My shoulder width is 18.1 Inches. I am a 6 feet tall, 20 years old male.
Is that good?
My shoulder width is 18.1 Inches. I am a 6 feet tall, 20 years old male.
Is that good?
Other urls found in this thread:
lel shoulderlets
I know you are b8ting, but what is good then?
Never been working out btw.
idk lol
I'm 2 inches wider than you and I feel like my shoulder width is narrow as fuck. You should be like 22-24 inches if you want to be considered a man.
Dude I was just kidding. Stop trying to find more things about yourself to be insecure about.
Your measurements must be off.
22 is extremely rare and athlete-tier.
>18.1 Inches
boy that whole tenth of an inch makes a huge difference
huh? have you ever been around grown men before?
my shoulders are 20" wide
Thanks. It's actually 18.181818, so it's almost 18.2. Makes twice the difference.
But that's my hobby.
>have super narrow shoulders for a male
>or so I believe
>be at a student party
>this grill I know has a funny idea that she and I should switch clothes for shits and giggles
>go in the bathroom together and do it
>even though my physique is super boyish and hers is too (OPs picture tier), I still look like a broad freak in her dress and she looks like she's wearing a tent in my shirt
Girls are tiny.
20 is average for a grown man with a normal frame. Unless you have naturally narrow shoulders you can get to 22-23 inches easily by working out.
Average shoulder width worldwide is 15,6 inches. Ofc that includes women.
Should be 17 for men and 14 for women.
wow really great story thanks for sharing
Sources please.
My granddad has 20 inches, and he has broader shoulders than most taler, younger men.
ywc fammy
Maybe for manlets
I'm 6'2 my shoulders are 20" wide. Compared to the guys at my blue collar job my shit is narrow as fuck.
You guys are seriously retarded. We're talking about grown men here, not little college twinks.
If you're 6'2, you should've mentioned have nothing to do with statistical averageness.
dude the guys at my work are like 6' and their shoulders are AT LEAST 2 inches wider than mine
It's dependent on how you're measuring. If you're measuring to the deltoid muscles, you'll add a whole bunch - more if working out.
what else would you measure to?
bottom line or top line? I'm 20" to the delts
This is the most useful graph I've found.
For an US male, the average is 18.5 inches.
Starting with 20.5 inches, yours in the tip 5%.
Also notice how (!) it's measured and account for fat and stature problems.
You must be working as a doorman.
you're probably measuring your shoulders wrong
22"+ is bodybuilder territory iirc, there's some t nation link
see here
How the fuck should I know? Use metric system and who knows, you might turn out to be bigger than you thought.
If you don't know, don't answer the thread, simple as that.
Using that measurement, 20 inches is still very big, whilst 22 is enormous. And this guy above is saying you ought to be 24 inches.
24 inches is 2 feet! Imagine a 6 feet tall, 2 feet wide man. That's laughable.
nothing hotter than a woman with wide shoulders
pls moar
>nothing hotter than a woman with wide shoulders
Yeah, if you're compensating for your own.
True women are petite, that why they are called women.
>if you're compensating for your own
wew, I want to be dominated by wide shoulder goddess, then I want to dominate her
>True women are petite
I want to dominate a true petite woman
sorry m8 I'm just a pervert, fite mi m8
No. You are destined to be cuckolded.
Mine are 24 inches at 6'4 and I would consider myself small.
Height face frame, she got all 3, is her name Chad
who is this semen demon?
>delusional schizophrenics
OP here.
If you measure the way from delta to delta, it's 19 inches.
Given the statistics, that's good for a 20yo skellington.