/fraud/ general

Syeroids general.

Jerrbears and we're all gonna make it.


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Aw yus


Also manlet faggots

Jerrbears and FL gf

What is everyone running right now and how are you liking it?

I'll start. All fucking natty.
Not as bad as I thought it would be. Haven't lost any muscle or strength. Just water and endurance. So I'm still pushing the same weights just not for as many reps. Will be hopping back on in a couple weeks and when i do i'll be running
350mg test p
700mg tren a
350mg mast p
50mg proviron
Slin preworkout and postworkout to keep from going flat. Seriously muscle fullness on slin is unlike any oral or carb cycling ever.
Might add epistane or winny towards the end.

Also thinking about running DHT Base (androstene) either towards the end or after im done dieting. Anyone have experience with such a compound?

Just bought my NASM self study package. Any personal trainers here? Was the exam hard?

steroids are for manlet faggots

>those eyes
>that hair


I've been working out natty for a year, on a PPL routine. I've made great progress and my goal is to achieve an aesthetic body. I'm nearly there, but I'm not sure if lifting another year will get me there.

Do I need to fraud to get aesthetics? Or is aesthetics a combination of genetics (height, face, frame).?

Last question, is this dude natty? I thinking he has god tier genetics youtube.com/watch?v=n4ZIfWQqJmg

gonna cruise on 250 test and 300 eq for the next few months.

have recent cb?

So glad I decided to visit today

thought I'd try something a little different today
So I copied down one of Bradley martin's upper body routines
Spent the last 1.5 hours doing max fucking reps
I don't feel sore.... Just tired
Wasn't exactly satisfying

Where are all the DNP threads?

Lmao ex hit me up a few hours ago:
>"hey uh I can't find my white crop top, did you tear it up like the others or is it at your place...?"

Lmao what a fucking reach of an excuse. You know where to buy clothes. You know where your own clothes are. If you want me to come over and fuck you, you should say so.

I ignored her.

Yeah because its a program for Bradley Martin not you. Everything needs to be tailored.

W2C bespoke lifting program

Not that you aren't right so far, but is there something she could even say to you that wouldn't be interpreted as her continuing this pattern of bad behavior?

Not really.

She's so insular. If she cuts someone out, they're out. Any type of contact from her, seemingly trivial or otherwise is a cry for attention.

Far out she is fucking crazy about you..... And you about her, because you're talking about it here
The feels dude

Well yeah of course
Just thought it would be fun to try something different after doing the same program for months.
In the end I just feel tired

Probably has to do from swapping from doing 8-10 reps to doing 12-15 or to failure

Also used some machines I've never touched
Did give me some good ideas though

Jerrbears confirm it to be true. It's a fucking tshirt. There's no reason for her to ask me about a shirt. She just needed an excuse to feel me out.

Can anybody vouch for 24dnp? I'm probably ordering tomorrow and I just want some reassurance

Yeah man. Absolutely. I've been fighting the urge to call her for a booty call forever now.

She was pretty rabid about cutting me off, and now she's asking about a shirt. Desperate as fuck.

So r u bud. Meant for each other.

Maybe. Maaaaayyybaaayyyyy.

If we're talking about the nutter then yeah I think they'd be good (once she sorts things out)

Idk duder.

Best physical connection I've ever had but I think ESTP had a point: she's just manipulating me for validation and positive attention. Sex too. I'm good at that and depressed women seem to use sex as an escape.

Poor girlie
Self esteem issues must be hard to live with

Yeah but did you enjoy the time with her? It's only really explotation if one side is getting screwed (no pun intended). I mean she may not be ltr material but a nice casual relationship is always fun.

I mean it could be wishful thinking and she totally just wants a shirt.

That doesn't seem to apply to Occams razor though; simplest answer seems to be she wants my attention:

Could drive her fucking nuts by saying yes you have it (if you do)
Then when she shows up to get it, hand it to her, close the door.
It'd drive her mental

If you don't just say no don't have it, then refuse to answer any messages after that.

I haven't replied. I'm waiting to see what else I get. I probably won't respond but I'm debating just calling her out and saying "if you want to get fucked, ask me don't ask me about a shirt".

lol she will immediately deny it

Send her pictures of all your white shirts one by one

holly fuck I laughed


Jerrbears settles it

All my nipple blood stained shirts
She's horny enough that she reached out. She'd say noooo but come over. Seriously after she came out she texted me about a book and seven hours later she was choking on my cock.
Totally. She's great except for the back and forth.

Double jerrbears. You gotta send shirt pics now.

It's like it was meant to be.

