
Scooby says to throw out the yolks. Is he right? Do you?

Other urls found in this thread: Files/Nutrition/DRIs/New Material/8_Macronutrient Summary.pdf

Scooby puts a man's penis in his mouth & asshole.....
Do you listen to Scooby?

Yes. No homo

Yes. I eat maybe 3 yolks a week because cholesterol. Usually 4 egg whites

>being this faggot
I eat 6-8 eggs everyday. Have done blood profiles just in case and they always came great.

So yeah, fuck you faggot.

Ok, that' I have a long history of heart disease and heart attacks so i'd rather not risk it.

I answered a question about do i throw out the yolks or not, relax.

I usually eat 4 egg whites a day and may through in a yolk a day randomly

family history*

If your only goal is bodybuilding then you should eat the yolk. Cholesterol is used to build steroids -> more test -> more gains. I guess you want to reduce it if you don't want to be too androgenic, get prostate cancer etc. Plus egg yolk is full of polyinsaturated fats, which are anti-metabolic. a better source of cholesterol would be shrimps.

dietary cholesterol does not cause or aggravate heart disease. eggs and egg yolks have in fact been found to have a positive effect on cholesterol levels

next you'll be telling me that you're watching your salt intake (don't bother, only low salt diets carry an increased risk for heart attacks)
>whey protein will destroy your kidneys because the human body can't handle protein
>ice and anti-inflammatory drugs will help you heal, because the body's natural response to injury is wrong
>red meat is bad for you
>lifting weights only makes you look big, you don't actually get stronger

these things are idiotic memes among baby boomers. no basis in fact, but repeated so often that they refuse to believe otherwise

I give them to my dog

If for whatever reason you want to throw away part of the egg you should be throwing away the whites. Yolks are where all the good stuff is and yolks are the only reason anyone should eat eggs.

are you me, user?

rip bud

Might be linked to your family eating like piggies their whole lives, probably not due to them ever eating egg yolks.

You do know cholesterol is raised by overconsumption of carbs right? Why do you think America has such a prevalence of heart disease even though they eat low fat and avoid foods like egg yolks? Even fast food is relatively low in fat.

Don't forget:
>Vitamin C will cure a cold because Linus Pauling meme'd it.
> Fat makes you fat, better eat low-fat snack cakes to tone up.
> Do push-ups to get rid of man-boobs.
> Do crunches to get rid of stomach fat.

But is milk making my acne worse

Katsumi Kitamura the Japanese bodybuilder used to save all the yolks in the freezer and fed it to the pigeons and stuff while he was walking his dog

Does dietary cholesterol have any effect on hormone production?

OP does sk8board squats.

It helps boost test along with sat fat and Vitamin D.

>Have done blood profiles just in case and they always came great.

Nice, what are your scores?

IF you have suboptimal production.

This study would suggest that it does improve hormone production, right?

Dietary cholesterol does actually contribute to heart disease, both by raising blood cholesterol and by making blood cholesterol more prone to oxidation

>wasting food
Absolutely haram

>Not for patients at risk of vascular disease
>extrapolating to a Samoan whale watching forum's fitness board's population

>fast food is relatively low in fat
U-u wot
Relative to what?

I mean he let's you do it to him afterward and it feels good. Have you never tried it?

Thank you finally someone said it. Go read pub med kids, learn something. Eating cholesterol does not put cholesterol into your blood.

If you have a cardiovascular system, you're at risk of vascular disease

Fucking kek

how do i fix htis


> implying that the authors meant this when they wrote the study

>Go read pub med kids, learn something. Eating cholesterol does not put cholesterol into your blood.

It does though.

I will read the whole thing and analyze before I respond in full but bear in mind this article you posted is from 1992... I believe modern research has fully discredited this notion.

> serum cholesterol
> not realizing it drops quickly after eating

Makes sense to me. It seems so stupid that for years, SCIENTISTS said cholesterol exaggerated the risk of heart disease, then all of a sudden everybody who wanted it to be untrue decided that they took a COMPLETE 180 and realized it was 100% untrue. It just can't be that simple and drastic.

This is from 2015 and says your 1992 research is totally wrong.

Convert your body to an insect-like full body plasma based nutrient dispersal system

They did

>"Carotid plaque goes up steeply with age, so the only people who can eat egg yolks with impunity are those who know they will die young from some cause other than vascular disease," Spence said.

