Come to Veeky Forums a sad frog autist

>come to Veeky Forums a sad frog autist
>spend two years in cocoon mode as Veeky Forums recommended
>eat, sleep, lift, study, work
>finally get a decent physique and lose 60lbs
>get tons of looks from women, walk with confidence
>have sex with a girl for the first time at 22
>it wasn't even enjoyable...


>put sex on a pedestal
>realize it's not the be all end all at 22
i realized that at 15 man what took you so long?

stick to making height face frame posts, /r9k/ piece of shit

>have sex with a girl for the first time at 22
>it wasn't even enjoyable...

oh fuck are you me?

most girls at 22 suck at sex

Did you cuddle afterward?

You're supposed to cuddle

What are some essentially aspects of cacoon mode to avoid getting depressed?

Everyone always ignores the guy saying it ain't nothing but a peanut. There's always at least 3 posts saying that in every stupid ranty blog thread.

Now you know user, but you knew too late. Now imagine if you knew at the age of 16-19, when you had a tonne of fresh, teenage pussy surrounding you.

>sex with a girl

You've been meme'd.

unless they've been in a long serious relationship, their experience likely consists of lying down like a cold fish while letting frat boys do whatever they want

>implying anyone at Veeky Forums has ever had sex with a girl, virgin or not.

Now that you are no longer obsessed with pussy, use that refreshed perspective on life towards applying yourself to academic and career endeavors, hobbies, and maybe a relationship that is deeper physical attraction.

No. And fuck you, stupid waste of oxygen faggot.

>have sex with a girl for the first time at 22
>it wasn't even enjoyable...

that's why you gotta slay even more pussy until it become a really good experience

protip: try finding a trustworthy girl (doesnt matter if gf or just fwb) that you are capable to fuck without a condom (MAKE SURE SHE IS ON THE PILL OR YOU'LL HAVE A VERY BAD TIME), I fucking garantee you that cumming inside and feeling the warmth of a soaked pussy tightening your hard penis is one of the most incredible sensations ever

bonus points: If you manage to have an emotional connection to this girl and it not just being casual sex, it will be even greater

>try finding a trustworthy girl (doesnt matter if gf or just fwb) that you are capable to fuck without a condom

forgot to add: And also make sure she doesnt have any STD's

I barely feel sex with a condom, to be fair. Often it's more about getting the girl to bed than the actual sex. Nevertheless, when you actually like the girl, and you do it without a condom, it's an incredible feeling

Oh, besides that, I'm not trolling here, but if sex was your goal from the very start, learning daygame or nightgame would've given you results waaaaay quicker (assuming you're not a landwhale).


oldfag confirmed.

Fuck off faggot.

Yeah, and because playing the piano sucks when you're a noob, it just sucks.


> learning daygame or nightgame



noko has been default since before moot left. Get with the times, grandpa.

My thing's daygame, can't do nightgame for shit. If daygame is something you're interested in, that's where I can offer help. I'm not saying it's gonna be easy (hell, it took me 568 approaches to get my first kiss) but afterwards, when you get the hang of it, life becomes SO much more easy and enjoyable. Check out Tom Torero on youtube, he has beginner guides, and don't believe the marketing hype, you will have to put serious effort into this

The guy swearing at you wasn't me. Either way, didn't know that, haven't been on here in easily a year haha. Also moot's gone? Last I heard he'd gone full SJW...

Which part of cutting/losing weight is hard?

Is it the less amount of time you have to spend cooking?

Is it the less amount of time you have to spend eating?

Is it the less amount of money you have to spend on food?

Which one is it you fat pathetic fucks?

Pic is me, pussy. Because im not afraid to show myself to you losers

I feel like this should be common knowledge but in just fyi, only about a third of the sex you have will be memorable.As you learn to whore around youll find that a lot of girls are terrible in the sack.

1/3 will lay there and do fuck all and make you do all the work
1/3 will go too far and make it complicated and more work than its worth
1/3 will make you cum buckets and absolutely change your life

i did not realize pua faggots still talked like this

Please detail the differences between daygame and nightgame.

gg user, you fell for the pussi meme

nice b8, are you aware your lats are literally just rolls of fat?

