How do I find a quality girl Veeky Forums ?

how do I find a quality girl Veeky Forums ?

>one that squats, deadlift and does her cardio

if I dont have many friends and my social circle is kinda small, am I permafucked? just destined to be the local manwhore?

>to keep it fitness related: I want her to be my lifting buddy :)

pic unrelated..

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cmon fagets

It's a long way down, OP
my nigga

hey cool taste breh

>metal band
>fender anything
I never understood this.

lol holy shit ghost is so fucking lame.

>Black metal imagery and metal motif
>disturbed/ linkn park tier normie "metal"


yeah they need a pointy bc rich

Not even that jsut something with more growl like a warwick or an old gibson.

that's what i got! just talk to the shy girl that's always at your gym. if she is single and you dont look like a fucking anus, she will probs go out with you. just save your spaghetti for after the workout

listen to their songs. that is NOT metal. fender suits them just fine.

I have. honestly the voice throws me off.

>le my metal is better than yours

As long as it isnt korn tier/ some emo shit who cares

lel take a load of this pleb

they dont even consider themselves as metal

it isnt jazz either obviously

Shit never mind i just heard one of their "songs"

That costume is too awesome for that shitty teen babby's first metal band tier music

>a-are y-you using t-those p-pink d-dumbbells..??

Sure. They aren't metal, just ignore this badge of normie honor, the grammy, they won.

>implying Korn isn't objectively better music than the noise that some monochromatic clowns from Finland make trying to break their instruments.

Korn is shit tier normie shit too dude, just watch this 20 minute documentary I watch from time to time with my friends to bust our sides straight into mars' orbit.

Maximum Cringe warning by the way


Watching now

I liked one of their songs a few years ago, but looking back, it was garbage.

Can proudly say i listen to obscure autistic european folk metal nowadays, and i only get laughed at by everybody but it's ok

I said that before i listened to ghost. If i had to pick one shit sandwich I'd eat ghost.

I was at a concert with slayer and they were warming up for them. i thought it was a joke. i need something heavier to warm up my neck to before the headbanging starts. cool costumes though. thought they were a different type of band before they started playing

Of course their style is pure cringe, it's basically the soundtrack to being an angsty teenager in the early 2000s, but they're actually capable of recording a decent song, as in they understand how music works and what makes it pleasurable to listen to. That's more than can be said for most "trve metal" bands out there.

>how do I find a quality girl Veeky Forums ?
>all these plebs discussing OP image even it clearly says it is not related
>being so thick about a random picture

gee how fucking dense you have to be?

I can totally see that especially with an act like slayer. Hell even Kerry King said he wasnt into their music just the image was "cool"

>Kerry King

is this the same fatass woh says that Iron Maiden is living out of their old songs?

yeah cool story breh, say that to the millions of people going to their new album concerts

get the hair growing on the other side of your head

Women are cancerous gains goblins who think their shit don't stink

HAHA almost shat myself because of diharrea and laughing. cutting sucks... no be honest about why you approach her. dont just splurge out "WILL YOU BE MY GF ANSWER PLS", but try to tell her that you want to grab a coffee or something. if she rejects, what have you lost? nothing.

Hes a salty egomaniac cause he doesnt have the same song credits as Hanneman. Now that hes dead oh hes the genius of slayer all of a sudden.

Please don't do this. I hate it when random ugly guys hit on me while im in the gym. I'm their to exercise, not to get creeped on. :l

If youre dressing with 1 sports bra and see thru pants then expect some approaches you fucking whore. Dont want attention wear some sweats and hoodie.

>random ugly guys

So youd be okay with it if Chad was the one hitting on you

I'm always right
/r9k/ is always right

Omg that's completely different though.

Don't call me a whore you stupid virgin.

Went to their ct show. Based. Most fun show I've seen since rammstein

New moonsorrow album when?

This is now a music thread

Megadeth or Metallica
Iron Maiden or Black Sabbath
Rammstein or Combichrist
Pantera vs Machine Head

Also, Avatar are the best metal band I've heard in quite some time

Iron Maiden

I enjoyed Regret/House of Eternal Hunt by Avatar



niggas out here want a girl who lift, play vidya, and watch football like nigga you aint lookin for a girl you lookin for a dude get real smdh tbqh #realtalk

Black Sabbath and Pantera literally no other choices.

Dis f a m knows wus gud. He good listen to him

Haha their costumes are straight up from Warhammer 40k

Not long ago Ghost looked like Darth Vaders

Don't care about the others, but if you pick Iron Maiden over Black Sabbath, your chances of being on the autism spectrum increase tenfold.

i've always been opposed to meeting girls at work, in my apartment building, or at the gym. you don't want to shit where you eat, ya feel? but look around your city for fitness related meetup groups. most of them are going to be running groups, but there's always something else out there. now, i'm not saying you'll find a bunch of girls in that group who are into lifting, but you stand a better chance with a fitness-minded group versus any random group.

like, there's a 5k running group that meets once a week at a local pub. they do their run and come back for drinks (it's like the planet fitness of running but whatever). i've seen plenty of trim there i'd like to slay, but it's an upper middle class bar with girls out of my price range