Have never tried this here before, but I've been cycling for 12 years-- everything from a-50s tosite injections with winny-v to sust-preloads to norma hellas.
Never fucked with GH or insulin, unless you want to go pro I don't see the draw. I've taken..literally every one there is (outside new designer shit) in combo from mexican vet pharms and buying from Europe.
I think this is allowed here, if not they'll delete it, but might be fun haven't talked about this stuff on net in a long time. I know my shit on this bc has been an obsession for a very long time.
Anyway, see if anyone is interested.
AMA- Anabolic Steroids
Other urls found in this thread:
How small are your testicles?
Also, before you think about messing with gear, 3 books: "UGSH 2" by Dan Duchaine, "Anabolics"(latest edition was 2012 I think) and WAR (World Anabolic Review from 1996, last year they published it).
You get then right back friend. 1 cycle of HCG for 6 weeks after your actual cycle. Your natural test production comes right back, balls back to normal size.
Use a tripcode, moron.
Which do you prefer PCT or Blast & Cruise?
best results you'll ever get? For real size, 2 anadrol-50s/day (keep it to 5 weeks, it's rough on you), 1.5 grams of Test every 10 days (I like Cyc, but Sust is fine and most of the others) and 600mg deca every 10 days.
Run that for 6 weeks, then 6 weeks of primo depot, which you really can just shotgun, it's basically a pure anabolic with no real androgenic properties. Through the entire thing, 40mg/novaldex per day and 1 armidex.
Then your clen and HCG to get your balls working again. To really do it right, you need about ~$3k.
nigger I told you, first time on this site. I've been doing this for 12 fucking years, spent a lot of time in the old World in Venice and the one in San Diego right on beach where they open up the huge metal doors and let the ocean breeze in during morning.
If you interested, fuck yourself. If you are, tell me how to use a tripcode, literally never been on this site.
Nobody asked this faggot...
Also this is garbage
>First time on this site
>Calling anons nigger already
Sure thing champ
Fuck off back to Venice. We're not telling you how to use a tripcode if you don't already know
lol this is such bad advice for "best results you'll ever get"
What are your 1rep on the 4 lifts?
lmao, as you wish, little men. I offered years of advice and trial and error and where to get info.
you can all go fuck your dead mothers. I trained with Ronnie Coleman, Dorian Yates, Lee Priest, actual pros.
But you little faggots know better. As you say. So long.
Is there a resource like the Sticky for gear? I want to start researching, but I have no idea where to start.
I've trained with Dorian Yates for years too I lived in his hometown back in the day.
we only keep it to 3 lifts - bench, deadlift, squat.
bench- max out at 405lb for 7 (no lift off or spot, def. no benching shirt).
Squat- 495 for 10, quads to calves, not fo0tball squats.
Deadlift-- maxed out at right around 600lb for 8.
What's the "4th" lift they've inserted into in new generation?
>I've trained with Dorian Yates for years too I lived in his hometown back in the day.
Lived in UK obviously, spent time in CA. Cool bloke, fucked himself with too much gear, has been on dialysis last I heard but he was a fucking nut with the GH, insulin, just insane doses of everything.
Overhead press
This is why I will always be a casual /fraud/er, good ol' dbol and avar.
Lmao, im not op but be honest. Youre a shill who's worried about the info he has acquired. Jeez.
stupid motherfucker. One thing I always learned early, take advice from older guys who knew what they were doing. You don't. I have 19 inch arms. I like the /pol/ board on occasion, thought I'd see what it's like here.
What I expected for most part. You can't be "an edgelord" to the person who can give you actual useful knowledge from personal experience. Worth remembering.
in your opinion, how safe is it to blast and cruise, with doses like:
600 test, 400 npp
175 test, 350 tren, 350 mast
150mg test
no orals ever. also what's your opinion on using hcg during cruises? i'm on trt so basically never coming off.
>Overhead press
always use dumbbells lad, the increased range of motion makes all the difference. 110lb dumbells for 4 sets of 10.
