When did you realize women are useless, shallow and annoying cunts?
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When will faggots like you stop trying to turn all dudes gay? Jesus, just kill yourself you perverted ass clown
Women are just a meme you can cum inside.
Last night while chatting.
When I found out OPs a faggot and gave me the best blowjob no woman before him has ever given.
Why do women lift? Seriously. Why?
The only men who find this ttractive are closet faggots
I'm not a closet homo and I find that attractive. I bet she has some real good control of her inner muscles, give you that nice vacuum squeeze to pump the seeds out.
Probably sometime after my normie phase
Only female roiders look bad imo. Lifting makes them look good, unless you like skinnyfat girls. Also she's flexing as much as she can in that picture, she will look a lot bigger than she's irl
Go back to /r9k/.
Women are like NPCs. 99% of them don't have any hobbies. If they do have hobbies they use it as a social platform and get tons of attention from it.
I'd sniff her butthole
Feminization of society. Probably only gyno bros and closetfags that like them.
nah I have some really good female friends but the problem is intelligence. get ready for the sickest bro science evar. women tend to float around the mean IQ whereas men tend to be on either end. it's imho that intelligence directly correlates with shallowness/self awareness. the reason we find women shallow retards is because most of them are, but not because they are women, because they are of average intelligence which isn't really very intelligent when you start going further out in the positive direction. more intelligent people I find to be down to earth (unless autism) and when you find an actually intelligent female, not book smart "I memorized 300 flash cards for college 101," I think they tend to see the world in the same way we do and that they also find most women to be cunts
She's ugly though. Look at that mug
What the fuck shes in a powerlifting tournament doing less than 200lb squats?
I've known since around the 5th grade.
If you're talking about From insta:
>This is a pic of me at the World Champs in Gela, Sicly with the best squat of my weight class 115KG
Is this trappy?
When I was 17
Don't lie to me
If you know then why are you asking
I need someone to talk
It says "her", so it can't be him.
while talking on skype desu
>When did you realize women are useless, shallow and annoying cunts?
pic related: it's the story of your life, bitch boy.
christ she looks like my sister's best friend and cunt of a house mate.
oh it's trappy alright
Your country must have some real shitty women. Blame the men that raised them to be that way
why does he always look so stoned? he looks like a really stoned, really tired Pam from The Office.
thats not entirely true
my mom is the best and an amazing chef
as for other women? yeah, lots of cunts
looks pretty normal to me, could be the estrogen though? was going to ask trappy how their motivation and such was affected by hrt.
>trappy image
>bottom half of face censored out
When they wouldn't date me.
>you will never pound trappy's boiPu$$i
Just fucking snap my shit up now senpai.
because trappy has a man jaw
collab from some of the picks some user did
holy shit
>When did you realize women are useless, shallow and annoying cunts?
i'm sorry your oneitis broke your heart and no women like you. i love my gf and she's smarter than me and extremely interesting and educated. other than myself, i gain motivation from her, and one day hope to make a family of alphalpha children with her. she's extremely loyal and honest, moreso than myself unfortunately, and literally any problem in our relationship has been because of me being a stupid guy/drunk. i want to be better for myself, but her as well because we are one like Vegito.
5 days ago
>When did you realize women are useless, shallow and annoying cunts?
When did you swallow The Red Pillâ„¢?
When did you tip your first fedora?
When did you first hop on the 'ch0n?
When did you first greentext?
you sound like a massive pussyboi desu senpai :^)
Are you me
>Stop liking what I don't like!!!!!!!4!!
>The only men who find this (OP)# ttractive are closet faggots
Not true. I find it attractive and I'm a non closeted faggot.
I am in the process of realizing I am the shallow cunt in my relationship of 8 months. Everything is close to perfect except for the amount of sex we have. My sex drive is through the roof while hers is pretty low. There are phases when we actually have sex, and the sex itself has gotten a lot better, we both know about the issue and handle it like adults. Still I find myself in a bad mood when I spend time with her and we don't have sex, like a child wanting and not getting ice cream, it is pathetic.
Sorry for the blog post. tl;dr: It always depends on the individual, I am the shallow one compared to my gf.
Almost out.
>tfw materials engineer
>20% women, most of them actually intelligent and qt, no fatties, but all in LTR since forever
suffering brehs
That's the lot. For your extra pleasure:
My seids
I feel I have known this from my early 20's years.
I don't think the majority woman I have ever met didn't come preprogrammed with the phrase "I like clubbing and drinking wine" as well as listing her interests as "Food and Holidays" when asked. I know maybe three women who don't conform to this, one is a martial arts teacher the others are a pair of lesbians who provide sex therapy/counselling to couples.
Maybe I'm missing something here and this is all they ever need to be content? My own theory is maybe its just that being turned down more often than women that men just go off and find other stuff to do and enjoy. Whereas if women do take up other interests its to garner attention and rub it into their friends faces.
Either way though you're fucked, either you put up with someone whose not that stimulating or you side with the cringe-tier autism of MGTOW
Wanting sex doesn't make you shallow. If the two of you really have such disparate sex drives, you should probably call it quits before you're more invested than you are now. That kind of problem doesn't get better, only worse.
That's par the course for STEM, they either get pinned down in/before college or are massive sluts (that's mostly engineers though).
