Post Your Height, Weight, and Caloric Intake

Like the title says, just post your height, weight, and caloric intake. Freedom Units only. Curious as to what people eat. You can include picture too if you want idgaf

>5'8" 158lbs 3000cal/day
currently bulking.

Some people say I need to eat way more, but I'd rather die than get fat

262 cutting from 315

>6'0" 170 lbs 3500 kcal/day

Doing IIFYM and even though my diet's shit, still have an outline of a sixpack.

3000 calories per day will make you a whale user

yeah what the hell. I'm eating 3000/day @ 6'0 185 lbs, is that too little?

Nah people say I eat too little cuz I run a mile a day, lift for bout 2 hours, and walk ~5more miles the whole day. College campus life bb.

6'1" 160lbs 1400cal/day

Not even bulking , i just always have eaten a lot.

damn bro how low are you tryna go?

>150 imperial units
>Bulking. Loose an counting. Usually 2,300-2,900.

5'10 195lbs ~3500kcal

5'0 (maybe 5'1 on a good day)
141 lbs

Down from 163 from April 2015, but wasn't taking diet seriously and worked out very inconsistently.

Been working out consistently since March and saw some changes in scale so trying to ramp it up by keeping the diet in check with mfp.

Breakfast - oatmeal
Lunch - chicken spinach salad
Snack - one of those protein granola bars
Dinner - ahi tuna and cherry tomato


I want the ride to be over.

5'6 turbo manlet
145 lbs
3000 cal maintenance

150lbs and slow bulk in june

225 mostly fat
I dont know somewhere around 2500 I guess

>5'11 214lbs 1800/day

I haven't lost weight in three years. Don't /permaleanbulk/ if you value results, kids.

are you a midget ?

>6'0 185 lb
Unless that 20 lb is purely muscle you'd better start cutting.

I am also exactly 6'0 185 lb (are you me?) and I also eat around ~3000 kcal/day without exercising. We are thought to have a high metabolism but have you measured your gut recently? Ever notice how it's just barely starting to hang over the belt line?

Gotta brake this freight train before it's too late.


75 pounds

2300 kcals

5000 kcal
i'd estimate around 14% bf

Oh and when I said >without exercising

I meant before I started coming to Veeky Forums a few weeks ago.

No I'm a grill

pls be in london

nice ass bby

3500 cal/day

Lifting days I eat 3000cals, non lifting days I eat 2500-2600cals at maintenance.

Following an IF/Leangains eating protocol

Lol qué?

>2600-3000 kcals
Just living.

5'7 165 2500-3200

>lifts for 2 hours, does cardio, implies walking does anything.
Lot of good that college education is doing you boy. It's bad for your hormones to lift more than an hour.

>200 lbs

>3000 Maintenance Sedentary
>3700 Workout Day
Currently lean recomping

nice b8

154 (cutting)
1300 cal/day
>tfw 150.2 yesterday

>1200->1400 kcal
Recovering fatty from 300lbs gonna start bulking soon

why are you cutting? for a sport i hope

>202 ~12% bf
>4500-5200 cal/day depending on hunger

I got a really physical job, bulking is hard.

I'm also trying to gain more muscle, just cutting to get rid of my fatty obliques

Age 27, M, 5'11, Current weight 265lbs (my usual weight)

Starting Weight 281lbs (Ate nothing healthy for 6 months in a row) Bad habits caught up and I got really sick.

Current goal, To get down to 250 lbs
MyFitnessPal has me mapped to make it in a month.

Caloric deficit is to make 1850 calories a day. following a low carb high fat diet. With macros of 140g protein.
I'm learning what to eat pretty good, but I'm not making my caloric and protein goals. I'm averaging 1500calories a day. And It's sometimes difficult to get meat, so on average I can make 100g even with a protein powder supplement. I am afraid to eat too much dairy because of my health. I know I can easily reach protein requirements with cheese or greek yogurt.

Ultimate goal to be fit and low BF% at 170~200lbs. Sadly my skin is gonna look fucked up, and I think I have pretty severe gyno on my left chest. But I'm going for it anyway. Maybe I'll slow down at 240 and see the damage from there.

Bonus stats:
My highest weight ever was 318 for a few months 7 years ago, because i didn't know how to eat properly. Thankfully I deflated down quickly before it had a lasting effect.
I haven't been below 250lbs since I was 16
The last time I looked cute to girls was age 15
The last time I appeared shirtless was age 12
The last time I swam was age 11
The last time I was skinny was age 7

damn user, that's some intense stuff. I was always chubby as a kid too, but I started lifting right at the end of my senior year in hs and didn't jump into college without a strong diet. I probably would have gained so much weight if I had not learned to calorie count

Can't tell if girl or guy in pic.
Would fugg either way with an ass like that.

5'9" 2500-2700

Cutting. Down from 330 lbs to 195. I run 50 miles per week so intake is kind of high for a fatass dropping weight. Any lower and I suffer at work.

