Fat hate

Only two types of men grow beards:
>Fatties who take the easy way out. Instead of going to the gym they grow this nasty scruff so they can fool people into thinking they have a jawline (spoiler alert: nobody's buying it)
>Men compensating for something their weak chin. Most likely also grows it to hide acne, compensate for their shortness, and thinking "oh I'm so tough, all men should grow beards" because they're super insecure

Other urls found in this thread:


what do you call a man who gets this upset over other men's appearence

you forgot web developers

the only people who get a pass are deployed special forces

>implying I'm upset
Could you throw in some more buzzwords? Maybe use a meme image or two?
Post a pic of your face if you're going to call me out. I guarantee you're one of the two men.

said the bitch tits that can't grow a beard.

god these
fuckers are still around

Haha good one. I know your post is joking because if it wasn't you'd fit exactly into the second category. I mean, it's not like anyone could be that insecure, right?

Both OP and the person in OP's pic are gigantic faggots and deserve to get terminal brain cancer.


>you care about why men grow beards

You're just a whiny faggot on a Himalayan rope-weaving board.

I can tell you're trying to disagree but not actually presenting a counterpoint, but can you at least learn how to sage you newfag? I know a place you can go back to.

U mad about not being able to grow a beard OP?

You know how I know you're a faggot? You blocked that other faggots instagram name.

I'm not whining at all, in fact you've been the one crying the whole time. Also what are you, 5'6?

Second category


ITT: Everyone ganging up on the autistic teenager.

It's ok OP, in a couple years your beard will thicken up.

you didnt answer my question

Low test I presume?
You seem upset OP

Second category

Can you not read?

OP is salty as fuck. It'll lead to high blood pressure if he doesn't let up.

I bet he can't grow a beard even.

What dis nigga said. I think both of them are cringey as all fuck.

I can read, and you didn't answer his question...

There's nothing more cringeworthy than le epic beard culture

Straight reddit tier meme

Good job OP you're blowing all of these "MUH EPIKK BEARD" redditors the fuck out


you claim only two types of men can grow beards and why they do it

i asked you why you care about the reason men grow beards

you have an autism fit and refuse to give an answer, and instead try to hurl insults


Because they're insecure memesters or dirty Muslims

If you're under 40 and have a beard you're a try hard loserp

I don't know, I can't and don't want to grow a beard, but I do think it makes some guys look a lot better.

I understand the hate for beard culture since it's cringey as fuck
But why do have so much against facial hair?


>guarantees he has a beard
>"haha I bet y-you're short

Fucking pathetic

I grew a beard because I didn't shave for a few days and then thought "Fuck it".

I've been told to grow a beard a few times by Veeky Forumsizens so did want to see what it'd look like.

Some guys just like them.
Beards are also practical in a few cases.
I work in rural land management and do a lot of land evaluations and enforcement on land issues all year round. I live in rural Canada, on the north Atlantic coast.
You'd better believe I have a mother fucking beard and wear woolen shirts and shit like that.

I don't give a fuck if someone has a beard or not, but people who make it a thing like the guy in OPs pic are obnoxious as fuck

I have a Mustache because it's part of my culture to grow them

Yeah, fuck, "beard culture" is pretty annoying. I can understand hating on those guys. But why get mad at somebody just for having a beard if they don't mention it or talk about it or make beard jokes or mention that you don't have one or anything?

>Only two types of men grow beards:

Stop hating that you can't grow a beard OP, it's pretty pathetic.

Beard threads are always hilarious,
got these faggots
>muh jawline
>lul f-f-fuckin beta fag grows a beard fight me 1v1

Yet all of you beardless faggots always end up looking like pic related when you post pictures.

I have one because I'm lazy, attractive w/ or w/o, and happen to have naturally good growth. Stays even for about half an inch before it needs any touch up.
Though unless I have reason I just let it go. I can't stand it being more than a couple inches though, feeling my beard on my chest hair is unpleasant for me

>people don't grow beards for religious reasons
Cucks the lot of you

>le beards make me look masculine


>being a mudshit

Neck yourself

I grow a beard. I like the way they feel when I scratch them. OP some sad mexican who can only grow a shitty pencil mustache LOL.

>writing words here makes it look like the poster actually said what you wrote
Delusional trip is delusional. Go seek mental help or something.

>society wants me to be a feminist and be less manly
>k ill shave my beard

I prefer to stand on the side of Veeky Forums that wants to look like a shitty trap, not the cutie loli side that shaves their chest and shit.

6' 1". However, I am a spooky scary skellington.

>I need le beards to be masculine


>shaving anything

Show me your smooth ass.
Can you tape your dick to your stomach?

>looking homeless/muslim is masculine


>ITT OP sobs into his keyboard about how he can't grow facial hair.

But in all seriousness I agree with you on guys who grow beards to show how masculine they are to their SJW buddies. I grow one because I can't be fucked to shave my face all the time. And because in my unbearded form I look like a big frustrated baby had his head surgically attacked to a gorilla.

Acne hider here


The only thing I shave is the shaft of my dick.

I trim my nipple halos and my chin strap 'beard'.

I agree , I grew a beard to make up for my shitty facial aesthetics.

DYEL? No surprise

Gay culture?


