Unsymmetric Strength thread

Unsymmetric Strength thread

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My squat was better until I went on a cut and started doing cardio every day
>tfw no green legs

I thought I was better... Ill have to push myself this summer.

>tfw full novice just a few months ago
progress feels gud


Don't get me started on the binch

Also does anyone know if Neutral Grip Chinups are easier/harder than regular ones? I do those and SymStr doesn't have an option for them



what website is this

Symmetric strength


>no one posts physiques with their analyses anymore

Damn shame, lads

2 years liftan 6ft 84 kg

That's what I did.

>tfw fell for the SS meme

curl bro detected

Wait... You're serious?

Post physique, faget

I actually do SS with accessories

do you weigh 160kg?

88, why?

102kg, 20%bf, lost 50kg in the last year
I never worked out in my life until 10 months ago
Today I did pullups and dips in the park
>feels good man

>Tfw cyclist
>Tfw weak upper body
>Tfw 300lbs squat

Only you do that nigger


4 months in
6'1 / 18yr
wnt from 130 to 160
noob gains?

you overhead press 94 kg after 4 months starting from 130 lbs? or 130 kg?

dude idk the stats are fucked up
heres the real thing
started 59 with overhead press 40

I'm not joking. My bench and OHP platued for months while I progressed on deadlift and squat. I just recently broke out of these platues.

Want to trade some of that chest?

thanks rippetoe

Nope what?



Im strongfat so I have nothing to show off. High muscle high fat.
Not impressive since i cant cut properly.

70kgx10 @ 72kg bw after 4 months? wut

idk why
heres a pic

From your pic I'd say those stats should be in pounds

I made it to novice mode Veeky Forums. I know that's shitty, but I started at about half untrained half subpar.

great, now get to intermediate

I will.

great, then get to proficient

9 mos liftan

5'7 160

Just under 70 kg. About 6 months since I started SS but probably about a month of missed sessions due to a shoulder injury. Only just been getting into regular OHP for the past couple of weeks. Is it a good start, Veeky Forums?

Novice means you are weak compared to people who give a shit, but stronger than almost anyone who doesn't lift at all. So it's a good start, keep going.

Any start is good, you can have a 3pl8 squat in 7 months if you keep at it

A month ago all my lower body lifts were 'sub-par', so I'm actually happy with this.

what's your favorite Neutral Grip Chin-ups song?

I don't understand why sub par is worse than untrained


It's worse than the average untrained person

There's no good way to say "you're such a sack of shit that you're weaker than someone who has never picked up a weight before" so they just use "sub-par".

I refuse to post pics , just use your imagination

I think I fucked everything up by starting to run on my off days. Not crazy long distances or anything, like 2-3 miles three times a week.

they should but arent

nobody even asked you for pics you cow

Don't be shitty.

You're being shitty by making yourself out to be the center of attention. "LONDON" is a meme, no one is asking to see your doughy untrained body.

its fake retard

It's a joke, moron

You're both stinky doo-doo heads

I don't like bench press okay.


Low test

That's a piss-poor excuse and if you keep it up you're going to hate yourself eventually for not improving your bench sooner.

why do people not like bench ill never understand. out of the four lifts its the only one that doesnt beat the shit out of your body. push day for me is like a rest day

>hate myself
>for not improving my bench
lol it's actually so pointless tho

Why are you making a "low test" excuse? Proficient is usually people with 2+ years. For the most part there's nothing wrong with your progress.

>lifts for strength
Bench will improve your strength
>lifts for aesthetics
Bench will improve your aesthetics
>lifts for girls
Bench and curls are probably all you have to do for girls
What goal do you have that bench is pointless for?

I feel bad about the progress

No thats a great amount of cardio. Just keep up the diet!

My 350 lbs. Squat and 150 lbs. Bench would beg to differ.

>you are so asymmetric that people think you're lying

Website ????

In case anyone wonder how a perfectly symmetrical lifter would lift

Been lifting in school since september

Bench is so weak compared to others because we do that on Mondays and the first 3~ months of school I had to skip 3rd period which was weights.

Dude how much do you weight?I mean you have a 235 lbs squat that is considered proficient

I weigh around 135

>tfw fell for the ss is not a meme meme

Also why the fuck is my deadlift stalling but my squat is progressing so much

Because they're not the same thing. If your weakness on the deadlift isn't something that would also limit your squatting, one will go up while the other languishes.

Or you could be cutting depth.

it's shit I know. But at least I didn't fall for the SS Meme

Maybe we can combine our powers to become the teal man

purple shitskin

at least I press a pl8 that's more than most of Veeky Forums can say :^)

you know why you're lifts are shit then.

Maybe stop falling for the SS is a meme meme and get a symmetry score of over -100

>tfw fell for the SS is a meme is a meme is a meme meme.

stay mad t-rexes

Man I would love to reply with some fun bants, but you really need to move the conversation forward for that.

0/10 couldn't even respond even though I wanted.


I want die

Don't sweat it. Just fix it.

I wish someone could tell me is SS is a meme or not.
Every time someone posts progress on it, even jokingly, it's either lackluster, or t-rex mode.
I've never seen anyone, in two years of lurking Veeky Forums, ANYONE, ever posting themselves, looking good, and accompanying the post with "Man, look at how well SS turned out, I'm so proportioned and strong now".

I started stronglifts one month ago and I'm progressing, but shit.

I was idiot and slipped a disk so i can't deadlift or squat any more than i can for another few years

its not a meme for complete beginners. Just dont stay on it for more than 9-12 months.

SS made me strong, and that's what it's suppose to do.
My muscles got bigger and I got stronger. I have ZERO complaints except that my bench press DID NOT GET STRONG.
For months I could not break my bench plateau until I discovered Greg nuckols novice 3 day bench program and now it's fucking flying.

I'd say run SS if you want to get stronger faster, however if one of your lifts aren't getting strong then run another program for that lift.

Mad cow 5x5 is fun though and not challenging like SS is, but progression is far slower.

Nine months? Most people don't last twelve weeks on it before they're stalling.

Since you can't input your HEIGHT in symmetricstrength, am I correct in assuming manlets rank up faster?

But why do it in the first place when other beginner programs can be kept for much longer and without turning into a disproportioned freak?

What if I have zero use for actual strength and I just want to look nicer

I know OHP is horrendous, I neglected it for too long, but fixed my form now and finally see progress again.

Very few beginners programs last much longer than SS. The nature of linear progression is that it just does not last long for most people.

You're gonna stall a couple times on it. Its expected.

The program itself is alright, but its the format that makes it great. 3 days heavy lifting is optimal for beginners. A similar push/pull/legs routine would be just as good.

Personally I started off with SS for maybe a year or so. I ended up being disproportionate with huge legs and an average upper body, but I had built the strength required to move onto another routine and eventually evened out.

Stronglifts claims to be something you can keep indefinitely even though you'll pleateau at some point.
Is its site lying?

See, that's exactly my point.
Why do SS when you could do SL (as far as I can see they're almost identical), or tweak the program so that you're even from the start, instead of needing to fix a mishappen musculature?