Feels hungry man

I'm a dude but thanks lmao

Damn that's sweet that it's working out tho

2200 calories
240g P
180g C
70g F

Something like that

169 lbs ~12% bf
3200 calories a day
Lean bulking up to around 185, then going to recomp/do a slow cut.

Are you me? I'm 5'10 and 275, and I was at 315 a few months ago. 275 was my weight while in high school, so I've always been a fat fuck.

I'm glad I made it back to that, but I'm trying to go much lower.

>Fire Recruit School says I'm 9.5% bf
>Currently attempting bulk
>Can't eat...body says hungry, mouth says vomit
>Take Pro Gains 2x daily ~1200 kcal
>total caloric intake including PG is about 3kcal daily

5 10

3100 kcal

Hnnnng btw

6'4" 240-250
I shoot for 3500-4000 kcals/day

Basically see-food diet

Cutting because of too much body fat. Sigh

201 as of today. Used to be 296 before I started to cut

89 lbs
350 - 400 calories

Aim is 83 lbs.

youre going to kill yourself bro

>too much bodyfat
no you're just a skeleton w/ no muscle... unless female

185 cm
78 kg
i dont know


You a girl?

That's pretty low calories

Yes. Low but perfectly survivable. Walking 10km/day and eating proteins will prevent me from losing too much muscle mass.

Still pretty extreme for somebody your height

You're basically in womanlet tier

Will be much easier after fire school trust me

Get help

I feel fine and I'll stop when I reach my goal. Right now I look pretty average.

Believe me, I'm aware and working on it. Genetics were not kind for my height.

I'm down to 223 from 270, hopefully getting to 280 by the time i go back to school.

We're gonna make it.


You'll get used to it, you'll love yourself for not indulging.

Womanlets are pretty much globally accepted as long as they're cute but you don't want to look like a short spooky skeleton


You are literally going to die, or blow away if you keep that up.

Even at that size you could eat 1200 calories sedentary and lose weight.


I really don't trust my "recommended daily intake". I gain weight when I eat according to it. I've maintained this for two weeks now and I haven't felt any worse for it. In fact, I feel much better, much more energetic than when I started.

You really do have to be thin to look any good at this height.

>I feel much better, much more energetic than when I started.

Yeah, you'll be like that for a bit then the hunger begins. You'll will feel like shit some days but you'll make it

6 ft
160 pounds
2600 cals a day on intermittent fasting

Also Greyskull masterrace

1600 a day (ish) + cardio

Losing weight fast, feel a bit light headed sometimes.
The problem is this is the first cut I'm seeing results with because I'm being so strict.
2 years ago I was over 308 lbs.
Now I'm finally starting to get the body I want.

I want to eat more to get some strength gains, but I'm just a bit scared of doing it wrong and losing all this progress.
It's not a fun place to be in.

>wants to be tall
look at this daft chick

180something fu's
i have no fucking idea. way less than two days ago as I started my cut by taking EC stack, and not doing anything to my diet. Don't feel hungry at all, fasting 16h is no prob

What's wrong with wanting to be a normal height?

Thanks. I want to believe. I haven't felt the hunger yet, but I'll keep your words in mind when it starts.

5'10'' 160 lbs

i don't count my calories, i usually just eat relatively small meals when i'm hungry and make sure that i'm in a positive nitrogen balance by eating some source of protein 7-8 times throughout the day
if i had to guess, it'd be just under 3000 perhaps

69 kg
3k calories per day bulking

< 2000 cal

Fatass cutting, because I want to be under 220 until november and my longterm goal is to be under 190.

6'3 300 down from 370. 2750


215 lbs
800 to 1000 calories
It hurts to live.

174 lb

Really? I thought ignorance was bliss?

6'0 / 183cm
174 lbs / 79kg from 211lbs / 96kg
still cutting 1500kcal/day
need to lose more fat on hips upper legs and stomach

>15%ish, cutting to anywhere from 1200-3000 depending on how much of a lazy fuck I was / how much working out and cardio I did, on average probably 1600-2000


almost there famalam

>113 lb (grill)
>lazy bulk with coconut oil
>no idea, keto and probably around 1400

6ft 96kg 3700-4000 kcal per day

Bulking senpai

wow are you me
are you gonna eat 3200 kcal till you hit 185? or do you up kcals gradually?
I started a 3000 and now at 3200 too

179cm 82kg

Cutting at 3350 kcal

how active are you?

170m 85kg 1500cal

Yup... Cutting and doing some cardio twice a week

You guys are fucking monsters


WUT =\

289 from 305
Cutting at 1500cals/day (Doing IF)

I'm losing weight fast but it's probably just water weight.

1200 cal a day, trying to lose weight

Should I up my cal count? To maybe like 1600? I'm going to start beginner strength today

3550 bulking calories gaining 0.5lb per week

225lbs (~102kg)

Trying to shed.