Refined grains/oils and added sugar is making the world sick and fat. It hurts me to see red meat, dairy and eggs villainized when they're among the healthiest foods in the world.
All you need to be healthy and strong:
>fucktonnes of green vegetables, at the very least 40g fiber a day
>fucktonnes of fatty fish
>plenty of eggs, meat, dairy, avocado, nuts
>small amounts of fruit, legumes, unrefined grains, coconut
>small amounts of dark chocolate (85%+)
>absolutely 0g added sugar (apart from the dark chocolate), refined grains, vegetable oils, or other processed garbage
/real food/ general
Other urls found in this thread:
How does whole milk fit in? I know people use it for GOMAD but I've also heard its full of oestrogen
Fish is not something we should be eating more of, for lots of reasons. Not the way things are now.
Fine if it fits your macros and you can tolerate it. I prefer yogurt as it's filling. Saturated fat is fine if (and only if) your diet is good and you're healthy and active
Can you elaborate? Are you talking about pollutants? I eat 7+ cans of sardines/salmon/mackerel a week
Do you mean from overfishing and sustainability? Certain seafood like sardines and oysters are environmentally okay to fish.
How many eggs is too many eggs (daily)
Both of these issues. And they're only getting worse.
I'd say 5, after that you'd be better off spending those calories oj something else for nutritional variety
> It hurts me to see red meat, dairy and eggs villainized when they're among the healthiest foods in the world.
But they aren't. They're the foods you're supposed to limit or avoid.
on the average 2 whole egg a day is a bit too much cholesterol, did 1 egg a day for 2 months and bloodworks was fine. but it really
changes from person to person, a friend of mine eat on average 4 whole eggs a day and have perfect cholesterol.
What's so healthy about red meat and eggs?
Muh grandpa ate lots of red meat, eggs, and whiskey and he was jacked as fuck and worked on a farm until he was 110, at which point he died of pussy overload from all the 18 year olds he was fucking
>t. OP
Am currently cutting.Which of these food that I usually eat are bad??
whole wheat toast/bread
whole wheat pasta
chicken breast
low fat greek yogurt
pita bread
milk (usually low fat)
What low calories,high protein foods do you recommend??
Add some beans and be careful with the eggs
Those all look breddy gud breh, as far as getting your protein, fish is god tier as well as chicken, nuts and legumes are good and any other meat is fine as long as it's relatively lean.
>1whole wheat toast/bread
>1whole wheat pasta
>chicken breast
>low fat greek yogurt
>1pita bread
>milk (usually low fat)
Yes,I loves me some green beans with feta cheese.And what's up with eggs?I usually eat 3-4 eggs but not daily.Hard boiled or fried in olive oil.
Thank you,I will add fish too.
whole wheat toast/bread
whole wheat pasta
>chicken breast
>low fat greek yogurt
pita bread
>milk (usually low fat)
was trying to do this
switch all with veggies
Carbs are bad??Are you that guy that thinks we should all be on keto?
>eggs and cholesterol meme
Mom, I thought I told you to get off Veeky Forums.
Please inform yourself at least a tiny bit before spouting bullshit you are absolutely clueless about.
No thats probably me, but he's right. Bread and grains are fucking terrible
Please, educate us all
>what are bananas
>what are oats
Idiot. I cut the processed stuff
If you eat oats then your cholesterol levels shouldn't matter because the cholesterol attaches itself to oats. That way it flushes out of your system when you use the bathroom instead of clogging up your arteries.
>Yes,I loves me some green beans
I mean bean beans. Like beans. And eggs are quite high in cholesterol with some saturated fat as well, so not something to eat a lot of.
You sweet summer child
I literally cannot live without bread.Redpill me on how it affects muscle gain and fat loss
>whole wheat toast/bread
>cholesterol attaches itself to oats. That way it flushes out of your system when you use the bathroom instead of clogging up your arteries.
That's true but that refers more to cholesterol in your blood. Oats help lower cholesterol, but it's not as if all the excess cholesterol is carried away if you have any oats (or other fiberous food) in your diet. You want to flush out the cholesterol while not adding more cholesterol.
If you eat high quality stuff then the only downside is that the fibres are degenerated compared to raw grains. If you eat the highly processed stuff (99% of the market) you're eating beetus junkie junk food. It gives you nothing and fucks with your insulin resistance.
>Unfortunately, there was widespread misinterpretation, or maybe wishful thinking, regarding the DGAC’s statement.