As a 19 year old with focus dedication and strong willpower do you think its safe enough for me to hop on a quick test cycle and recover afterwards with nolva or something? Im not looking to get fuck huge i just want to look considerably good and thats it. I hear test rebounds easier at an early age and people telling you to wait to cycle are just salty old men.
Tren is a nasty fucker, gonna give you bad acne and the rest. Before your time, there was a legit form of tren called parabolan that was amazing. It's a dirty drug now, I'd steer clear.
Also not a big fan of masteron, but I still like old school shit unless you're actally trying to go pro.
Do you have the book "Anabolics" by william Llywen (sp?) Last version was 4 or 5 years ago. If on amazon, get it, worth every penny.
How long have you been on gear and how is your body reacting? Are you using anti-estrogens?
Hcg...you really need it mate to keep your mood stable and also the crash is much harder without it.
>s a 19 year old with focus dedication and strong willpower do you think its safe enough for me to hop on a quick test cycle and recover afterwards with nolva or something? Im not looking to get fuck huge i just want to look considerably good and thats it. I hear test rebounds easier at an early age and people telling you to wait to cycle are just salty old men.
How long have you been training? Like me, for example, I just had shitty genetics for it, didn't see any real gains until I started juicing, mostly trial and error to see what worked, then I exploded.
I'd..if you can at all, wait until you're 20 or 21. If you are determined to go on with anyway, first read up on it.
How much test are you talking about?
also, I should add, in my experience, if you just want decent size and to look good, primo depot-- 300 mg every 3 days-- cannot be beat, but it's pricey.
I hate all this new "designer" fucking gear. If Arnold did it with basically deca and d-bol and some HGH, no reason people today can't too.
Yeah I've read some portions of that book, guessing I should dive into it. I haven't touched tren or mast yet, they just seem to be a popular stack on a recomp / cut. I'm on test 500 / npp 400 blast now, which is my second blast. I've been on trt since january 2015. First blast was 500mg test.
My body is reacting very well, I'm definitely seeing good gains both mentally and physically. I'm using 0.5mg adex EOD on this blast, on cruise I don't need any. I also get regular blood checks.
Doctor didn't prescribe any HCG for me, but I'm thinking it would be wise to use it, some people have said that it's not good to use year round, any truth in that?
been training for a year approximately, I have beginner gains but its just so fucking slow since i'm trying to stay lean and gain at the same time. I've done my reading through the year and even found the gh15 bible but how fucking vast of a world roiding is is what makes me just want to take a 250 mg test cycle and do the rest naturally. i like training alot and don't ever plan to stop but i feel like I'd love it more if i really liked what i saw in the mirror.
>My body is reacting very well, I'm definitely seeing good gains both mentally and physically. I'm using 0.5mg adex EOD on this blast, on cruise I don't need any. I also get regular blood checks.
>Doctor didn't prescribe any HCG for me, but I'm thinking it would be wise to use it, some people have said that it's not good to use year round, any truth in that?
I might up the a-dex to 1.0 but I was always noided about gyno. How much do you weight? You can go to to 1-1.5 grams of test and really see amazing results.
Should also say, know I come off as a salty old fag, but I don't buy into "blast and cruise" just bc of the way gear works (unless you are using a water-based test, gonna take 10 days to get into your stream and that's gonna give you hard mood swings and just genuinely...in my experience, the "pyramid" model of cycling just works so much better.
The book "Anabolics 20012" is worth buying, bc includes pics of every real and every fake on the market. Underground Steroid Handbook 2, you get online.
HCG year round? Never, it loses it's efficacy as your body gets used to it. always remember, bodybuilding a fight against your body trying to get back to homeostasis.
The body will try to resist any change and get "Back to normal," and it's about taking advantage of that and using to your own gain.
