anyone else think fit girls are really gross.
Anyone else think fit girls are really gross
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No. Just worry about yourself faggot
yes, they objectively are.
they lose all feminine features and just become men
lol gross
No I want a fit girlfriend
Way ahead of you, breh. All girls are gross.
>tfw I like cute better than hot
>tfw life is on easy mode
can we get some fit girl instas posted
oh man I'm with you on that one dude. I always laugh at all the retards chatting up the hot girls at the gym. I'll just go over to the cute girl and do some stretches with her. she seems so happy to talk to me. while the hot girl keeps having to tug out her earphones and looks visibly annoyed at the dudes talking to her.
Only when they don't have hips otherwise they are top tier like pic
Depends. Decently fit is better than sedentary for sure. But
1) noticeable delts
2) big quads
3) more than a faint outline of abs
4) vascularity
all make a girl look overly masculine.
the only one I liked was pernilwyn on instagram and it turns out she shops her images.
I think women with muscle look manly esp. if it's upper-body mass. It's obvious muscle mass is a dimorphic trait so it shouldn't surprise us. I think women are naturally weaker, less active and physiologically adapted to pregnancy/nurturing etc. There are high rates of amenorrhea reported among female athletes, not to mention replacing natural breast tissue with implants - I think at some stage you have to admit it looks obviously unhealthy.
>they lose all feminine features and just become men
I noticed that it looks off to me if they have a lot of quad muscle, and I remembered something I'd read here
>Greater development of thigh muscles behind the femur, rather than in front of it
so it makes sense I would see quad-heavy legs as off somehow since it's an androgynous shape according to that. It's ironic squats are recommended specifically to women.
>mfw I have all of these
i go to fortiss fitness lol
theres this one ginger chick who was squatting across from me yesterday wearing a bra and the tiniest shorts
Thank you based user I was looking for this pic for some time.
she used var and she didn't have feminine curves in a first place, bad example
best bodies slim oly chicks
>want to be fit and high test
>born with high hips and small tits
Kill me Veeky Forums
at least I'm making decent leg gains tho
>she used var
How do I convince my gf to hop on gear?
>making decent leg gains tho
Legs are the best imho. Keep it up, you're gonna make it.
We're all gonna make it breh
>they lose all feminine features and just become men
who doesn't?
Girls that lift weights look nasty
Nope, would wife/10
tell her you want to suck her big clit and shave together
Ditto. Pic is perfect fit girl.
y-you too
>tfw large roof clits are my fetish
The shaving would be awkward though but worth it.
if blessed with right proportions
For me the roid traps on girls are always the first sign of insecurity. Roid delts are following. I can live with other
In all honesty fit girls are just nice to look at and occasionally fuck
They all seem to have zero personality And get an ego complex that they're hotter than actual fashion models
My ex- gf was into crossfit and tried to become a catalog model and every agent in town told her lose some weight.
Now she just whores herself on ig with booty pics hoping gym shark signs her
the first sign of insecurity. huh
Steroid ones yes, especially ones with fridge bodies like this
Being fit is good but I like my hoes with 20something% bodyfat desu
this whole thread baka
fit girls are goat
name plox