Anyone here trying not to get too big because then your small dick will look smaller ?
Anyone here trying not to get too big because then your small dick will look smaller ?
I guess that's why lanklets have no gains!
Seriously though just jelq
Asian here, it's already too late for me.
Only gains now.
>tfw only 5.2 inch dicklet
Feel you mang.
>whitey here
>only 5.5 inch penis
Kill me now.
Isn't jelqing fucking dangerous? Would it be safer if I bought a pump?
>them feelz
I have a respectable 7.5 inches that several girls have told me is one of the biggest they've had - But I'm 6'3", 240lb so when I trade noodz it looks like I'm hung like a little boy :-(
>5x5" penis
Oh well, atleast I'm not black.
it's dangerous if you're a retard who doesn't understand what they are doing, you could try a bathmate if you wanted too, but it's unnecessary
check out pegym and thundersplace for more info about making your dong bigger, good forums there.
I have a 7x5.2 dong, I got that .2 on girth from a month of dong exercises.
Use something as reference.
I try not to get big so I could fit into skinny pants, ie. no heavy squatting and deadlifting.
Hey look it's me
trust nobody
not even your penis
I'm 237 lb, but I just started Veeky Forums shit. My stomach doesn't cover my penis, and there's not a big roll of fat to cover it, but there does seem to be fat in that area. Can I expect my dick to get larger from fat in the area going away or am I just a dicklet?
it will get larger
do girls care about size
about 6 1/2 here
Longer than 6 you're in the clear.
literally me
Thats why i dont do leg day. All arms babeyy
Fuck women I'm sick of what they care about fuck them