
How do you deal with depression? Antidepressants just sort of make me feel like I have a shell around my depression, but its still very much there.

What do you guys do to work through it? I work out, but that's just momentary relief.

Do a shitload of cardio

i take 5 pills a day

im not a bitch

smoking weed and lifting

Cool dude! :)

Lifting helps, but idk. I think I'm a fundamentally sad person. I don't think you can fully come back from being told you're worthless and unlovable by your parents. Like you can bounce back and live a semi-adjusted life. But you'll probably never thrive or flourish, at least long term.

>tfw literally every single person in my genetic line has a mental illness

I'm fucked senpai

Oh ok. So you were born with adequate dopamine and serotonin receptors. well done.

Get some hobbies and use that as a way to meet people. Social interaction could help you a lot user.

Also begin starting sit

take the anitdepressant called 'wellbutrin' thank me later

I lift.

Sometimes I'm sore after my lift.

Then I become sore and depressed.

But at least I feel something other than Depressed.

i get really depressed after i lift. hits after an hour

>depressed because social anxiety stops me from interacting normally with other humans
>socially anxious because too depressed to interact with other humans

Sometimes I get depressed mid-lift.

>Maybe I should just drop the bar on my neck, it'd be easy and quick
>Mfw I worry I don't bench enough to kill me
>this becomes my motivation to bench more.

been taking St johns wort, 5htp, l theanine, l tyrosine and maca lately. I think they're helping.

How much sunlight do you get OP?

I'm not sure of the science regarding the relation between vitamin D and happiness, but recently I spent two days in sunlight from sunrise to sunset and my mood was fucking amazing for like 4-5 days afterwards. It wore off once I returned to my normal lifestyle where I get very little sun.

I dont get much sun

How did you go in Psychology 101? :)

psychology is bullshit. no amount of talking to a therapist is going to fix your brain. I did it for a year and it did nothing.

this OP. placebo can really do alot for your mindset

Give it a shot man. It's worth a try. Doing some research now and it seems there are at the very least some theories out there that sunlight and vitamin D levels can elevate your serotonin.

Go do a long run/walk/hike on a sunny day or go swimming if it's the season in your neck of the woods. The more skin you have exposed to the sun, the better.

How did you go in browsing the 'ch0n 101? ;)

or maybe try supplementing vitamin D. Not sure how well it would work but if you are completely fucking miserable you might as well.

I've tried a million different things. I'm acutely aware of how things affect me. these ones definitely work

especially the tyrosine, st johns wort and maca

It's definitely not a miracle cure. I work a min. of 40 hours a week doing construction, have a loving, supportive GF, and I still can't keep from thinking about suicide every once in a while. Not actually considering killing myself, yet sometimes when I'm lying in bed I imagine what it would be like to just die. Seems peaceful.

I don't vacuum nature. I do set achievable goals and work towards them

nah im too pretty to die. i just get bored after i lift