>been training for a year approximately, I have beginner gains but its just so fucking slow since i'm trying to stay lean and gain at the same time. I've done my reading through the year and even found the gh15 bible but how fucking vast of a world roiding is is what makes me just want to take a 250 mg test cycle and do the rest naturally. i like training alot and don't ever plan to stop but i feel like I'd love it more if i really liked what i saw in the mirror.
Mate, unless you weigh 125lb right now, 250mg of test alone isn't gonna do much for you. You need to up it to 500mg and add deca or equipoise-- some sort of nardalone, something in the deca family.
500mg tes a week, 400mg of deca each 10 days is a good beginning cycle.
Just have your nolvadex/armidex on hand and take, the hcg for after, and you should be good.
Not that kid but what about a test only cycle first
12 weeks Test-enan
Sad to see how much things have changed. I have my tude in turkey, I'm in Europe, he carries all my favs and have known the dude for 10 years...I hate all this new "designer" shit.
If the old stuff was good enough for Arnold, it's good enough for us. He's still only guy ever to build a "perfect" physique as far as mass, symmetry, and bicep peak.
Could you go into detail on hcg. Should I use it 2 weeks after last pin. For how long? I'm about to finish my first cycle of 500mg test e and didn't plan on using hcg on such a basic run.
yeah my bad i meant 250 mg x2 a week but i looked into primo depot and that seems pretty promising considering how safe it is. I would fuck with test and deca but cocktailing that many chemicals in my body just seems iffy to me unless you can convince me that my perception of it has been skewed.
i'm 5'9 150 lb btw
OP you're a faggot. We have a dedicated steroid thread which is always active, with guys bigger and more aesthetic than you who've been on for less time. Your advice is pure shit and yet you hail yourself as some kind of gear guru.
Pic related, one of the regulars in roid threads
Oh and this guy only uses test btw
>Not that kid but what about a test only cycle first
>12 weeks Test-enan
How much test a week are you talking? First cycle? Do you have anti-estrogens on hand?
Ideally, you could get hands on some deca or poise, but if it's all you have, I'd run 400mg-500mg every week.
The last 2 weeks, you taper and start the hcg at end of your second to last week. Also, how old are you? Usually best to be over 21 to start they say, but I started at 18 so I can't really talk shit about "safety" to other guys.
Just watch out for gyno, acne, and hair loss. Get propecia and neutrogenia-tgel shampoo to put on your chest and back if you get acne.
>For how long? I'm about to finish my first cycle of 500mg test e and didn't plan on using hcg on such a basic run.
Hcg is almost always a 4 week thing where you taper down. Start it 2 weeks after your last shot of gear.
Also, know I'm saying it again, but to get good at this, you have to get obsessive about the science behind it or at least how it works.
If you're gonna mess with your body, either buy or download the "anabolics 2012."
Your balls..even without hcg, they DO come back eventually, but you risk losing your gains. The real thing you need to watch for is gyno.
Not with that skin he didn't.
Now open wide little bby
Sorry. 500mg test-e
Got nolva, arimedex & hcg.
Im 27
Lil mast doesn't only use test. His name is mast ffs.
That being said the advice in this thread is shit
>what is estro related acne
Do you even roid or are you just here for attention?
Yeah but they arnt will to help for shit. They might use the shit but all they do is literally shit post, so they can go fuck themselves. Leave this guy be. He is actually willing to listen and not ridicule you for asking questions.
>yeah my bad i meant 250 mg x2 a week but i looked into primo depot and that seems pretty promising considering how safe it is. I would fuck with test and deca but cocktailing that many chemicals in my body just seems iffy to me unless you can convince me that my perception of it has been skewed.
>i'm 5'9 150 lb btw
don't do 250mg 2x a week: do 500mg at same time, every 10 days.
Again, like Dan Duchaine said, you need ot sort of turn yourself into a human lab rat bc different ppl react better to different things.
My favs were shotgunning primo-depot and add in parabolan, a powerful, tren-based product the French no longer make unfortunately.
