3 Month Progress:

Bad Form Edition

Would the first rep be accepted in a powerlifting competition?

Same question for the first rep of this.

you guve me back ache

Yes I think that would be counted as a lift
No way fix your form. You are on a trail that leads to snap city

You lift like you've forgotten you have legs.

You didn't break parallel, so I doubt it would count.

lmao nice hat fukken fagit

Yes of course it would be. The problem is you should stop before you stop being able to lift anymore

How do I fix the not using my legs? Are my hips shooting up too fast?

Snap city - population: you

Squat looked high, so no.
Deadlift is a little hitched but would probably pass.

No leg drive on the deadlift and squeezing that neck back alongside that back posture for the squat.

Snap city soon, post results when in hospital op.

push the shoulders back, straighten your back, and push from the heels

I'm surprised your lifting that weight with that form

What said. Keep your lower back straight, and imagine you're pushing through the floor with your feet.

What do you mean by "squeezing that neck back alongside that back posture for the squat"?

Yes your form is fine. It will be accepted and are legit lifts. Ignore the guys that say your form sucks. It's only bad because your form is merely deteriorating due to heavy weight (appears to be 95% of your maxes)

Squats were too high, need to go a bit lower.
DL would probably be accepted in a PL meet but fml you're gonna end up in snapcity if you keep lifting with your back so rounded.


why are people surprised by how much you can deadlift with bad form? I can't deadlift 275 without my lower back rounding, but I've pulled 415 letting my back round


First rep hit some depth, second didn't. Focus on a spot in front of you and only move your eyes to follow the spot during the rep, not your head. Also place your thumbs over the bar to keep strong wrists and in turn, a tight back. It also seems like you're not bracing throughout the rep. Do that too.

Are you even pushing with your legs on the deadlift?

fine DL, three white lights