>Many consumers and media alike decided this meant that they were free to eat all the high cholesterol-containing foods they wanted and there was no reason to be concerned about eating a diet high in dietary cholesterol. This is not the case.
>Eating a few egg yolks within a diet low in saturated fat may be fine. That’s not true for everyone though, so you should check with your doctor about whether or not it is safe to liberalize your intake of cholesterol-containing foods a bit.
>The take-home is that just because dietary cholesterol is no longer a “nutrient of concern,” it does not mean we should forget about the problems it can cause. An apt analogy is that just because we know dark chocolate has some heart-health benefits, it does not mean people should eat 10 bars a day.
What's so bad about whole grains?
Ignore the paleo idiots.
From the paleo perspective, the ideal diet for the human body is the one that's sustained humans for thousands of years (hunter-gatherer style) and the low fat diet that's high in grains is a relatively recent addition, mostly because of Dr Ancel Keys who convinced the western world that eating dietary cholestoral and fat would cause heart disease. Food companies try to lower the saturated fat in their products, but in order to make their food palatable they needed to add simple carbs instead.
Since the 1950s (when the low-fat guidelines were first being introduced) the obesity rate in America has drastically gone up (although the BMI is hardly a perfect judge of course)
>Since the early 1960s, the prevalence
of obesity among adults more than
doubled, increasing from 13.4 to
35.7 percent in U.S. adults age 20 and
You know what all fad diets have in common??They claim it's what humans were meant to eat.Ketofags and veganfags post the same shit.
Captcha:Select all images with pasta and noodles
Look, I'm not doing the work for you, because I'm on a phone and I'm lazy as fuck.
What I will tell you is this - all of those people in the goal body threads, or fitness models, or physique competitors or anyone that is lean and strong have two things in common:
They eat the fucking yolks and they don't eat bread.
Do your own research. This aint fucking leddit
>From the paleo perspective, the ideal diet for the human body
> and the low fat diet
>grains is a relatively recent addition
>mostly because of Dr Ancel Keys who convinced the western world that eating dietary cholestoral and fat would cause heart disease
>Since the 1950s (when the low-fat guidelines were first being introduced) the obesity rate in America has drastically gone up (although the BMI is hardly a perfect judge of course)
>From the paleo perspective, the ideal diet for the human body is the one that's sustained humans for thousands of years (hunter-gatherer style)
And that's absolutely retarded and not based on any kind of science. It's a vague hypothesis built around an appeal to nature fallacy.
>and the low fat diet that's high in grains is a relatively recent addition, mostly because of Dr Ancel Keys who convinced the western world that eating dietary cholestoral and fat would cause heart disease
You've read a conspiracy on some crackpot website. A moderate-fat diet built on a foundation of whole grain foods is recommended because that has the most research supporting it, not because one mad scientist managed to fool the whole world somehow. Don't bring that bullshit to Veeky Forums.
I'm not promoting any diets here bud, I don't have enough information for that. I'm just trying to stick to the facts.
>Since the 1950s (when the low-fat guidelines were first being introduced) the obesity rate in America has drastically gone up
That was the 70s and they weren't "low-fat guidelines" in the first place, but you know what else the guidelines said? Eat less sugar. Do you believe America is obese because people stopped eating sugar?
Sponsored by the USDA and coca-cola.
Lets see what you look like, faggot
Already found a picture of you floating around on google
Can't forget the multivitamines. It's almost impossible to get all your daily requirements from (modern) food unless you eat like a truck.
My quads obviously speak truth. But keep eating that bread, Amerifat.
>Do you believe America is obese because people stopped eating sugar?
But people didn't stop eating sugar. They ate more in fact.
The cholesterol in eggs has almost no effect on our bodies because our liver adapts to the increased cholesterol intake and lowers the natural production of cholesterol accordingly. You can easily eat 3 whole eggs a day with no detrimental effects whatsoever, possibly even more.
Eggs are health bombs. Some of the best calories you can spend.
fuck you bread is awesome.
That's my point. People ate more fat as well. What people are told to do does not reflect what people actually do, especially when it comes to diet. You really think all the fatties walking into McDonalds 3 times a day or heading down the cookie aisle of the grocery store are consulting the food pyramid before they buy their food?
quints speak the truth.
Ever wondered by americans are so godamn fucking fat and full of disease?
>processed "lowfat" dairy and processed meat.
