I've never had sex. Are these spots on my sack a disease?
I've never had sex. Are these spots on my sack a disease?
>Don't use it you lose it.
In my spare time, I'm looking at another dude's ballsack online.
Looks like fordyce spots. Completely harmless.
What if this is the moment that we remember on our death beds.
Feel free to look at my ballsack in real life if that's better
I had the same exact thought...
Ya thats normal OP. Fordyce spots and little hair follicle spots that sometimes get slightly infected. you can probably squeeze some out of the white ones. its gross but not an STD.
virgin spots, that's your balls trying to kill you out of sadness
This. I have them too Op, They're nothing dangerous. If you really want, go see a dermatologist. But other wise you're fine.
what happens when you try to pop one
vidya plox
you've just ensured that someone ITT will remember this on their deathbed. Hope it's me desu, would be pretty funny to die remembering a shitpost on Veeky Forums
looks like molluscum contagium, go to doctor asap
They don't pop in my experience.
no it doesn't you pleb, it's fordyce spots
You just need to use your nails and do a more aggressive pinch.
some do, I've had them all my life
Its aids bro.
you're gonna die
try harder
try pliers
They pop with a needle. It's just an enlarge subaceous gland, so it's something akin to having pimples on your balls.
That's more harmful than just leaving them.
They come back anyway. They caused by extra oil being secreted by the subaceous gland, just like zits. Nobody I've been with bas ever noticed them. Don't worry about it brah.