>Oh and this guy only uses test btw
Wow! that guy ("you") is huge! I wish I ever got that big. Me and the guys and the guys I left with could never get there.
Nice quads, btw. :) Wonder why you don't show your calves?
Masteron contributes nothing to mass gain
i feel like i'm pretty ready for this now, it's been about a year that i've done my research and and had a lot of time to contemplate this decision but i've definitely made up my mind. Quick question though If i want to use money gram on one of the websites how do i go about it? This is honestly going to be my first time using it and i did try ordering gear online before but the whole moneygram deal confused the shit out of me. Also if there's any top quality sources that you'd be willing to shed light on i'd be extremely grateful.
We help noobs and answer question when the questions aren't dead set fucking retarded. If it can be answered with a 2 minute Google search why the fuck would we spoon-feed you?
This is poor advice. You want to make sure youre averaging a certain mgl a day.
Go to steroidgraph.com to plan when to pin
>orry. 500mg test-e
>Got nolva, arimedex & hcg.
>Im 27
That sounds cool, but still would tell you to try to add deca if possible.
And rememeber, 23g (if you can't get IM pins, check the pet stores who sell sam exact ones meant for dogs), left ass check, high to the outside so you miss the nerve.
Or you could go down to a 25g and put into shoulder/quad. Try to rotate sites, and take the time to do the alcohol swab so you don't end up with an infection.
>clen to get your balls working again
Fuck off faggot you suck at steroids
Show us your calves then big guy. Or any furemt current physique pic really, because without anything to back up your supposed expertise your advice means nothing
Thank you
Fuck off back to /pol/
>i feel like i'm pretty ready for this now, it's been about a year that i've done my research and and had a lot of time to contemplate this decision but i've definitely made up my mind. Quick question though If i want to use money gram on one of the websites how do i go about it? This is honestly going to be my first time using it and i did try ordering gear online before but the whole moneygram deal confused the shit out of me. Also if there's any top quality sources that you'd be willing to shed light on i'd be extremely grateful.
You're in a nation where it's legal to do and to recieve by mail of course, correct? I'm going to assume you are, and of course never break the law.
That said, google pharmabol. Yes, he's a turk, but have dealt with over 10 years, and not only has never fucked, but I've "heard" that if you get seized bc you were bad and ordered in US, he replaces for free.
Genuinely a good guy. No, not a "shill" for him, but has good products and gets them to you. Takes Western union, packs amazingly well. Easy.
His advice is fucking wrong. Frauds don't spoonfeed you advice either. Do research on your own first before you ask "what's the best cycle for ___?"
>his is poor advice
I've been doing this for 15 fucking years, friend. Everything I say, always give disclaime rto check with "Anabolics" by william Llywen and the UGSH 2, but I know this stuff bc I've actually been a human guinea pig and have been obsessive about it.
I don't give a fuck what some cuck says who has never used it. Whatever you use, vet it with those books, but I know exactly what I'm talking about.
What are your experieces with DBOL?
Considering giving the 5-10mg/day doses a try for a strength boost. Am not training for anything, have no interest in BBing or looking swole so have no interest in pins.
Also, TBOL?
i appreciate the help bro
>clen to get your balls working agai
dickhead, if yo uread the sentence, the clen is to cut at end of cycle...read it again. Use clen in conjunction with hcg as a way to cut while cutting your balls back.
Are you fuckig gay for me, trolling and trying to find mistakes? Lol, I know this stuff better than any other topic in my life, and have devoted years to it.
If you don't like my advice, just fuck off.
Have you actually read that book? It's outdated as fuck. It's trash. You just don't wanna hear that cycling dumb shit and taking clen in pct among other terrible useless shit you've done is wrong. Stop giving advice. You're gonna hurt someone.
This basically. There's been so many new developments and research studies since this book plus other roid users giving their experience openly.
