Make Steroids Great Again
Daily reminders:
Foam roll pin sites
Take psyllium for ghost poops
We're all gonna make it
Steroids are for manlets
Make Steroids Great Again
Daily reminders:
Foam roll pin sites
Take psyllium for ghost poops
We're all gonna make it
Steroids are for manlets
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holy shit dfirst
tfw no shredded gf.
tfw no plumpy gf
fugg, only have test on hand
>mfw my mom drops in and does my laundry. And sees my 30 vials of test on my closet shelf. Then berates me via text
be glad she didn't throw it out
>letting your mom drop in without notifying you
>letting her do your laundry
>being a grown man and letting your mother berate you
You deserved it tbqh farm
I'd just wait it out then
You mean my exotic cooking oils?
God she gets me going...
Fuck PIP
That is all
are you a pussy senpai?
I just fucked 4 models 2 milfs 3 trannies an entire school worth of jailbait after benching 15pl8, getting a call from NASA to become an astronaut and winning the lottery thrice.
Never once had this and I use 22g
But I only poke my ass
fuck no one will do that to me. ;_;
I pin my ass with 20g and no pain for me lmao
But youre a manlet, so....
You made it bro.
Nah bro, 999'2 here
rate my cycle?
test 1g, eq 1.2g, deca 750mg
1-4 8-12 16-14
superdrol 30mg
I used to have a bunch of these before my laptop went to shite
Is that a blast? Are you gonna try to pct?
blast then back to a ml of test a week
I pin delts with 20g no pain
Why not just use a caprisun straw?
you're a big guy
Add 1g TUDCA a day for the duration of the blast. Even on the 4 weeks off orals. That time period will be critical to repair your liver as much as possible.
Not sharp enough
thanks that is the final thing i need to buy this month before i start. Is liv52 enough if you are taking tudca?
Also i see people taking dosages of 600mg of eq but i read stories about it not showing its true potential unti a gram which is the dose i ran it my previous cycle
My understanding is that tudca is a superior replacement for liv52
damn I wish I had 3 dicks
I'd be a famous pornstar, guaranteed
And I'd get to fuck three butts like those at a time
Hey niggas. I don't roid but y'all probably experienced in this shit so imma ask here.
I'm 19 and i just did my bloods. My free test level is 156 pg/mL. Doc says it's fine but I want to know how is it from a fitness perspective? Wtf is "free" testosterone?
>free test level is 156 pg/mL
you are fine goyim
you're almost a woman
i'd order some test asap
Wut. Look at reference range m8. Here are my bloods on cruise. You are killing it muh dood
Ok well have you ever done 30mg of superdrol? That'd kill me. No appetite or energy. Other than that, watch your blood pressure. If you face feels like its about to explode during squats go donate blood. Good luck good bulk.
How the fuck is that true? You're doing great if it is.
>free test that high
>doc didn't force you onto estrogen
Thanks pham.
I tried 30mg once, my buddy had a bottle of methastradol and i took it preworkout. gave me effects similar to test no ester. If i cant handle the sides ill go down to 20 but i was just so impressed with 30
5 weeks into my first test prop cycle and i wish i had started sooner
Thanks fraud
Wtf is that ref range. You sure you have units right?
how much do you pin a week
roiding for this
When I go to the doctor and try to get him to increase the prozac dose, should I just flat say I want a higher dose or should I try to suggest it by lying and saying it's not working good enough?
Can you even be barred from an ssri due to drug seeking behavior? Do I even need to play pretend?
Methastrodol is a ripoff of superdrol, different drug completely
30mg is a fucking high dose for legit superdrola
Im babying at 400 a week, just dipping my toes in at the moment
Pls be troll
What are you wearing
Good on you though bro enjoy your future gains
>when the captcha accepts the pictures you pressed then says you mistyped it when you hit post
The fuck is this
they're fucking sick for making 46-300 a norm
how the fuck can i guy with 46 compete with a guy that has 300?
fair as fuck
Why take an antidepressant when semen is free and has proven mood boosting effects?
kek this
Initially I was taking it out of curiosity to how it effects me, now I want it because it makes me feel high
I wasn't depressed, I swallow fine
>that red upper chest
Looks like he's telling the truth fellas
Why does this happen? I feel like i look sunburnt af since i started
Maybe you should take your semen rectally not orally
Why is doing biceps so fucking shit?
