Be honest Veeky Forums, how well would you do?

be honest Veeky Forums, how well would you do?

Really bad lol

would you pass the female requirements at least?

I would dominate this shit. This is super easy.

this is bare minimum passing. what's your max?

You could destroy this after practicing just pushups for a month. This gotta be a jaykay.

25 y/o dude here, upon completion pushups would be a breeze, sit ups would be tough, i couldnt do the run though. Gotta get joggin this summer

this is real life, senpai

It doesn't list times. And not sure, I don't run on a track so my times would be different. I usually run 10 miles every other day though casually so I think I'd do ok.

Idont do this gay endurance shit. Congratz bro u can do 50 push ups. Too bad u cant even bench 185 for 8 pussy. Lets see how much your bruce lee physique will help you when I knock your teeth out because im 2x as strong fucking faggot


its 2-2-2, 2 minutes of pushups, 2 minutes of situps, 2 miles

Maybe, that 2mile run might be to much for my knees

Ridiculous on pushups and situps
I used to do sets of 50 before hitting the gym
Probably would do avg on run time

25 yo 80/80/12:30
army apft is easy as fuck. its a disgrace when people can't pass it because they have no will for self-improvement.

took the apft 3 weeks ago and I did 86 push ups, 79 sit ups and a 13:03 2 mile run. Which amounts to 100 score on push up, 99 on my sit ups and 99 on my run. If you sum it all up it scores at 298.

>tfw 2 points from maxing out.

you fucking suck if you can't run 2 miles.

RANGER minimum standards
5mile run≤ 40:00

in ranger school you can do like 80 push ups and those guys will only count like 30 of them.

anything over 280 is pretty good user, good job. are you active duty or rotc or what?

your elbows need to make a perfect right angle or they don't count it. your dick needs to hit the dirt every time basically

Yeah those pushups are retardedly low. I'm fairly confident I can crank out more than 40 in a minute. Situps too. No idea about running though. I haven't ran since my cardio was complete dogshit... always hated it.

shit, i'm too old. I could do them though

>36 years young

39 is the cutoff for the air force
>and their physical standards are lower

I'd pass the "upon completion" easily

i was going based just on the chart, but i wouldn't join without there being a great demand. i wish i could go back in time, make myself get fit, and join the Marine Corps.

I'm in the 27-31 category. i'm pretty sure during the surge they upped the age limit to 42, i bet that chart is still out there

is that for all branches, chair force, corps, what? also, is that with previous years of service? i'd be going in as a noob. that's weird enough, but i could handle it if they'd take me. it's not like i'm dumb enough to go in as an officer at my age without any sort of experience. i'd be happy to keep my mouth shut and be a grunt

The maximum age for Army enlisted recruits is 35, Air Force is 39, while the Navy and Marines cap recruit ages at 34 and 28, respectively. Under federal law, the oldest recruit any military branch can enlist is 42, although each service sets its own policy within that limit.
you can apply for an age waiver, too

...yeah, i'll pass. unless WW3

i feel you, i just wanted to know where the Veeky Forums guys stacked up, considering cario is a meme or whatever

i've never understood that, but i guess it's because i ran track in high school and started lifting later. running always felt great, just like cycling, swimming, whatever. i wouldn't want to do hours of it at a time, but 20-30 minutes a day minimum is nothing and you reap so many benefits.

also, sprinting is god tier for supporting lifting as it's enhanced by lifting and vice versa.

i can do the pushups and situps easily, MAYBE the 2-mile run. i do HIIT 3x a week but i haven't really ran longish distances in over a year (HS wrestling senior year).

Former marine here, was actually looking this up earlier for a giggle. I've gotten 300 PFT's in the past, this shit is a joke.