Am I genetically fucked ?

Am I genetically fucked ?
Im 6.2 84kg so thats about 185 lbs, but it seems like I have very wide hips.. Will I ever look anywhere near athletic ?
What can I do to seem like my hips arent so wide ?

just run a strength program and eat slightly above maintanence.

Lose fat you fatty. And lift too.

I look the same and weigh 10lbs less and have gyno. You already look better than me, congrats.

will loosing more fat not make my wide hips even more noticeable ?

you are just fat. bring up shoulders/lats to make hips look less wide, but as i said. You are just fat

What do you mean strength program ?


You don't have wide hips, you have no chest and fat around your midsection. Hit the weights and fill out. Your shoulders are way wider than your hips, you're just fat. Skinnyfat.

Also no lats. Big lats really accentuate the triangle torso that most people shoot for.

Nope, I am.
>pectus excavatum variant that makes half my rib cage sink in
>small bone structure, tiny ankles, wrists
>super high metabolism, very difficult to gain weight
>6'4'', but only manage to look awkward and gangly
>oversized head compared to rest of body
It sucks, man.

Whats the best exercise for bigger lats ? Chin ups ?

>super high metabolism, very difficult to gain weight

Fuck you. All you have to do is eat more.


You're fine, just lift. Train lats more too.

Read the goddamn sticky you autist.

yea you don't have wide hips proportionate to your body

The problem I have is I can only do 1 pullup, how do I build the strength to do at least 10 ?

You do pullups you moron.

Rows can help.

Add some bench work and OHP just to stay balanced. Core work can keep you more stable so you can get the most outta what strength you have so add some squats and deadlifts.

Basically work out.

...oh and do some pullups too.

You could be a good looking trap or an unattractive male. Your choice.

Wide hips are the best hips. You get those fuckers nice and strong now OP.

I have wide hips and am reasonably athletic looking. Hope lies in consistency.

Also do all the rows. Upright, bent, 45 degree, T bar, ect.

Inverted rows with perfect form and pull your fucking chest to bar.

Also so slow negative pull ups.

You can do negative pullups. What that means is you stand on a chair and start the pull-up from the top and slowly let yourself down.

not by a long shot motherfucker

eat right train hard

>pectus excavatum variant that makes half my rib cage sink in
I have this too ;_; it sucks

yeah I heard thats a good exercise to start with

Why has no one suggested he do the lat pulldown machine with a straight bar until he actually can do 5 sets of 5-8 clean pullups?

OP, your hips are fine. Just get yourself a decent 5x5 based programme and eat healthy.

You'll never be huge and joocy unless you hop on the stuff, because you're 6'2 but at least you're not a manlet.

Good idea user. OP do this until you can do a reasonable amount of pull ups.

you don't have wide hips, you just have a shit skinnyfat body and relatively small frame on your chest/shoulders.

I suggest working out.


better take roids too, you'll need it.

I have a similar body and I started working out, should I eat below or above maintenance?