Didn't know there was a new thread.
>be me getting college educated
>join a core training class for all fitness levels
>most of the people in it are a little too skinny or a little too fat
>300 lb whale with bright red hair enters (pic related)
>muffin top tucked into her yoga pants looking like a chocolate covered donut
>instructor makes it clear so long as you show up and try you will get an A
>it's intensive but an overall good mix of cardio and strength training
>the whale spends most of the first class flailing to keep up
>the second class isn't much different
>the third class we start jogging around the gym between exercises, she sits and waits or walks
>the fourth class she sits out, saying she's sick
>we have to go up and get papers where we plan out our routine, she gives a few obviously fake coughs indicating she is "sick" to the instructor
>day five is fitness test, we do some assorted push ups and whatnot and write down how many we do, and then we exercise normally with the instructor for the rest of the class
>whale gets up and leaves after the first group exercise
>comes back at the end of the last one
>day six she is gone
what pisses me off the most is all you have to do is show effort to get an A. The instructor even said you can slow down and take breaks as needed. AND THIS FAT BITCH STILL COULDNT

gonna save this pic for science

wouldn't, bro.


I have a beard because I can't be fucked shaving and it grows way to fast. I've had a beard for years but lately people have been calling me a "hipster" and tell me "I bet you grew it because its fashionable." ... I had a beard before and I'll have a beard after.

>1100 lb total
>no acne
>strong chin
>non-confrontational in general

Idk what you're on about senpai I'm just lazy


It's just far easier, and cheaper, to just trim my beard then it is to shave every single day.

>felt like growing out beard one day
>got pretty long
>only got compliments
>people like OP post about how much they hate it on Antarctic fishing circles instead of telling me to my face

I'm clean shaven now because my job requires it but holy shit you're a faggot

Everyone loves it when I have about a two-three weeks worth of trimmed beard going on. My friends, all the girls, my own mom and yours and everyone else just adores it.

Yet I hate it. I fucking hate beards and I especially cannot stand it on my own face.

So what the fuck do I do,
Look better for myself or for pretty much everyone else?

I like the idea of looking better to everyone else for obvious reasons, we're all shallow after all.
Yet I hate the feeling of looking in the mirror and feeling like a wuss that got cucked by the world.

Wish this fucking trend would end already...

All these insecure cucks rushing into the thread to explain that they totally aren't insecure cucks like OP implied

Like clockwork

She looks familiar. Is she an idol?

I get the feeling that OP tried growing a beard and it looked like shit.


My gf bitches when I shave my beard.

The thing is, she doesn't like the aesthetic stubble look, nor the full "manly" beard. She wants me to keep it in that shitty wispy neckbeard stage between short and long.

It almost feels like shes trying to make me have the MOST unaesthetic beard type possible, to keep me less attractive to other people.

Idgaf tho lol.

sorry you just look like a paedophile when you try to grow a beard, OP

beards are for fat homos. pic related is GOAT.


Only two types of people make beard hating threads:
>low test betas that are geneticaly unable to grow a beard
>workers of Mc' Donalds that are not allowed to wear facial hair

but beard pride is the dumbest form of false masculinity prevalent today

there are type of men without beard: shit genetics or feminine guys

>OP ruins what could have been a decent fat hate thread by making it about hairstyles

Gee, and I thought it was having a muscle car/4 wheeler.

So you can catch fat now Veeky Forums.

Did you play one of the elves in LOTR?

That aint true, user.
You can work in Mcdonalds and have a beard, but you have to wear a bitch-net on your face.

muscle cars and 4 wheelers are pretty fun




I don't shave because I'm so lazy, and my gf doesn't mind. But I think today I will because it's sunny outside

he told in his biography, that he shaved because shaved protagonists did much better on Asian market than bearded ones

I cant stand beard memes etc.
I have a beard because I'm just a hairy mother fucker.
My wife likes it.Had it when we met.shaved it off once since weve been together in those 8 years.Even shaved my chest.She said dont be a faggot like OP.
I work with trucks and machinery doing mining/civil work and construction.
Live in Australia up in the outback.
70% of the guys I work with grow them.Because we work 12 hours a day and dont want to spend time shaving something that protects your face from the sun,fly's and other insects.
Am 6'8 125kgs and have been that way since I was about 16.
neither 1 or 2
You just sound mad bro.
Worse things to worry about.Sure the beard culture shit makes me cringe too.I dont do it for fashion I do it cos im a fucking cowboy bushranger like my decendants before me.
Dont be mad cos your some basement dwelling city fag.
Just lighten up.

so is it genetics or him being feminine then?

the whole thing with shaved action stars is
why would they pay $20 million for an actor and you cant see his face.
Its something along those lines I remember reading.

Arnold wold look good even if he grew a curled hipster moustache

Ancestors came before you.
Descendants come after.
No wonder manual labour is all you're good for.

haha my bad.
Cant fault it I made a mistake.
Manual labor though?Im a diesel fitter and machine operator.I fix million dollar machines
I make just under 200k a year and I love my job.
Was valedictorian and have traveled the world.
Own a house 2 cars a boat and am married.
Hows your mums basement?
If you pointing out my mistake made you feel better I hope it did.

That's not you though.

Dis post mayne.... I feel sorry for you tho

Shave it. Beard culture is cringey as hell

>implying that isn't the gayest stash ever

Him and his corner man probably take turns giving each other mustache rides underneath a gilded, framed portrait of a similarly caterpillar-lipped Freddy Mercury. Their AIDS infested bodily fluids pass back and forth, while "Who Wants to Live Forever" plays in the background.

>i cant speel butt i'm souper suxesful and shit howz ur basement nurd

Nobody cares about your e-stat life on a brazillian speedo sewing board.

Not even that user but you fall into cringey bearded faggot category

He's a aussie bushwacker, by that standard he's probably a fucking genius.

Fukken rekt

>Was valedictorian
Ok kid