I need a higher dose or something doc this shit isn't working
If that doesn't work, drink semen like user suggested
What is your current diet, and how many training years do you got under your belt, sir
increased red blood cells maybe. dunno for sure
that would be my guess
This. Fuck biceps
The study actually said semens antidepressant effects only work vaginally and after left fkr a short period of time because mucous membranes absorb it rather than stomach acid destroying it. Also your Prozac high is a total placebo.
CHUG CHUG CHUG (on this dick)
Biceps is goat
>Alternating dumbell
Sickening pumps
>should I just flat say I want a higher dose
yeah, that would work, kek
No, training arms is the best training
i read some sketchy stuff about it, seems from the reviews it can be pretty good or nothing at all. Im waiting on an order for myself from bodyconscious, have you heard of that one? Blackstone labs superdrol+ got good reviews but i saw that one after bodyconscious
Estp clearly needs a higher semen dosage. Best apply it orally vaginally rectally and topically on her face and back just to be safe
Diets very clean
Low sodium high prot med carbs low fat
1 year training natty, i was a 57kg skelly now weighing 91kg at around 14%BF
I prefer brickhouse lab's superdrol myself. Highly recommend.
i get shit pumps in biceps also, im weak as fuck on alternating dumbell, concentration and even dumbell straight curls
i always did hammers
Try high carb med prot low fat. You'll get better results if you use good carb sources. Low sodium only if you're fighting hypertension.
Way ahead of you, lads
Probably, but I don't care. I notice the difference if I don't take it. It also makes me a lot less violent, not-bf appreciates that
Despite that they say you don't get high from prozac I've seen a lot of anecdotal evidence also claiming otherwise. Like you get the euphoric mania side without muddled thoughts and no sleep deprivation. Really interesting if it is placebo, though. I didn't have much belief in it to begin with, but the mind does work in bizarre ways
Yeah I was thinking that but I also don't want him to take me off it thinking I should try something else. I imagine if I insist staying on it he won't force me off, anyway
is that one still able to buy over the web? i know jwsupplements just took down all their clones
You don't have to be strong to work a muscle effectively user, you should know that. Pick a light weight and do lots of high rep sets.
Use dropsets and forced reps to rekk those little cunts.
You know what else would work?
If you were in shape to take over IG
Fucking pleb mast
thank you senpai.
triceps works much better for me.
You can get Prozac cheap as fuck from Indian pharma anyway so if he cuts you off its not the end of the world
You ever try bud for simmerin down?
You have a misshapen cellulite ass
i agree with this.
bulking is higher carb, high/med proteine low fat
for cutting i always do low carb/high proteine/high fat
why are people so fucking focused on the weights. are you a powerlifter?
stop this bs
form/proper exercise > volume> weight
>makes me less violent
Estp pls rape me
You ever get paranoid when you smoke?
I used to do it all the time but now whenever I try I get anxious and paranoid and feel like I'm wasting my time
I'd honestly be curious if what little testosterone or tren that us excreted via Semen would provide any mood boosting effects from guys with supraphysiological levels.
Dear lord almighty.
Building in progress....
Low power...
insufficient funds....
unit lost...
Only the first 1-2 times smoking. After that I'd just go on with my day as normal being a slightly more productive (and high) version of myself.
If you worded that any less carefully that would sound pretty gay
Yeah my autocorrect fucked up some of it and I'm too lazy to go back.
Get on ig already you faggit. Body dysmorphia will always have you feeling dyel. But you're not.
And anchor your dick within estp already
He meant it sounds like you wanna skull tren filled roider jizz
He regularly fucks one fatty why would he want another?
I already have one, but not many followers. You have to post daily pics and i need to shredd some fat first, before i can begin the new paparazzi show
>Body dysmorphia
it's no joke, i feel forever small.
It's funny how woman with anorexia get attention, while men with body dysmorphia are also a big problem imo.
We all know that dbz are fucking huge and ripped and we all looked up to those characters when we were kids
>not wanting to fuck a 600lbs whale
Ayyyy lmao
if you were me RIGHT NOW (pic from yesterday), what would you do?
I'm still cutting slowly but surely but I'm curious as to how you guys woukd play it, dieting & compound wise
W-who says I didn't mean that?
I would grow some chest hair.