>Cholesterol. Previously, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommended that cholesterol intake be limited to no more than 300 mg/day. The 2015 DGAC will not bring forward this recommendation because available evidence shows no appreciable relationship between consumption of dietary cholesterol and serum cholesterol, consistent with the conclusions of the AHA/ACC report. Cholesterol is not a nutrient of concern for overconsumption

Also base CAPTCHA.

>Scooby puts a man's penis in his mouth & asshole.....

is scooby really gay or is just a meme?

i can't respect a man who gets his anal cavity penetrated...

Yes but who cares?

No, it's just an interview with a guy named Steven Nissen who claims that cholesterol levels are pre-determined by genetics and hardly affected by diet, which is demonstrably wrong. This isn't a peer reviewed science article/study, nor does it mention the 1992 paper, which is a meta-analysis of controlled feeding experiments.

clearly u dont

Who he fucks, as long as it's between consenting adults, is none of my fucking business. That's between him, his partner, and his god if he believe in one.

u've mistaken me for someone cares about your opinion :)

Lol no, first of all its published by Cleveland clinic, one of the top two medical centers in the USA and written by one of their cardiologists, secondly it also references the US Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee which examined the evidence and decided in 2015 to remove the restriction on cholesterol because there is no concern of overconsumption. But I'm sure your isolated meta analysis from two and a half decades ago just slipped under their radar...

The DGAC did drop their dietary cholesterol recommendations but not every health body did. The National Institute of Medicine for example still says that dietary cholesterol clearly affects serum cholesterol and the less you eat, the bettter. Files/Nutrition/DRIs/New Material/8_Macronutrient Summary.pdf

The DGAC's decision has been criticized for misrepresenting the AHA/ACC report they claim to have based their decision on. The AHA/ACC report reviewed recently published evidence in an attempt to develop formulas for expected change in blood cholesterol levels after intake. They were able to develop formulas for saturated fats and trans fats, but called for more research to be done on dietary cholesterol since they couldn't make a strict formula for it like they could with the fats.

So, eating 8 egg yolks a day still isn't a good idea.

And I've mistaken you with someone who knows how words work.

Scooby is a moron. That's throwing away gains man.

I respect the Cleveland Clinic but they put out a pretty shit article. It doesn't even have to do with dietary cholesterol per se. The subheading is "genetics appear to be playing a stronger role in heart disease" and the article is basically saying you can't change your cholesterol levels with diet, with no references as support for that claim, and quoting a guy who works with statin drug manufacturers. What they use as support isn't published research, but the DGAC's report on dietary cholesterol (even though this disagrees with their message since the DGAC report says that saturated fat should be limited because it raises cholesterol), which is also dodgy . Coincidentally, that paper did "slip under their radar" because the AHA/ACC report only focused on data published after 1998.

Well genetics do appear to be playing a larger role, especially given that the majority of the cholesterol in your blood is endogenous not dietary in origin.

Working with statin manufacturers is what you would expect a cardiologist to do, considering its by far the most common drug class prescribed by them. Anyway we already prescribe them to everybody with hypercholesterolermia so what's the angle you're trying to accuse him of here?

To be fair I haven't done an exhaustive literature review, but isn't that what the dietary committee did? Obviously they're reading some articles we haven't. I bet if we scan something like NEJM we'll find a much more recent meta analysis on cholesterol than the one you presented earlier. The AAFP also puts out great full text articles on their website on a variety of topics, I'm sure they have one on diet.

Just read that other comment, definitely raises questions for me I want to read more about. I concede for tonight and probably won't eat my standard 5 eggs tomorrow. Shit, I fucking love eggs.

>Well genetics do appear to be playing a larger role

I'd at least expect them to offer a citation for that, not just say "research is beginning to show this, says Steven Nissen"

>Working with statin manufacturers is what you would expect a cardiologist to do, considering its by far the most common drug class prescribed by them. Anyway we already prescribe them to everybody with hypercholesterolermia so what's the angle you're trying to accuse him of here?

I just think it's strange that he would say something so easily refutable, that diet doesn't play a major role in cholesterol levels, while he's also peddling drugs that lower cholesterol, as if to say "don't try to get healthy through diet and exercise, just eat what you want and let me sell you these drugs"

I know, bro. Egg salad sandwiches were my favorite.

>carelessly throwing out those good fats instead of working them into your diet
>making it
choose one

They don't have to put all of the research in every post dude. If you're really curious go read the articles yourself on pub med or subscribe to nejm or something.

And for what it's worth cardiologists don't 'peddle' statins. Jesus dude. It's like you have no idea how cardiologists get paid.