Hello Veeky Forums

hello Veeky Forums,

My new gym has a sauna (90 deg C). Do you use a sauna? What is the best way to make use of a sauna?

You do know it's a spot for gay hook ups?

rip zeeeezeee

Is just a sauna... What do you want to know? Google that shit up

>Not felling pines on your 80 acres Up North and building your own sauna next to your hunting cabin.

Not gonna make it, brah.

it's mixed, there are tons of women there as well
I want to ask Veeky Forums and discuss it instead of reading it on some shitty website

use it to warm up and do mobility before work-out. Use it to relax after workout. It's fairly dry so you can play Gameboy, read, study, whatever in there. Sweating and rinsing off after is good for your skin.

haven't thought of using it before. Wouldn't it fuck with your sweating though?

I planned on using it after, got the idea that it might decrease soreness, is that true?

I use it for my skin. Don't really know what it's for other than that. I do see a lot of lifters using it afterwards though.

I use an ifrared sauna twice a week. It's fucking GOAT. Biggest thing is the effect on my skin. Multiple people have said that "im glowing". I just turned 31 this monday and still get carded.

Also, REALLY helps me with stress.

90 degrees is pretty much nothing

what i always want to know about sauna in the usa..do you guys really go in there with your clothes on??? i mean, playing gameboy in it or read, have you ever been to a sauna?? i assume that people in the us are way to uptight to use a sauna because you go in there full naked.. so please, i need to know this


Saunas are literally a meme.

Sitting in a there for 20 minutes is just a waste of time, really. You get NO benefit from it other than sweating, which is pointless.

>90 deg C
I wouldn't use it if I were you.

what about the psychological influence of sitting in a dark cave with other people, naked, sweating and grunting?? i mean there is literally nothing better..

Freedomfag here. I wear my diesel swim shorts to the sauna. They're short cut / not those boxy rectangular hurley pieces of shit.

so how do you show your genitals to other people?!?

I find it pleasant after a swim.

I go in for 20 minutes after every workout. Don't know the extent to which it works, but in my mind it's promoting blood flow to the muscles I've just worked for dat recovery.

I use it after explosive workouts to help sore muscles

yeah, stay 15 min in there, take a water bottle with you and you'll never be sore. also sweating is great

It improves my recovery. Might be placebo, might be legit.
I enjoy it either way.
I go in fully naked and usually bring my phone and listen to music through its speaker. Very few people use the sauna at my gym so I don't feel as though I'm disturbing anybody else.

Finn reporting in, you go there and get huge fucking LĂ–YLY and drink KOSKENKORVA also the only place you are allowed to socialize

Home sauna home gym master race