His advice is outdated
>the 5-10mg/day doses
MAte, 5-10 mg a day dbol is going to do NOTHING for you.
you use it (or Arnold did) at 50 mg a day with test and deca. If you have no interesting in BBing..why do you wan tto do gear? It doesn't work by magic, you still need to put in 2 hrs a day at gym.
Now, if you want to take a 250 mg of test every 2 weeks to raise your levels, that will have some benefit. But 5-10 mg d-bol is going to do nothing.
If you know this stuff better than anything else in your life then you dont know very much.
At the very best you're providing people with old recycled knowledge combined with your personal anecdotal experiences.
>Have you actually read that book? It's outdated as fuck. It's trash
The book is by far the best on the market. I have read it, I keep that and Arnold's enylopedia right near my bed table. It has literally all the fakes and real versions.
WTF is your hard-on for me and your concern trolling? You sound like a fucking trigged SJW.
Fuck off back to /pol/
>old recycled knowledge combined with your personal anecdotal experiences
Yep, which is the best kind. The entire new line of "designer shit" is garbage and is the REAL fucking dangerous stuff.
The old standards are time-tested by guys who used them and did well on them and are still here to talk about it.
You keep using this "designer" shit from fucking China and mexico, you're gonna end up with real problems.
The "old" stuff comes from actual proven pharm companies (example: norma hellas deca, which costs more but the Greeks make the best and safest deca).
You fuckers are going to end up getting people killed with your tubs of unlabeled shit made in Shanghi that no one really even knows what the fuck is in there.
Nobody is saying take "new designer shit"
Most people here are just saying the advice youve given is shite
You cocksuckers get so threatened by the idea of someone bigger than you, stronger than you, and more knowledgeable than you that you go down to "concern trolling."
Jesus Christ. Talk about fucking pathetic. OK, you win oh great font of wisdom. You obviously have such great wisdom, keep pushing the "designer" shit made in a fucking mill in china and sent out in unlabeled bags, rather than fucking sealed, labeled pharms from Europe.
You're the knowledgeable one here, clearly. You go back to giving advice, it's no sweat of my balls.
You cocksucker are gonna get people killed. Live with yourself.
Whats been the best training routine you've run while on gear?
You have shittier roid advice than rich piana
But why is your advice so poor?
I'm currently running a test only cycle for the second time. Made some great gains on my first cycle.
What aas would you suggest for someone that wants to focus on sports performance.
Jumping higher, further, running faster?
Test helped but don't know where to go from here
>Arnold's encyclopedia
What are you 60? Get with the times gramps. Both those books are ancient
This old prick probably just killed himself
EQ. Ask this shit in fraud you'll get legitimate answers not this fat old man's broscience
Fine I'll ask in /Fraud/
ok so i'm going to order 24 250 mg vials of test e and i was wondering which PCT i should order. I'm on pharmabol btw. will just buying one of those 50x30 tabs of clomid be good or should i add aromasin or nolva? Should i run hcg during cycle or is it a waste? I just want to keep it simple and i'm wondering if running 500 mg of test e for 12 weeks and using clomid for 4 weeks 2 weeks after my last jab would be solid.
What labs would you recommend?
You mean nolvadex right because that shit works better
Fuck off to your containment thread
Clomid is for prolactin nolva is for estrogen
Lmao, you mean the only thread on fit with people who know what they're talking about and look like they lift? Stay mad
Clomid is more effective but the sides are worse, well established fact
Alright, thanks. My natural test is 5 (ref. range 9-38) so I'm never gonna stop injecting test, so I'll pretty much have to blast and cruise. I weigh 205 @ 12% bf, probably not accurate, I got it measured at a physiotherapist. I haven't had any problems shifting from cruise to blasting, or the other way around. My estro is at 0.16 (ref. range < 15) and I feel really good.
Thanks for your input, I'll look up the book.
OP post your body
Both clomid and nolva are selective estrogen receptor modulators you Mongoloid. IE they do the same shit. Clomid just binds more strongly.
why the fuck 24 vials?
6'1" btw
He means ampoules with 1ml each