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I want to make it so bad. After any large meal or even a drop of alcohol, they call my name. Convince me to forgo darts 5ever.

Quitting is easy, stop being a little bitch.

waste of money

also your dick will get bigger if you quit. no joke, they affect blood flow.

I'm 3.5 weeks in going cold turkey. I sleep better, feel better in the morning, and the girl I've been talking to noticed it. You got this user

Read Allen Carr's Easyway to stop smoking.

Seriously, I smoked 20 a day for 6 years and dropped it cold turkey with no problem, no temptation when drinking and no food substitutions.

Just look at the Amazon reviews. If you don't wanna pay for it I'm sure you can easily pirate it.

My main issue is that a good portion of my friend group smokes. I am around cigarettes daily if I do anything social. Does he cover things of that nature?

when you quit for a while you'll eventually look at smoking with disgust

quit, you'll thank yourself later

Yes. It doesn't do the usual "SMOKING IS BAD U SMELL AND MONEY" shit.

It deals with removing the psychological attachment you have to smoking, and making it so easy to stop justifying smoking. Honestly it is great.

If you can endure 10 craving periods a day each on average 3 minutes in length for 2 weeks you will be ok

i quit 3 years ago and I still have cravings from time to time

Some things that helped me quit:

1. i run twice a week, and quitting made it easier
2. i started having lots of job interviews/meeting people, kissing ass to network, and i found that if I smell like cigs, it really turns people off.
3. teeth. your teeth will get whiter.

my reasons for quitting were superficial, but it was superficial to start smoking in the first place. It's been 3 years since I quit, and I'd say I don't get that many temptations anymore. I do, from time to time, have a cigar after a really good day (which is like, once a month). Other than that, i kicked the nasty habit, and so should you whenever you're ready.

buy a vape

and a fedora

My economics teacher said he quit smoking when he realized the following:

You can ALWAYS stop the first cigarette, but you can't stop the second. Ergo, don't start with the first.

It sounds stupid but don't think of it as lighting up 1 cigarette, but lighting up all the ones that will come after it.

Don't give in to your cravings. You'll make it.

Here's what worked for me.

Everytime you have a cigarette be really conscious of everything you do while smoking, be really focused on the taste and smell of the cigarette while youre smoking it, you'll realize how disgusting it actually is and youll slowly stop craving them.

I havent had a smoke in 2 weeks like this and im holding up pretty well i'd day.

>I havent had a smoke in 2 weeks

Keep making it

your economics teacher says that? is your economics teacher Donald Trump?

>I do, from time to time, have a cigar after a really good day
so you didnt quit?

older teachers always give the best advice

my physics teacher once told us that whenever you're guessing someone's age, you should round up or down towards 21. Someone looks 15? Say they're 17. Someone looks 40? Say they're 36.

you don't inhale a cigar.

If you cant quit cigarettes you will never have the willpower to lift, diet and make it.

It is way easier to stop smoking than to commit your life to fitness.

I highly doubt that, I smoked on average 40 cigarettes a day for 7 years and after the first 2 months of quitting I haven't had a craving since

>tfw you smoke 2 packs a day now

I could literally smoke all waking hours, after 10 mins without a smoke I'm losing my mind and all I can think about is having another

At least for me, that's not true. I find it much easier to do something (lifting, eating well, going to bed) than not to do something (smoking). One you only do once at a time, the other you have to do always. It's kind of like "Don't think of an elephant right now".

Other than that yeah, everybody should quit, including me. It feels like cigarettes are one of the few reliable joys I have although I realise that they are keeping me from some of the others I could have. They really have a huge impact on your general quality of life.

That's a meme, anybody who smokes them regularly does.

how's that a meme? i smoke them, and i don't inhale