No fat hate thread.


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Nom nom

Oh dear god. That is horrific.



>notice who is wider


>hear massive pop in the street
>ISIS attack when
>investigate few blocks ahead
>ask driver of truck what happened
>his gf giggles and says
>it was so weird I got into the truck and the bottom side just exploded
>ask if they will pose next to the popped tire
>mfw they say no and still get the pics ;)

She's not fat enough to have caused that m8

I just report the news, don't make it...

>so fat your body stores it in your wrists
Jesus Christ it's like I can smell the burgers.


So have we all agreed to post this in every single thread?

Yes. You didn't get the memo?


redditors love the repost shit



What. The. FUCK.

> Powerful essay

That infuriates me..

have you read the essay?


What on earth would be a powerful essay? wtf?







Is her point that this isn't enough money? I thought she was a major health nut, figured she would approve of purchases like that


Out of season food and soda pop is expensive who knew!?

Yes but she's never been poor so she has no idea what she's doing.

Has FPH on voat been down almost all day for anyone else?


what is voat


If we can hate on fat people for being un/fit/ we should be able to post our grievances with other un/fit/ lifestyles as well.

The most glaring example of those living non/fit/ lifestyles are stoners, so this is now stoner hate general as well

Post your stories.

>be me
>not you
>still me
>just finished closing another million dollar real estate deal
>feeling some vegetarian tacos to celebrate afterwards (I'm a vegetarian by the way)
>hop in my tuned droptop Miata and start jammingyoutube.com/watch?v=MV_3Dpw-BRY
>Pull up to taco shack and get in line for my vegetarian tacos (I don't support animal cruelty)
>suddenly I notice a disgusting smell of marihuana resin and raw sewage
>a wild stoner appears.tar (I only use free software)
>he's a disgusting stringbean hipster, with a scragly beard, thick glasses, and a Bernie Sanders shirt
>he even has the reddit alien tattoed on his forearm
>the qtpa2tie korean waitress seems visibly disgusted with him and is trying to make desprate eye contact with me
>im thinking of ways to eject this disgusting liberal filth from the premisis when he turns around
>”huh huh hey dude I can't wait for Bernie Sanders to totally become president and legalize weed and make those greedy corporations pay. Are you voting for him and do you want to light up a marihuana cigarette after this huh huh”
>concealing my disgust with the stoicism of a Buddhist monk I look the coward straight in the eyes (he immediately shifted his gaze to the floor) and said, “No I prefer Donald Trump because he is not a socialist coward and I understand how economics work. Also I don't smoke “dope” please leave me alone
>”huh huh I'd downvote you in real life if I could bro, how about I kick your ass?”
>”Bring it bitch”
>we wait a moment and then a spark of recognition flashes across his dull visage


>he swings at me and I easily step out of the way
>I grab his arm flip him and slam him on the cold hard concrete, where he instantly goes limp like Bernie Sanders campaign
>a local officer saw him assault me and arrests him and carries him off to prison where he will get the help he needs for his drug problem and probably get raped
>the qt3.14 waitress comes over to thank me and asks for my number
>later that night I fucked her repeatedly in every hole and ate out her asshole because that's the kind of man I am

Anyone else got stories of run ins with disgusting stoners?


I implore all of you redditors to ignore this


>things that happened


I feel sorry for this guy, any non-american airline (or delta, they're actually pretty good) woulda just tossed his ass into business and he'd be boozing it up the whole flight.


Most fat-hate shit in here is just propaganda. You guys sure do whine and complain more than women, guaranteed.

Keep bitching and wondering why you're not making gainz and not getting women kek


>$15 to work at KFC
Damn son, where is this

People can't really be this stupid can they?


ignore b8

let her be fat.

>genetic knee fractures

Like a less shitty Reddit

>mfw these fat fucks think starving Auschwitz mode people don't have organs

I guess it feeds into SJWs being all over Arabs (fattest people on the planet, with room for ten times the organs)

>body acceptance is at an all time high

So is diabetes. Coincidence? Patriarchal conspiracy?