>grill from work asks me for my number and if I'd work out with her
>let's do legs user

I did legs yesterday. Should I go with her and do my arms/chest or should I do legs for the second day in a row. I did them yesterday.

Holy shit autismo.
>did legs yesterday
>I did them yesterday

Do legs if they're not too sore. Otherwise you might come off as a tryhard. Use the opportunity to spot and coach forn. Go with god

I have a fucking crazy idea
Tell her you did legs yesterday so you'll be taking it easy, but you're more than happy to spot while she does weights much heavier than what you're doing.


Steroids are for autistic manlet faggots

Bro you're not ACTUALLY going to train legs. Your going to fuck her.

>does weights heavier than what I'm doing

U wot m8

I really wanted to do chest an arms. Guess it can wait for tomorrow.

Hey brehs so I'm natty been priming for my 2nd cycle starting tomorrow, I've been eating 4000cal a day for the past 5/6 weeks. Now due to this I've been shitting a lot more than Im used to. And now my anus feels like it's permanently on fire like someones wiping hydrochloric acid on there or sone shit. Will sterons help me absorb all this food rather than shit it out? I'm running 500 test 500 eq anadrol kickstart 50mgED

I can only assume that the qt will be lifting heavy while you do bitch weights due to being sore from doing legs yesterday?
Or are you planning on trying to hit PRs?

I'm gonna do this. After work I'll cut off some of my white shirts and ask if these are the shirts she is missing.



Qt is going to be lifting nearly nothing. She's not hightest.

Probably won't be putting up near my weight on anything m8

And you wanted my help. You're fine pupper.

If I swing this right I'm getting laid tonight. Whewwww.

Fuck you guys answer my question

A lot of guys talk like that honestly. I'll reserve judgement until I see him in contest prep, but can anyone really say at his age that he can hang with the big dogs? If he can more power to him, but if he can't, he's really putting his body through a lot at a late age for not much.

What do you think stupid? You think steroids make you absorb your own shit? Fuck outta here.

Changing my trip to pupper

Stop eating foods that irritate your GI. Shit should have clean breaks with minimal wiping. If you're wiping your asshole raw, you're not: getting enough fiber, or you're eating carbs that digest too quickly i.e. Gastric dumping.

*takes trip off*
>an actual nutrition related question! Fuck this retard!
*trip back on* finally, back to posting asses and talking about my ex

Oh and by the way you aren't natty if you're prepping for your second cycle. Shithead.

Keep us updated bro. Pics of chat etc kek

Thanks brehs

damn holy shit i felt like a corpse on DNP and now I started taking caffeine and now I am alive again, FUCK

Yes duh this is a gossip general look at my tiny waist.
Maybe. Will def update after I take pics in crop tops
>not even g4p
No worries. I get the same from high GI foods. Especially dextrose/maltodextrin.

I'm not a trip cocksucker. Its not a nutrition question. Shit is void of nutrition. You're asking if steroids will make you absorb shit. One of those steroids I might add is eq at 500. Who the fuck cycles eq? Maybe the reason you're ass is on fire is because you're shoveling garbage into your fat fucking gullet at 4000 calories a day cuntface. So do me a favor, if you aren't gonna at least post the types of foods you're eating, or give us some insight on your actual diet besides that your boipussy is on fire and that you're eating 4000 calories of a cock-based diet, at least go fuck your mother if you can find her. Tomorrow is mother's day after all.

Throwing in a little ephedrine helps if you're into that sort of shit. Btw nice fucking quads.

will a growth hormone make me taller? im 19. i have one readily available in front of me but am unsure if i should take it or not

Did u mean jerrbyfours

No. Also I don't think you have "a growth hormone" in front of you. Do some research.

i tried to get ephedrine but i am only 19. you need to be 21 to buy bronkaid apparently

The difference is levrone WAS a big dog. If Yates wasn't in the picture levrone would be slaughtering. Levrone had the freak size and the right waist. Delts that were second to none. He was considered one of the most genetically gifted people to ever grace the sport. A prime levrone COULD beat phil.

rhoden and dexter jackson are also getting up there in age. Both place well.

Levrone 51
Dexter 46
Rhoden 41

Ran out of needles. Put a syringe with test and tren up my bum.
Did I waste it? I mean.. its in me.. it didnt leak out.

It'll be years before he gets back to that. I don't see him beating phil any year from now until forever. Maybe prime kevin vs prime phil. Yeah I think kevin wins everytime. But we'll never see a prime kevin again, and phil isn't really even slowing down yet.

