> weigh 225
> eat 1700 cal every single day
> be really anal and only eat prepackaged foods to make SURE that I only get 1700 cal
> 2 weeks later
> still 225
what the hell Veeky Forums
> weigh 225
> eat 1700 cal every single day
> be really anal and only eat prepackaged foods to make SURE that I only get 1700 cal
> 2 weeks later
> still 225
what the hell Veeky Forums
are you exercising?
honestly, i was stuck at 190-195 for the longest time no matter what i ate (more or less)
wasnt until i started getting serious fucking cardio in (sprints, jogs, kettlebell swings) on top of a lifting routine/diet that my body started to change
yes but it's a pretty low volume lifting program. SL5x5 kind of thing.
what was the lowest you took your calories without seeing changes?
if you have not much muscle your bmr can be around 1500
what's your body fat %?
I wanna say about 25%
i tried a PSMF thing for a few weeks
honestly, i probably didnt give it enough time to really ramp up (its tough to eat like that for a few weeks and notice shit), and i was hoping the strictness of it would compensate for poor work ethic elsewhere (i.e., lack of consistent, hard cardio)... i bought into the whole "bulking takes years, cutting takes months" permabulker mindset, thinking that cutting was "easy"
might be for some people, but for me it takes just as much work ethic, exercise-wise, as bulking... so now, i try to get myself winded doing varying types of cardio daily on top of the diet and i'm pleased so far
good luck, user
do you think switching to higher volume exercise would help?
>eat 4k a day
>stay 85kg
Tired of this shit famalam.
>2 weeks no results
First realize the MOST you are going to lose in 2 weeks is like 3 or 4 pounds of fat and even less at the start of a cut because of hormonal changes. Second realize that your body weight reading will change +- 3lbs or so from one time to another based on what you're wearing, what you ate, how hydrated you are, whether you just took a dump, etc.
If you're weight doesn't go down in 2 months then ok your diet is fucked up but 2 weeks aint shit to be acting like it's not working.
>eat 2200 calories a day
>stay 90kg
tired of this shit, lets change.
More of the girl? qt feet
fuck out of here you little shit
Try keto
Or keep listening to Veeky Forums
I'm injecting lard into your food whilst you sleep.
I've lost 11 kg in the past two months. Its hasn't been so terrible. Switched two of my normal meals a day, one into fruits, the other into vegetables.
To be fair, my diet was absolute shit before.
>listen to Veeky Forums
>keep listening to Veeky Forums
get a balance beam scale like gooby has. Digitals are way too finicky. Weight readings change based on temperature, whether the floor is level, and how you're standing on it. You're never getting an accurate reading on a digital scale which is a pain in the dick for measuring body fat percentage and lbm gains
Why do you care about results after 2 weeks? This is fatfuck mental illness.
Goal is to eat proper year round, which WILL get you to the weight you are after sooner or later.
That's why you weigh yourself at the same time every day, nude (or in undies), following the same diet, etc..
Try to minimize the variables as much as possible
Can I get a bf estimate pls?
155 ohp
255 bench
365 squat
405 dead
Inb4 horrid lighting
I would give it two more weeks
weigh yourself every day at the same state (post-morning-shit) and plot the data in excel, then look for a week-to-week trend. if there is no effect in a month, or you want to loose more adjust keeping in mind that 3500kcal deficit is approx one pound of fat lost. if you overdo it you will loose more, but a higher proportion of muscle.
I stick to a diet for a month and then evaluate. I lost 50kg in 14 months. After few months of experimenting now I loose 4kg of fat without loosing muscle. For me it's a question of shitload of protein, with fats/carbs 1:1 in terms of calories. I eat 2200kcal, 210g of protein, supplement with bcaa/glutamine/creative/carnitine, 4xweight lifting per week, and biking maybe 4 hours of moderate biking around the city per week. I'm 178cm and weigh 103kg at about 20% bf now.
good luck, you'll find the perfect formula for yourself.
Another angle?
You're doing something wrong. Probably too many unhealthy fats and not enough healthy carbs.
If you're not too lazy, mix in cardio.
Liar, youre eatung more
>get a fat fold caliper
>use scooby's body fat calculator
It's not that hard, man.
Probably drinking juice or something.
>b-but juice is healthy
When I started eating clean I measured everything I ate down to the gram to know EXACTLY how much I ate. How about getting a kitchen scale and using basic math to see how much you eat. Make sure to document your macros as well.
Stop eating prepackaged garbage breadfood. Start eating real food. Exercise. Not. Fucking. Hard.
Hnnnng I feel you m8
god damn those feet look great
Why are you sure 1700 is below your tdee? If you sit around all day and are mostly fat weight not muscle weight it's entirely possible to be way below 1700 per day. I used to eat around 1000 a day for years as my normal diet. I was skinny but didn't do shit so that's all my body needed.
I was thinking I could adjust down to 1500, then wait a bit. If that fails, 1000.
Good idea? bad idea?
Why don't you get off your lazy ass and move?
> 2016
> le "I can out train a bad diet" meme
Start doing some HIIT. Low impact if you have access to something like a bike or a rowing machine, as it will be way easier on your joints at your weight.
I can't recommend this enough. It doesn't even take that long to do these kinds of workouts, and the benefits are amazing.
the things i would do to those feet