Women don't inspire him to lift

>women don't inspire him to lift

What's your affliction: homo or cuck?


>women make him angry
Cuck then

>he doesn't lift for himself
everyone has to start somewhere, I suppose

>women don't inspire him to lift
>What's your affliction:
I already have a hot gf?

Same here fampai, except fiance now. I lift for myself first, for her second, and any kids we may have together third.


you lift for your wifes son?

Shouldn't motivation come from within. Bitches aren't gonna help u get out of bed and go to the gym

>implying I'd get cucked

At 6'2, with light blue eyes, a pretty face, and wide shoulders and a narrow waist I'm literally HEIGHT FACE FRAME incarnate.

>lifting for the approval of others

Real men lift to better themselves first and foremost

>doing things for women's sake
>not lifting to live a virtuous life

Sounds like you're the cuck here, mate.

My girlfriend forces me to lift. She says she doesn't want to be embarrassed by me when we're in public.

So the latter.

If you guys don't lift/roid for girls, then why are you always talking about and posting pictures of them?

Right now, your oneitis is on FaceTime with Chad. He doesn't often pick up, but tonight he's in a good mood after hitting the ganja, so he decided to give the love of your life a few minutes in his presence. They talk for a while, your oneitis gazing into the webcam lens, her eyes shining a look she has never given to you, utterly entranced by Chad's face.
The conversation turns to you, and how you orbit her so much.

>Chad: Hahaah Ohh Fuuck. He actua-
>Her: Hahaha!stop! hahaha oh my g-
>Chad: He thinks you actually like him ba-
>Chad:Biiitch *laughs* it's funny! haha
>Her: *can't contain her laughter anymore* I.. I know ahaha.. I know *laughs uncontrollably*
>Chad: I mean seriously he thinks he has a chance Giggle
>Her: *laughs even more*
After five minutes they stop, still chuckling to themselves occasionally. She looks up, nervous but full of happiness :
>Oh Chad, I think I like you..."
>Chad:Whaaat hahaha. I mean you're cool and all but shiiiet.. Hahaaa
>Chad: *phone starts ringing* Yo I gotta go.. Was nice talking though *hits blunt*
Chad hangs up without waiting for a response

Your oneitis sits there, feeling a mixture of emotions. On one hand Chad has rejected her, but she's still relishing the moments she spent with him. Because to her, getting rejected by Chad is infinitely more valuable than being wined and dined by you.

how can i lose my virginity to woman like this

I have a hot girlfriend that I can slam almost any time the mood strikes me. I don't need to lift for women. I lift for myself.

be filthy rich

I still don't get the deal with beta orbiters, don't they know they're laughing stock fo the girl they're orbiting? Why would you approach a girl if you don't have at lest nice body and some hobbies like reading books or helping in your local animal shelter? You need to have something to talk about beside nice body.

>Start off lifting for women
>Grow up
>Learn that self fulfillment is worth more than any vagina.

Feels fucking good.

I'm inspired by 2D women.

this so hard

And you still can get pussy if you want, feels great senpai.

Getting women is self fulfillment

I would cuck any cuck currently cucking her

Nail was hit right on the head.

Autist. Never had a girlfriend and haven't really talked to a girl outside my family in any meaningful way in over a year.

>Doesn't lift for the sole purpose of impressing someone you don't even know yet in an effort to increase the odds in favor of fucking them.
>Gay or Cuck (used incorrectly)

How much echo do you get in your closet?

>Gaining even baseline affection from another individual is self-fulfillment.

Prefix pls.

Reading books? Helping Animals? Holy fuck found the beta cuck

its true though

if you lift for girls, and eventually fuck one, after you blow your load if you werent happy before, you wont be happy after

you have to be happy with the guy in the mirror.