Manlets, when will they learn

I call one of my ex girlfriends baby still even in public and she hates it.

I forgot my tiny waist earlier.

Those nipple rings suck.


>he didn't pierce his nipples
Fucking lame dogger

I will probably get barbells tho

>nipple ring


Try lifting one instead twink. Lose the nipple rings.

good lord... slay my hole, no homo


Hey mates. I'm on TRT, doc has me on 100mg test C a week, but I inject every 6 days to eek a little more out of it and slightly more stable levels and I have a couple extra vials so no issue there yet. I wanna try my first blast. I'm thinking just about a little more than doubling what I'm doing now. But instead of messing with that script, would it be fine to add in another brand pharma test E. Pharma test C seems harder to find than E, and it works out to a little more Test than straight 225 test c every 6 days after graphing it.

This is completely safe, yeah? Ive read the half lives are 2 or 3 days different, but it seems like if I inject them on different dates my levels fluctuate wildly. Could I pin, for example, 125 test e and 100 test c in the same needle every 6 days with no real concern besides potential allergy or way to improve this without just adding more gear? And if it's fine, what size needles to make this as a combo of easiest/painless as possible? Ive been using 25 guage


Guys, can I get some feedback pls. Then continue with your circle jerk

I've been working out natty for a year, on a PPL routine. I've made great progress and my goal is to achieve an aesthetic body. I'm nearly there, but I'm not sure if lifting another year will get me there.

Do I need to fraud to get aesthetics? Or is aesthetics a combination of genetics (height, face, frame).?

Last question, is this dude natty? I thinking he has god tier genetics youtube.com/watch?v=n4ZIfWQqJmg

Stop meme'ing

You don't have to pin to be anything. Aesthetics are whatever you seem appropriate. I have crippling BD so pinning made sense; may not be the same for you.

A PPL is always a solid choice.

Its fine. Everything you said is A-ok man. If you want, you could pin 250 extra for more of an actual blast. Good luck

No one can answer either of those two questions objectively. We don't know what you could be a year from now. We don't know who you are, what you lift, what you look like, what you eat. And we don't know the same shit about the other guy.

so doing a full day of serious manual labor while on 600mg dnp sucks

completely fucking wiped out, can't even imagine how many calories I've burned

shit actually isn't void of nutrition, fwiw

but nigger needs to stop eating fucked up food and fix his guts instead of trying to pile on more drugs to solve his problems


He's got great genes, and he's on gear.

Also, it's all a matter of degree. You might have an aesthetic enough body to slay a dexent ammount of pretty girls, but is it enough to you? Can you be happy without being hotter and getting there faster? The only certainty is its extremely rare for a dude to only do one cycle and be satisfied even for a year. Your goals and body dysmorphia will dramatically increase after your first shot.

I'll say this tho. You could take a bunch of legal supplements like creatine and beta alanine and all that shit to maybe get 2 or 5% MAX more muscle out of your workouts. But you'd spend less money and potentially double or triple the gains you'll make at any time by going on gear than taking all that garbage.

Not trying to meme.... the height, face, frame shit has been really fucking with my head. I wish r9k would leave. Don't suffer from body dysmorphia but I won't lie, I lift for the bishs.

I guess, but that other guys delts don't pop. Looks like he has great insertions.

pic related, it's my body.

Oh cool duder ty

Responded to my ex with a few pics of me in crop tops asking if they were the one she was looking for.

>"did you cut those lol? That's s really good look on you..."


You're fucking meming me kid.

You look better than me and you're natty don't even trip doggie

Just forget about the drugs man. Keep lifting. You gotta plenty of gains to make. You're only 18 months in. Don't let these fuckers convince you to blast and cruise the rest of your life.

Gear won't make your face prettier or less of a manlet. So if those are your issues, know that gear won't help. That pic makes me think you're trolling and consider it a compliment if youre not. You need to work on everything else if a body like that is still giving inadequate women as a result.


and you should be gone for the call out, either get a moment of self-realization or she fucks off and stops trying to game you and fuck with your emotions

Is he really though? Granted I know nothing about gear, but he doesn't have the telltale cannon ball delts. Just has solid insertions instagram.com/p/BDeXybbgd5x/?taken-by=connormurphyofficial
Thanks dude, I've always mirin you bb.
Alright man, this postive feedback really helped. I won't be hoping on.

Much love fraud and thank you!

growth hormone gives you a stronger jawline

How do you mean?
Thanks but that's a super solid build you have. I wouldn't hop on if I were you.

It's my face, I think. Height and frame are fine. But getting laid isn't a problem, keeping a girl is..... :(