what compound lift would allow me to fuck a girl while standing?
I don't think I have the stamina right now to carry her for long.
stone carries
farmers walk
all kinds of rows
stop fucking planets
Tfw want to lift a girl by the legs and slowly impale her on my cock
>too weak.
I don't know what's wrong.
>stop fucking planets
Damn it, snakee my reply. :^)
There's an old Veeky Forums pasta about a dude fucking a fat chick, he's losing his grip so he stops mid sex and chalks up for better grip. Wish I saved it.
An user posted this a while back and it seemed legit. You take your gfs bw and do these lifts
Zercher Squats
Barbell hip thrusts
All for sets to failure
semi-related, but here we go
>been doing turkish get ups
>can do 57.5kg each arm
>at a party
>talking to mates
>one of them introduces me to this girl who said she wondered if i could pick her up
>party gathers round me in the back garden as i turkish get-up this girl
>at the top i do 5 reps of OHP with her
was funny as fuck.
failure isn't useful for anything outside mass building
better to stop 1-2 reps shy of failure for maximum sexual carryover
OP, don't forget to do your power cleans and kettlebell swings to generate as much thrusting power as possible
Would Starting Strength allow me to do OP's pic + Pick up girls and do presses?
I don't do it often but my gf freaks the fuck out when I do. it's my 'oh u mad at me' move
how bad is sex with lower back pain?
strongman shit
depends, does it hurt more when you bend over?
Deadlifts & High Pulls
Her legs have to be over your arms
That drawing is the recipe of snapped dick
Pretty much always makes mine worse.
romanian diddly is your friend
I'm weak af and can. Albeit only for a few minutes then i have to sit down, but still.
Trick is having a 100lb gf.
I have no idea but I do the big 4 minus squats and I can fuck my 200lb gf standing. When I was weak as shit and ran marathons I held up a 120lb girl and fucked her standing. It is a third your strength, a third her body, and another third her being able to hold onto you correctly. So 2/3s is up to her. Or him. I don't judge. Never fucked a guy standing or a girl anally so no clue if the mechanics change.
Power cleans
kettle bell swings
>200lb gf
what the fuck man? What dimension does her weight come from?
Just fuck an atlas stone.
Sounds like you were better off running marathons.
>200lb gf
Is she le high test maymée??
This would only be semi-funny if you only picked her up like a bowling ball, you know what I mean.
>tfw when you pick girl up
>grab buttcheeks
>vlad the impaler
>grab buttcheeks too hard
>spread buttcheeks too hard
>anus begins to tear
>perineum splits
>continuous fissure now from dirtyhole to pooty
>stuff starts falling out
>dick covered with doodoo and p juice and weird red slime and lymph
stay safe senpai
Zercher squat is the only correct answer
Deadlifts are better suited to the kind of girls I'm interested in.
The answer is simple, the same as any other exercise; progressive overload is the key. You want to start out fucking smaller chicks, then move on to larger girls, steadily increasing their weight until you are capable of doing it with someone as fat as your gf.
Best of luck op