Lifting for yourself = lifting because you want to look good and healthy = Lifting for other people.

theres a diff though between training cause you want to look better for yourself, and training to get girls

although yeah, you do both at the same time essentially

>pretty face



but I want to be healthy and better with myself so I can look at my own body and not hate it, also live longer

I guess a side effect of that is that other gays will also like my body

sounds so degenerate when you put it like that.

true. very eloquently put.

pic related chad looks like a faggot.

I'm not going to lie, i've been on and off lifting until I became friends with this new girl at work.

You don't

As if girls give two shits you read books and like animals

If you do anything in the hope of attracting women, other than being a man, you're a faggot

once you faggots actually start getting pussy you'll see that you need another reason to keep on lifting.

getting pussy is easy

getting to your goal body isn't

this hurt my feelings man, I'm going back to the gym after 7 months because of this very post, fuck you motherfucker

lol at all you cynical twats saying looks are everything, my gf is supermodel tier and i'm ugly af but i'm wealthy


getting quality pussy is not easy

noone wants to fuck a whale

>shes hot and im rich



We met up before I acquired wealth though

and why is she sticking around?

cause you offer $$$

Well why would she want to be with me to begin with

answer: personality

look, if she isnt the typical golddigging slut then good for you

im just saying most girls go after money for their own benefit, instagram girls are basically leeches that suck money instead of blood.

I do lift for female attention, but I lack it so I claim I don't lift for it

or she saw that money making potential.

I'm incredibly intelligent but that doesn't get the time of day in the small beach-town I live near (and in general outside of certain circles) so I lift to separate myself aesthetically from the herd. I have a pretty palatable taste in fashion and shower daily; I'm just missing the pythons to fill in my nicely-cut, second-hand designer shirts.

It's funny to me that the more I lift and study, the more I see women as a distraction. The disinterest gives me more confidence for some reason.

This is her boyfriend. Note the belly.
All you need is HEIGHT, FRAME and FACE

>I'm incredibly intelligent
Such a premise labels you as an insufferable autist, and it's a big red alert for a Dunning–Kruger effect. From your whole post, it seems you're a pretty solid autist for sure, congrats

he doesn't have the frame or the face.

It's not that I have world-class mentors and impress most of my professors, but that I'm not so petty as to label myself as anything less than fully capable. But, keep feeling compelled to anonymously accuse people of autism over a forum-board and not realize how pathetic/ironic that is.

I only lift because strength is oppressive to women. Not because I want to impress them.

Autism: The Post.

Highly intelligent person would not write like that, a disturbingly autistic man-child would thooooooooough.

memes incarnate.

Women can not inspire me to do anything. What kind of motivation is behind some shallow sloot? Absolutely none.
If one day while sitting on your ass and showing some unhealthy dirt into your mouth, you try to get up and get your back locked up like a 50 y/o, now thats motivation.
If while waiting in a line to a cashier in a supermarket some dude shoves his way in front of you and you have to stuff your mouths because he is twice as big as you, that is certainly a motivation.
Being healthy, strong and confident should give you all the motivation you need to get your ass out of bed in the mornings. Some warm hole to stick your dick in as your main drive will fuck your shit up good as you enter a severe existentiall crisis.

You have a very bleak outlook on relationships.

I lift to be attractive to girls, and to be proud of myself. I think Veeky Forums won't admit they lift for grills because that would imply the grills have some kind of power over them. Which they do

a girl calling me cute or showing me affection makes my whole week despite my desire to not care. but it's not good to lift for girls or put them on a pedistal. it makes you look desperate and that will show in your interactions. just focus on improving yourself and talking to every girl like they're a unique individual and get to know them first before falling for them. no one likes a perv.

I'm already dating a 9/10 qt and get plenty of mires despite being a skinny fuck, so i know my body isn't holding me back.
My only real motivation is taking care of my body and staying healthy.

She's 100% fucking other men

>this hardens the penis


how can you all lift to imaginary beings or celebrities? I only started getting fit after a real guy showed interest in me and I want to better myself for him