What's with women putting this "Don't swipe right if you count calories" shit on Tinder. Just because you're lazy means I have to be too? Or do they think you'd be a nitpicker if you count calories?
HA HA, You sound like a homo dick sucker, OP. Kill yourself.
When I realised they're the same as men.
Maybe if you stopped meeting women exclusively at bars and frat parties.
>When the realization she might have a mental illness hits you
But they're the best sort, mate!
> pic related
I was in your shoes, I got really cranky when we didn't have sex. Eventually it turned out she was having an affair and didn't feel the need for two dicks at the same time. After I dumped her and started to perceive her as the disgusting shit she was, she suddenly got the sex drive back when she felt she lost me. Had her like a fuck buddy for few months but could not get rid of the feeling that she was a cheating whore so I cut all contact for good. It may not be the case with you but you should check her messages just in case.
The stuff about men having to find hobbies because they are more periods in the life of a guy where he's alone is interesting. It's likely the case.
Can confirm. I've spoken to OP's pic related several times and she is a dipshit
Lifting didn't do that to her. Steroids did.
A woman could go hard as fuck in the gym, but as long as she stayed natty, she'd never look 'too muscular'.
Isn't that dependable on the genetics?
I wouldn't go that far but it's definitely impossible for me to connect with a female the way i can connect with a man.I sometimes think if i was gay life would be so much easier.
combination of not being isolated and men/boys always saying Yes Women are allowed to be shallow because somewhere some guy will put up with that behaviour just to get laid and have somebody.
Want proof? Check instagram comment section
My sister used to be like that Until I told her to cut that shit out. she still asks like an asshole sometimes but it's slowly getting better
but she naturally prefers being shallow and then wonders why nobody wants to date her
when I swallowed The Red Pill
No, it is physiologically impossible for a woman to get that muscular without roids.
first post, best post.
legit weirded out by all he constant homo propoganda in this board.
We are pretty open with each other about things, including that part. I know wanting sex doesn't make me shallow, but it being one of or even the top priority kind of does, at least considering it keeps me from enjoying an otherwise pretty great relationship, ruining both our moods with that occasionally. There are rays of light every now and then, and as I said, we are pretty great with each other in every other aspect, actually including sex (when it happens). At the beginning sex wasn't good at all, but it improved greatly, because we talked about it (a lot). At this point it's as good as it has ever been for me with any woman, which is amazing progress. I don't believe in putting people on pedestals, but I do respect the fuck out of her for the way she is handling things, including that topic.
Damn, dude. If I hadn't thought about trust before people saying shit like that could really mess with my perception of reality. I completely trust her, and I have never had any reason not to. I never pry about things, but she is open about anything I want to know. Control (including checking messages) is never the answer, at least not to me. I am pretty good at reading people, but of course being emotionally invested I am not objective, so I might be wrong. If that slim chance is what is really happening, I'll find out eventually and just leave, put my feelings on ice for a month and move on. Her morals are surprisingly solid, not just for a woman, and she's as absolute about what crosses the line and what doesn't as I am. If she were to ever cheat on me, she'd end the relationship. About being cranky, I got a lot better with that, I try not to "punish" her for not fucking or blowing me by being in a bad mood, but sometimes I just can't help it.
Tbh she sounds like a huge bitch, she's definitely cheating on you.
Put some anavar in her coffee, problem solved.
>she's smarter than me
Then it means you're a huge faggot who have failed to educate himself more than a woman . Fucking kill yourself.
Didn't catch you trying to troll me at first, thanks for making it more obvious. Made me reply seriously at first / 10.
Yeah if I was /fraud/ing myself, that would be an option. She's on oestrogen because the pill fucked her hormone production, it is highly probable her hormonal profile is messing with her desire to have sex. Since 3 months of oestrogen cycle with oversight from her gynecologist (she seems alright) didn't kickstart her hormone production, she might have to stay on that shit for a while, which may still be better than just having the oestrogen levels of a post-menopausal woman. Not sure if I should mess with her even more by putting her on anabolic steroids... putting the fact aside that I myself am too scared and poor to take them.
ignorance a bliss, was a god damn bliss for our benises ;_;
>when I was seventeen
>used to talk shit about women with my virgin friend all the time
>he turned out to be gay this year
>still waiting for me to become gay so I can have a chill bf like him
why do I have to be hetero? FML
This guy is fucked up. Why not just pull out or use a condom like a normal person instead of killing a person and emotionally crippling another?
when 2 of them broke my heart because they were egoistic and had no better reason
bout 1991
when I fucked your mom in the arse and gave her dick to suck right after, and she had to kiss you goodnight with cum still dripping off her lips
Daily reminder
Damn. Would fuck, then let her peg me.
Not really shallow I'd say, just different traits between the two of you that results in dissatisfaction- for both probably. Deal with it in your own way, I'm sure you'll find a way together.
>This guy is fucked up. Why not just pull out or use a condom like a normal person instead of killing a person and emotionally crippling another?
Because bitches want kids and/or cheat on you and claim that you got them pregnant.
Also, kinda amazed that only that post got a reply. Dumps like that usually cause some discussion.
I just finished readign them all, but I agree with them so I see no reason to make a fuss, thanks for the dump though, saved 'em