>no healthy fats
and hes fucking right. the fda and all american studies sponsored by jewca cola are scientific frauds to fool stupid people into eating shit and being sick and full of disease
they might aswell be, coz the american food pyramide is 100% bullcrap niggershaite
Glad at least SOME people have the blinders off. It's so glaringly obvious.
>studies 'proving' milk is bad but diet cola is ok because muh 0 calories
Just eat shit that comes from nature. It's not hard
>The cholesterol in eggs has almost no effect on our bodies because our liver adapts to the increased cholesterol intake and lowers the natural production of cholesterol accordingly. You can easily eat 3 whole eggs a day with no detrimental effects whatsoever, possibly even more.
That sounds nice but it's demonstrably false. Here's a paper the egg industry funded to promote eggs as a source of bioavailable lutein.
They found that just 1.3 eggs a day increased LDL by 8-11%, and therefore countered the benefit of the lutein.
>you can easily eat 3 whole eggs a day with no detrimental effects whatsoever, possibly even more.
Depends on how you design and interpret the study.
organic eggs are k
You're misrepresenting Keys. He thought saturated fat was problematic and it was prudent to replace it with unsaturated fat. Not dietary cholesterol. Not a high fat or low fat diet.
In humans liver produces 0.5-1mg/kg of cholesterol per day.
3 large eggs contain ~700mg of cholesterol. How can it ever possibly adapt to that?
>Refined grains/oils and added sugar is making the world sick and fat.
No they're not, over nutrition and being sedentary are the two biggest issue in the west.
ur fucking stupid
u cant outrun a bad diet.
Red meat
Eggs (whites or whole)
Chicken (with/without the skin)
Turkey (with/without the skin)
Fish (with/without the skin)
Coconut oil
Olive oil
Potatoes (any version in its natural state)
Sweet potatoes (ideal)
Rice (any version)
Oatmeal (any version but steel cut preferred)
Any fruit
Any veggie
Unlimited natural, unprocessed meat (chicken, turkey, red meat, wild game)
Unlimited animal skin
Unlimited natural fat
Fish (not from a can) twice per week minimum
Veggies with every meal, no exceptions
Unlimited fruit
Unlimited potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, and oatmeal
If you follow the above rules, one meal per week eat whatever you want, as much as you want.
Adjust cals as needed
>it's an "idiot brainwashed by paleo fad diet salesman thinks he knows better than top nutritionists"
The people who sells these fad diet books are geniuses. Tell people that their favorite foods are actually super healthy and wonderful and you should eat lots of expensive steak like the big manly cavemen you are deep down, make millions. Here's this misinterpreted, already biased Egg Industry-funded study from twenty years ago - go eat your cholesterol!
>sugar isnt bad!!
>everything in "moderation"
>"balanced" diet KEK
this is what normies believe
>u cant outrun a bad diet.
But you can count calories and be significantly better off eating those two foods whilst maintaining a healthy BMI than being a fat cunt eating the healthiest diet in the world.
Hello family, why do you specify some items are unlimited but then say adjust cals? Some of those unlimited items are very cal dense.
Because you are dumb enough that you need to ask.
Well either I am dumb or your command of the English language a shit. I think it's the latter.
>your command of the English language a shit.
Please tell me more
Fat people are unhealthy because of the shit diet they eat. Eating "the healthiest diet in the world" is incompatible with being fat.
>he doesn't know the meme
Stick around, bro.
No, Fat people are unhealthy because of the quantity of food they eat, you can still eat refined grains et al and maintain a healthy bodyweight.
Likewise all the foods op listed as "healthy" can easily be overeaten.
(1) It's impossible to eat a unhealthy quantity of healthy foods unless you have brain damage.
(2) The inherent unhealthiness of bodyweight is trivial compared to the unhealthiness of the composition of said bodyweight and the composition of the calories required to maintain it. Both of which are heavily impacted by diet.
>It's impossible to eat a unhealthy quantity of healthy foods unless you have brain damage.
A burger sans bun with cheese, a side of mashed potatoes and a dark chocolate and walnut desert.
Aren't all the thing OP lists as "healthy"? I'd like to see this study were by people eating the above ad libitum remained in a caloric deficit.
>The inherent unhealthiness of bodyweight is trivial compared to the unhealthiness of the composition of said bodyweight and the composition of the calories required to maintain it. Both of which are heavily impacted by diet.
I'd also like to see a paper where by lean people eating more refined grains than their obese controls had a greater all cause mortality.
