
>delts and traps still have room for improval
>nice core mang
>yeah legs need work
too skinny. you'd look like DYEL if you put on some weight. So either never ever lift and eat again or start off from scratch, which is SS + GOMAD
Gotta start cutting. Cardio is a bitch
5'10/181 lbs
I'd say e stat liar-mode, curlbro
do u injest sterons
i mean i can tell that you deadlift because your erectors are juicy, but it just doesnt look aesthetic. you should look into doing high frequency, high volume routine like ppl done twice a week and stop with the bullshit compound-only meme. yes you should add compounds to your routines, but you also need high volume accessories.
pic on left is from april last year (220 lbs) pic on right was half an hour ago (170). not terribly impressive but i did it all on a perma cut and was actually a lot fatter than i looked in the before pic.
forgot to mention still cutting and got memed hard into not training abs
thanks bro, i'll look into it
Old pic, i'm leaner and I got a haircut.
to clarify: high volume accessories only, or compounds too?
as of right now i'm doing almost exclusively low volume high weight compound lifts. should i stick with those and add high volume accessories?
Sitting at 6'2 230 right now. Trying to slow cut down to 205.
I think I've got a solid base, I just need to lose all that fucking fat bruhs.
I guess I don't get why most of you fuckers want to cut when you already look fairly lean, must be my fatty fat Mc fatterson eyes.
Deadlifts senpai. Deadlifts are GOAT. Do Romanians and reg on back or leg day. Seriously worth it.
add 2 accessory exercises consisting of 4 sets to 10-15 reps and that should be enough along with your compound lifts.
Don't just do 2 exercises, though.
Mix it up every week, you mind find one that potentially works better than others for you.
But deadlift 120kg and squat 100 kg :/
Action shot lads. Been working on my pushups lately
"asian metabolism"
I am so tired of you chinks excuses
Just fucking eat and count your calories
It is so easy.
>when your tatoos are so dumb you have to censor them in fear of being made fun of on the internet
you look really fragile
Fuck these fatasses. I actually think men look better at that weight.
Post shirtless.
You should like, definitely gain some weight at least over the winter.
Nah nigga
Hairy nipples/10 would shave