>that guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
Are you a bot? Why do you post this shit every morning?
>that guy who let the roaches back in
>my protein
What else should i wear?
>that guy doing stretching
>that guy going past 5 reps
what if you wear jeans to the gym and change into b-ball shorts when you get there
what then
>that guy who yawns in between sets
Fuck. Two strikes.
>that guy that wears a backwards hat and DR Beats to the gym
You either want to be in the sweaty nasty bathroom with all the wrinkly old naked fucks, or you just can't be fucked to make some room in your schedule for a decent hour to hour and a half workout.
Hmm let's think about this user.
What kind of shorts should we wear to the gym?
How about gym shorts you dyel redditor b*tthead piece of cr*p??
what the fuck are you talking about? what if you just don't want to walk around outside with your tiny calves on show?
>that guy who is so ashamed of his micropenis that he shows up to the gym already dressed in his workout clothes to avoid the lockerroom at all cost.
>That guy who pictures me in clothing he'd prefer I wear
>that guy who wears clothing that accentuates his quads
>that senpai who noticed
>that guy that asks how many sets you have left
>that guy who yawns in basketball shorts
Who cares? He's going to the gym, that's good.
>that guy that shits on the floor between sets
>that guy that goes to a gym to lift freeweights
>that guy that yawns between sets
>That guy who has a gym membership but doesn't go
>that guy who flushes his ass wipes down the toilet instead of just throwing them in the trashcan.
>that guy that does the helicopter while peeing
>that guy who farts in the shower
>tfw forwards hat and beats
phew, close one there
Jokes on you. My gym doesn't even have a locker room.
where do the dudes bang then?
In the butthole.
They take each other home. Or maybe they use the one shower stall int he only bathroom. It's a small 24 hour place. I'm usually there alone in the morning. Maybe a cardio bunny or 2. The weight area is usually all mine.
Every fucking time
Fuck the locker room.
Niggers, white, black, Chinese, always, ALWAYS glance at your shit for no reason.
What on earth are they thinking?
>hm, hm, yes, I see you've made some good ball gains
It's all kinds of fucked up.
Who cares? Don't be such a sensitive pussy. Did you ever play sports in high school?
>That guy who exists at the gym
What kind of thirld world country are you from?
>not having your 4/10 mom grimmace as she moves your poopie wipes from the trashcan to the toilet while she pretends not to notice you fondling your micropenis
sure is reddit in here
>that guy who does OHP in the squat rack
You mean The Press?
>that guy who only uses 2 scoops
Im that guy
>that guy who post the exact same basketball shorts to the gym thread with the exact same image to fulfil his need for constant replies and bumps in a desperate attempt to fill his everlasting emptiness
>newdyel detected
>I'm that guy.
>that one indian who mistakes the freeweight section as a designated shitting area
>that guy who wears pink headphones
You mean The Press™?
thats actually ok since its impossible to do in the seated OHP rack without going to shoulder city
>that guy who posts a thread that people come in and post funny pictures and have a good time
Yeah that's me
What atr basketball shorts and why are they an issue? Is it a burger thing?
What the fuck is with yanks and striping naked while getting changed? Do you not have stalls or god forbid underwear?
>this IP was banned
Thanks /sp/ poster on telstra you cunt.
>that guy that writes down every workout he does
Nope I Mean the Standing Barbell Overhead Shoulder Press