I've had 3 sex partners up until now, two of which were my gfs and I had all my best orgasms were when I was fapping to incest doujins on sad panda. Go figure.

this x1000

Absolutely, I 100% agree with this. A good chunk of girls fuck like a tranquilised pillow.

Eh, community's changed a lot in recent years, it doesn't depend on canned material nowadays, but on principles...

Daygame: Approaching girls in broad daylight on the streets, in malls, etc. It's done stone cold sober, usually is not as quickly sexual as Nightgame . Girls will tend to respect you more, and you'll really stand out as only a fraction of people will ever attempt this. Furthermore, you require more verbal dexterity to succeed.

Nightgame: Happens in clubs/parties. Can turn sexual VERY quickly, it's more physical from the getgo, rarely will you connect with girls on an emotional level, and you're more prone to have one night stands here. Downsides is that people are drunk (often including yourself) and it's expensive. If you're an introvert, daygame is better.

Sorry I dont look like one of your cut twinks. 6ft 193lb 35lbx8 chin ups. Please tell me whos fat now idiot. Can you even bench 2xx for reps pussy? Post your body pic you joke.

gains take time be they sex gains or lifting gains. You cant deadlift lmao3plate the first time you lift you gotta work up to it.

Sex with any partner for the first time is generally not that good. If you guys practice together you will improve. Also having an emotional connection to the meat bag you are sticking it in will make it a hundred times better.

For faster gains communicate about what you like. No one can read minds and you will never get what you don't ask for. also you can try mirroring whatever your partner is doing. Most people will use moves that they themselves enjoy.

hang in there user. you have plenty of years of great sex ahead. you are just getting started.


Not finding some 30yo cougar to fuck your shit up.

So your a skinny manlet? Congrats bud. I bet your 185 bench makes your fat gf wet. Twink.

Better luck next time, redditor.


I can't agree enough with this post!

and I'm sure telling girls your max bench makes them seriously re-consider you after observing what a fat fuck you are

Do you do daygame alone?

so....It's better to have a woman with experience at sex? Maybe one older?

But doesn't that make her a used up slut?

What's funny is that Chad ate pizza during all those hours op wasted trying to get a gf

What's funny is that people are having fun and going out and you're still shitposting that forced meme

What a fucking dumbass.

I used to be the /b/ kind of misanthrope about 3 years ago. So not only was I socially awkward, but I also didn't quite click with people. I always felt self conscious, thought I was being judged for the girls I approached. Thus I never liked going out with wings. Even nowadays, where my issues are mostly fixed I still prefer to do it alone, and then maybe meet a friend over coffee/beer to exchange stories.

On the other hand, more sociable people find that it helps them overcome their approach anxiety. I'd say that you should do what works for you. I don't know who you are, and I don't know your characteristics, so I can't give you specific advice.

That said, you should try to approach by yourself, at least until you don't use others as a crutch. Also, beware of finding wings on the web, don't be afraid to cut them off. I've found some of my best IRL friends from such forums, but PUA often attracts a lot of hateful people.

Truth be told people are drawn to it because they have something not quite right in their lives. Consequently, the people who've managed to overcome their difficulties are some of the most inspiring and amazing people you'll meet in your life. But a lot of others are toxic.

Oh no! They like sex! The shock, the horror! Get this thought out of your head. The virginal girl does not exist, the innocent looking ones are often the craziest ones in bed. Nevertheless, there are irresponsible girls. So vet girls based on how responsible they are, and whether YOU are attracted to them, not your friends, not your parents, not society.

moot being SJW was a meme, there's very little substance behind it. He did however sell Veeky Forums to some jap from 2ch. Google it.

Listen, faggot OP, THIS SHIT DOESN'T EVEN BELONG ON Veeky Forums, IT BELONGS ON /r9k/ OR /b/


:^) Hello, dumbass.

You literally fucking what?
Are you circumcised or uncircumziced?
Did you use a condom or go bareback?

Im gussing your circumcised and you used a condom at the same time

Also shut the fuck up stop taking shit about sex faggot its literally 100% of my motivation to get Veeky Forums


>sex is literally 100% of my motivation

You literally fucking what?
Are you a noob lifter?
Are you a virgin?

I'm guessing you're both.

no for first yes for second

cant wake up