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I thought this was a powerlifting thread?
Post more mirin stories. Ok thanks in advance
No this is the meme thread
thats retarded
>not wasting time is retarded
it's retarded because this is true
your natural production is not shut down permanently
Not really. I know a few people that fucked around with dbol in their late teens and they don't have any dick issues. They were too retarded too do any form of decent cycle and pct, just randomly popped dbol for muh muscles.
There's a chance it can be though. And your test levels will never be close to what they were while on test if your natural production does come back. Therefore you don't keep all your gains. Hormones aren't something you can to fuck around with.
And you still end up being stronger and bigger than if you spend that time training natty. And gear usage increases your ability to build muscle permanently.
There is literally no point of being natty.
>There's a chance it can be though.
and how big is this chance?
>And your test levels will never be close to what they were while on test if your natural production does come back
is that right? what percentage of your old test levels will they be then, on average?
>and how big is this chance?
Small, but it doesn't matter, still not worth the risk. You can't know whether or not it'll happen to you.
>is that right? what percentage of your old test levels will they be then, on average?
I had to get off TRT for 6 months and my levels went from 780 to 205 within a month. Then they increased back to about 340 2 months later and stayed there until I got back on. Lost most of my strength too.
Anyone bought rogue calibrated plates yet?
>I had to get off TRT for 6 months and my levels went from 780 to 205 within a month. Then they increased back to about 340 2 months later and stayed there until I got back on. Lost most of my strength too.
uhm, I don't think anyone would suggest that your natural test levels will climb to what they were while on TRT. the important numbers here are what your test levels were before TRT and what they were after (given a few months to stabilize) .
did you pct you fucking retard?
My levels were about 400 before starting. They only got up to 340 because I was on Arimidex which slightly boosts testosterone. When I got off Arimidex my levels went back down to the low 200s right before getting back on TRT.
>iwn be the guy in this webm
literally my goal body and strength
don't listen to this man^
What's up with those fuckin chicken legs?
The human body is weird
>pulls 600 lbs
>5pl8 squat
>looks like this
I really don't understand how he can lift so much weight, be so light, drink a lot of alcohol and have a poor fast food diet. He must be some freak of nature.
You doing okay there, Wojak?
>poor fast food diet
he track his macros and sometimes eat greens and fruits
tiny framed manlet on low doses of test and a low bf setpoint?
>low doses of test
and how do you know he's not?
Long legs in comparision to upper body = more leverage = higher deadlift.
The squat kind of irks me a bit though because technically the ROM should be more, so you would think it would be harder to squat more considering
I'm sure there is some reason for why long legs contribute to heavier squats when trained as well. Or maybe I'm just full of shit. I see long leg dudes have absolutetly terrible leg strength until trained and then for some reason their upper limit is higher.
Doesn't make sense to me.
It's not that long legs are beneficial for the squat, it's that it doesn't matter much since you can just Norton the shit out of your squat.
And long legs aren't beneficial for deadlifts, it's just that long legs correlates with long arms which are extremely good for deadlifts.
>long legs, short arms, short torso
How's that 4 plate bench coming along then?
>short torso
>big bench
pick one
what's the current meme routine?
arching is a shit meme anyways
>tfw genetic dead end
Having "fun". Which coincidentally yields no gains and mostly means not training hard.
Home gym being built tomorrow lads
all KINDS of gains!
im sure your gym is glad Tbh lad
Best assistance to overhead pressing as a main movement? (No form of BB benching please)
My OHP right now is 75kg at 79kg BW. I do a shit load of LTEs but wondering if there is anything helps off the chest more.
(I don't bench at all and if I do it will have to be DB)
Savage desu
front raise, db press would probably work
why are you at war with bench press? you are in /plg/, it may trigger some people, you know
More OHP
Do a better program
Fix your form
Get bigger muscles
That's about what I can think up
exciting man
Stop posting here until you compete
Strong traps help in the beginning.
>(No form of BB benching please)
The answer is closegrip bench or weighted dips though...