Yeah poor families buy 12 limes at a time you dumb bitch

If you all really cared about how fat everyone is getting, you'd realize:
>capitalism and lack of education and money in the right programs is the problem in America that is making everyone fat. Restaurants on every corner. Commercials tells you to eat and eat and eat. Most other countries come here and are shocked and how many restaurants are on every corner.
> Men are more likely to be fat-as-fat-asses than women. There isn't as much pressure on men (in ever direction except the concept of hurr muh masculinity) but you all nag women... which proves my point about more pressure on women.

The Daily Mail finally published something useful

yeah literally the only decent choices there are the black bean rice eggs and maybe the head of romaine but even that shit is over priced and not a necessity


Capitalism, most likely. And the patriarchy is a real thing. Even if you all "disagree" with feminism, to say you think the word is made up and silly is like saying that animal groups that are patriarchal or matriarchal don't exist...

what a gross cunt

>argument invalid

>less shitty reddit
you think a site that complains about "niggers" and "fat people" all the time is better than reddit?

LOLOLOLOLOL I mean reddit sucks too but holy shit... you brainwashed kiddo.

You say that and cry on this image board while she laughs all the way to the bank lmao

So you're gonna post this in every thread, huh?

This post had me unreasonably angry

Do you really think anyone was meant to believe that story you stupid motherfucker? Get the fuck off of my board until you learn how to post properly.

Man i just want some reliable sources of fat hate to browse once in a while. Is that too much to ask for?


Ya ;_;

What makes up the patriarchy? Can you point to the members? What makes them members? What do they do that makes them patriarchs?

Obvious bait. Nice try, troll.

Isn't than Morganna tho? Ursula's sister? From the second movie? Anyone?


>Men are more likely to be fat-as-fat-asses than women. There isn't as much pressure on men (in ever direction except the concept of hurr muh masculinity) but you all nag women... which proves my point about more pressure on women.

Sounds like you are just shitposting but pic related are the statistics. Your first sentence is correct but its not enough of a difference to justify your second sentence

>mean humans on the Internet
>thinking that Internet consists of people from outer space

>capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy and fat hate are all really about the same thing
cool. now I feel like my racist patriarchal capitalist beliefs are even more valid than I did before

that whole slide is basically the opposite of reality. amazing

u is a bitch




And pic related shows that it is black women that seem to be driving up the overall women's obesity rates

Ursula in the original movies appearance was based off of the drag queen Divine. Ursulas body is literally based off of a mans but these whales want to be represented by it.


you can literally just save all the images ITT then look at them whenever you want and you have the typical fat hate thread.

So you are content with being garbage?

The best thing is that not only is your ignorance WORSE than the ignorance of the fat people with their health, but your ignorance FUELS being fat being rather than working along side and understand why inequalities (including in weight distribution) exist you just want to sit on your pretty little high stool like a prince, no worries at all.


>No doctor has ever uncovered the solution to weight loss. If someone had found the fix for this immensely vexing and complex problem, we wouldn't be facing an obesity crisis.

someone hasn't read the sticky.

for real though, I see these posts every day, but this for some reason triggered me way more than the others, to make such a bullshit claim, how dare they


Honestly, everyone is driving up the asians. I'm honestly surprised how close both genders of white are to each other.

>So being a racist misogynist cuckturd with anger issues who fuels capitalism is what keeps the world being a bad place, and people being overweight ? Hyuk hyuk I'm s0 smart

Fucking cringe. Go lift some weights, let your stream out kid.


>Physical fitness is being able to stand

What is this world coming to.

>opposite of reality
lol oh god
What makes you think capitalism doesn't result, in some cases, in a fat country? Hmm?


Having more pressure is not an excuse to be fat. In fact it's less of one.

Anyway provide statistics to back up your claims

>thinking anyone thinks this is 4 real