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What makes you not catch your dreams?

Why aren't you on gear already?

Don't know where to find it.

Serious answer: if roids were safe to use, I would use them

There are too many risks associated with their use, so I don't use them

i don't want to be stuck having to inject myself twice a week for the next 30 years

Mainly because they're illegal I guess, and unregulated

Because I lift as a hobby and don't feel like spending money on it more than necessary (gym membership and food). Also I've achieved ottermode and find it enough

I am


Post your physique!!

I will in my 30s but right now at 27 I'm still making gains and still have to deal with fucking acne and don't want to make it worse.

I don't want to take any risk for me not being able to reproducd/kids being born with downs. Maybe after a pump out 2 kids I'll do it

I'm scared that I'll injure myself permanently with them and be stuck having to take shots of test in my ass to compensate for my shriveled balls for the rest of my life. Either that or die of a heart attack when I'm 27.

The only risks are the effects of the test itself

I am. Got sperm frozen and jumped on at 22, 24 now and it's hands down the best decision I've ever made.

Thats a great idea. I dont use them because of a history of depressions and dont want hormonal imbalance to fuck with my mental state.

But are the emotional as severe as they say? Got some insecurity issues that have lessened a great deal by gainings muscle mass the natty way the last one and a half year. Tbh I'm the only one in my group that lifte and doesnt fraud. And I'm far from the smallest

I'm an amateur athlete in a sport (rowing) which I want to pursue with genuine restrictions on substances

>genuine restrictions on substances in a sport
Top kek

My dream is to see the scale say 185lbs.

I was 285lbs just five months ago. I have worked my ass off since then, deciding to take control of my life and obesity and now I'm down to 230. I don't look that much different, but I feel better and clothes are looser. I can workout longer and I feel like I'm on my way.

I still have a bit to go to lose the remaining weight, but when I do, I feel like I'll have caught my dream. I don't want muscles or visible abs. I don't want huge biceps or be able to run ten miles a day. I just want to be healthier and look like a normal dude.

I'm gonna make it. I am.

It's true though, an Italian Olympic medalist got caught just this week. It's as good as they get in sports anyway, not saying no-one slips through the net

because I'm not financially independent yet

That's an interesting way of saying "I live at home and my parents would notice it".

You're a genius!


that's a way of saying I live 100km away from home, my parents give me money so I don't have to go to work and can instead go to university and focus on earning a good degree and I couldn't afford synthetic hormones or justify buying them even if I could
thanks for letting me know you're a faggot with no imagination

I've had a history of depression and anxiety and I feel amazing on test. I was in the low range when I jumped on and now that I'm in the high range and blast occasionally I feel 10x better than before. My anxiety is not all gone but I handle it much better because my confidence is so much higher than before. I also don't have random spills of depression like I did before. I might feel a little blue from time to time but it's very manageable now. The trick is finding that perfect balance between testosterone and estrogen levels. If those two get too high/low you will feel off.

I bet you're already spending more money on alcohol than you'd put on the juice LOL

>not doing the hungover Shred Diet

That's it, I'm gonna start pinning test and see how it goes.


When you take steroids, you get the same sides you ALREADY have, just more noticable.

What does testosterone (your natural testosterone) do to you?


People have these without taking gear.

Now when you take gear, these things will be just sped up/more noticeable.

But ONLY, again ONLY if you are prone to it.

Look at Ogus, Jeff Seid etc. They have no sides at all because they are not prone to any of them. Not even acne

>needing gear

you are so fucking stupid you can't tell the difference between test and estro

why are you posting

Mainly because I don't want to remain on them for the rest of my life. Gear can crash your natty test production, so there's little point in coming off once you're on.

Besides that in my opinion it's a lot more impressive to achieve a muscular build without them and I'd rather do it natural because natty gains are alot more loyal than steroid gains.

1. Boxing doesn't allow it
2. Bad side effects
3. Not your own unadulterated strength
4. You're a weakling if you need such things to be strong

That's why I don't take it

>But the amount of strength I want can only be achieved if I use gear!

Exactly that mentality will keep you from ever making it. You're not a vanguard of our times either way, the maximum strength your body allows is enough. Good luck getting to your max, too, will take many years.

Yeah I'm the user you replied to, i just ordered test. Fuck it.

I'm 24 and by the time I'm 30 I hope there will be a legal, regulated source of steroids to help me keep my energy strong. I don't mind staying on for the rest of my life, but only once my body craps out on natural production.

1. Already a fat fuck, don't need more shit to rot me from the inside
2. Not maxed out my own potential
3. Not enough money/connections.

This, I do muay thai and can't be joocin. Also I'd rather rely on my own strength, which has worked out quite well for me personally.

My cons:
1. Money
2. Shooting needles is for addicts
3. Can permanently shutdown test production
4. High chance of getting gyno, which is permanent unless surgery

primarily this desu senpai.

I just can't stop with social drinking every week.

pls help

social drinking is good but in moderation and with right people on right occasions m8

good for you homie. Thats a great goal.

What's the dose you're going to hit?

this. the freedom is what's holding me back.

have fun even just trying to get through TSA. Have fun taking a 1 week camping trip with friends.

i aint gonna be no slave to shit

Daaamn that guy looks good

Maybe I should start juicing as well lel