Push pressing is good in general, seated press or heavier dumbbell press would work too.
I'm still going to the gym, a home gym and going to the gym are complimentary
why are you banned?
fatigue setting in
squats 5x8
close grip slingshot bench 5x6
bent rows 5x12
>Stop posting here until you compete
you aren't the boss of this thread, you don't make the rules
I'm not. Now I'm back and I can tell you that you should not post here.
ayyy our lad is back
did you have a hard time coping?
Very hard desu. Had to get my friend to post for me
>you can't make the rules
It's a rule for no one else but rasnogains
>squats 5x8
fuuuuck that.
Good to have friends :^)
its offseason, gotta build that work capacity and get volume in
guess whos back
back again
isleys back
pin some tren
Thanks. How would I program DB OHP and Push Press when OHPing 3x week?
Also guys I have nothing against bench, I just don't like it and the gym I go to does not have anywhere for BB benching or any dip stands.
(Platform with rack is for squats etc only)
>pin some tren
>gets banned
>comes back an even bigger cunt
Let me take you through my fitness history
I was a very active teenager, then went to university and this happened
i was a fat fuck at 82kg
db press 5x10
ohp 5x5
push press 5x3
got down to 69kilos, still looked like total fucking shit
it was building up
what do you expect Tbh
Relaxing my current 3x week OHP or as an addition?
DB's after main work, with one day dedicated to push pressing instead of OHP. Like Mon: OHP, Wed: PP, Fri: OHP for example. Still do them strict, don't turn it into a jerk. And hammer your triceps in any way possible.
pls stop
well you are still fat, also have you checked if you have klinefelter's? not even memeing
i didn't know what i was doing, but actually made progress doing only a machine circuit at a gym
Dude, stop. Just train fucking hard for the next six months then tell us about your progress.
Idk, I was thinking it would give him some time to reflect.
id do what i just outlined as your main press each day
get on dnp and get shredded then do 500test 500tren and 100mg adrol
moving back with my parents after university, i tried to stay active running semi regularly, but looked like shit at 72kilos
this isn't your fucking blog man.
>isley was right
Have you tried lifting weights?
>implying its not isley with his trip off doing black pr
>that dick bulge
Then i started power-lifting
This is me a few months ago
I really need to do a proper cut before i take a new pic, but my legs particularly are much bigger
but compare the pictures and tell me i am not making gains now, particularly this one and the previous one
why do you think he calls himself rasputin
I regret my cut. I was only 170 15%. Is there any point cutting for a month to 10-11% or should I just stop now and dream bulk. Is it worth it?
>that bulge
chose one
you look like a paedophile rapist fireman from the 70's
Different lighting? Not sure I see any difference Tbh
>literally throwing the barbell to the ground and then pushing it on top so it'd impact even stronger
what a fucking retard
In less than two weeks I've completely forgotten how to OHP, lel. 80kgx3x6 looked and felt like shit. Floor OHP 70kgx2x6 felt just as bad. This might be because I've eaten like shit the last couple of days too, but still.
When you say eaten like shit what do you mean
1000+ calorie deficit, basically just protons, small amounts of fat and no carbs.
>I really need to do a proper cut
No, you absolutely don't, you need a few months of gaining weight on a high volume Texas method setup.
Also this
holy fuck those squats were sickening. why the fuck did you keep increasing the weight?
you wanna fuck your back up at in your 20s for the mockery of /fit?
what ive been doing has kept things so simple and ensures im always getting my cals
drink the following as soon as you get up and last thing before you go to bed
300ml whole milk
2 scoops whey
6tbsp olive oil
extra 2400 cals a day, then i put 4 servings of maltodextrin and some electrolytes in 1-2l of water with juice and drink that during the day for another 800 cals, ton of carbs fat and moderate protein on top of your food, and dirt cheap
I don't care about your fucking journey. Sod off.
How do you avoid the side effects from oil? I have like half a tbsp and it goes through me.
>Then i started power-lifting
>doing ss in the gym is powerlifting
I don't care about you not caring about his journey. Sod off.