>Aren't all the thing OP lists as "healthy"?
No. OP is some dumb low carber. Don't straw man.
>I'd also like to see a paper where by lean people eating more refined grains than their obese controls had a greater all cause mortality.
You won't find such a paper because it's impossible to find obese people eating a healthy diet. It is however easy to look up the mechanisms by which obesity increases mortality and chronic disease risk and see how the majority of them are related to diet quality and composition.
>No. OP is some dumb low carber. Don't straw man.
I'm not, I thought you were in favor of OP's moronic suggestions.
>majority of them are related to diet quality and composition.
Ecotopic fat, insulin resistance, leptin dysfunction, inflammatory cytokines, etc.
I would hasten to bet that a lean control eating refined grains would be better off.
>Ecotopic fat
>insulin resistance
>leptin dysfunction
>inflammatory cytokines
There are some examples. All related to diet quality and composition.
>I would hasten to bet that a lean control eating refined grains would be better off.
Would (attempting) to get them obese with healthy foods like whole grains produce any adverse health effects?
>Both groups gained 1.6 kg in weight
>produced a rapid weight gain of 3.5 kg
>A single meal
>mice again
>Would (attempting) to get them obese with healthy foods like whole grains produce any adverse health effects?
In humans, yes. Not because wholegrains are bad, but a constant caloric surplus is.
Nor am I saying the above foods in the study are "healthy", but eating them whilst being in a caloric maintenance, and lean, would not be as bad as not eating them whilst being a fat fuck.
>mfw there are unironically still people on this bangladeshi knitting forum who fall for le paleo meme
Is there anything to add/remove from my cutting diet Veeky Forums ?
egg whites
skimmed milk
cottage cheese
salamon fish
salad ( usually cucumber + tomato + lettuce + lemon + salt and oil )
canned tuna
brown rice
beef steak
chicken breasts
10% fat turkish/greek yogurt
olive oil
whole grain spaghetti with tomato sauce
random veggies
>>Both groups gained 1.6 kg in weight
But the composition of the weight was different. Now you're just moving goalposts. No surprises here unfortunately.
>>produced a rapid weight gain of 3.5 kg
I linked this to show you the underlying mechanism of insulin resistance, i.e. oxidative stress.
>>A single meal
Why would it be any different for multiple meals?
>>mice again
Corroborated with human biomarkers and observational data. That's the best you get in nutrition research. If you find a way to get mechanistic research done on people past an ethical board, though, please let me know.
>In humans, yes. Not because wholegrains are bad, but a constant caloric surplus is.
So show me the data where people achieve a constant caloric surplus on whole grains and show negative health effects. If you can't (which I already know), please propose your testable mechanisms on how it would (1) be neurobiologically possible to overeat them without pre-existing brain damage and (2) how exactly calories from them would be able to promote ill-health
>citing the huffy-puffy-post
>Nancy Brown
>CEO, American Heart Association
Oh and btw
hummus and pita bread too
here's some katy perry 4u
What is this supposed to mean ?
Listen up beta cucks,
>No meat
>No dairy
>No bread/rice/pasta
>Green smoothies
>Apple Cider Vinegar
>tfw when you don't take this advice
So just turkish?
Greek has a rancid taste for some reason , I don't know the difference but turkish tastes much better
>So show me the data
You're right, I can't and I skimmed over those papers. I apologize and retract my original statement. Now if you will excuse me I'm going to cry myself to sleep.
Before I go, what foods you would say I can eat ad libitum that will cover my protein goals and micros without the need for calorie counting?
And how would I adjust that for bulking/cutting?
None IMO. Fitness is very different goal. I'd try to eat a lot of minimally processed plant foods though.
good night friend :^)
y-you too
Fucking seriously, I read what some of you guys eat and I shake my fucking head.
depends on who you talk to. the uk nhs said 'as many as you want' a while back and i think the us counterpart says nearly the same thing.
there is no like between dietary and blood serum cholesterol.
>But they aren't. They're the foods you're supposed to limit or avoid.
The 1980s called, they want their nutritional bullshit and lies back.
In those ratios, sure.
What's good about them?
dear oldfags, has Veeky Forums always been this soft?
>name some NON-MEAT & NON-DAIRY staple foods for cutting
Hmmm, hard to say. Veeky Forums started off well (powerlifters, weighlifters, actual bodybuilders) but was completely gay as fuck after 12 months.
So maybe the answer is 'eventually'.